Lecture 20: Blood Vessels Flashcards
Describe the three kinds of vessels found in the body and give their function
Arteries: carries blood away from the heart; oxygenated except for pulmonary circulation and umbilical vessels of fetid
Capillaries: contact tissue cells and directly serve cellular needs
Veins: carry deoxygenated blood towards the heart
Structure of blood vessel walls:
Arteries and veins
Arteries and veins:
-Tunica intima: endothelium lines the lumen of all vessels
-Tunica media: smooth muscle and sheets of elastin.
-Tunica externa: collagen fibres protect and reinforce
Lumen: central blood containing space
Capillaries: endothelium of one cell thickness
Refer to slide 6 for image
Elastic arteries:
- Large thick walled arteries with elastin in all three tunics
- aorta and its major branches
- large lumen offers low resistance
- acts as pressure reservoirs- expand and recoil as blood is ejected from the heart
Muscular arteries and arterioles
- Distal to elastic arteries; deliver blood to body grabs
- have thick tunica media with more smooth muscle
- arterioles: smallest arteries and lead to capillary beds
Microscopic blood vessels
- walls of thin tunica intima, only one cell thick
- size of lumen allow only a single red blood cell to pass at a time
- found in all tissues except for cartilage, epithelia, cornea and lens of eye
- functions: exchange of gases, nutrients, wastes, hormones etc
What are the three structural types of capillaries?
- Continuous capillaries: tight junctions connect endothelial cells: in blood brain barrier.
-intercellular clefts allow for passage of fluids and small solutes - Fenestrated capillaries:
-some endothelial cells contain pores (fenestrations)
-more permeable than continuous capillaries
-function in absorption or filtrate formation (small intestine, endocrine glands and kidneys) - Sinusoidal capillaries:
-fewer tight junctions, larger intercellular clefts, larger lumens
-allow large molecules and blood cells to pass between blood and surrounding tissue
-found in liver, bone marrow and spleen
Refer to slides 13-15 for pictures
- Formed when capillary beds unite
- very porous; allow fluid and WBCs into tissues
- larger venules have one or two layers of smooth muscle cells
- formed when venules converge
- have thinner walls, larger lumen compared with arteries
- blood pressure is lower than in arteries
- thin tunica media and thick tunica externa consisting of collagen fibres and elastic networks
- blood reservoirs; contain about 60% of the blood volume
What are the veins adaptions that ensure return of blood to he heart?
- Large diameter lumens offer little resistance
- Valve prevents backfow of blood
-most abundant in veins of the limbs
Venous sinuses: flattened veins with extremely thin walls eg coronary sinus of the heart and dural sinuses of the brain)
Vascular anastomoses:
-interconnections of blood vessels
Arterial anastomoses provide alternative pathways to a given body region
-common at joints, in abdominal organs, brain, and heart
Vascular shunts of capillaries shunts of capillaries are examples of arteriovenous anastomoses
-venous anastomoses are common
Factors aiding in venous return
- Respiratory pump: pressure changes created during breathing moves blood towards the heart be squeezing abdominal veins as thoracic veins expand
- Muscular pump: contraction of skeletal muscles “milk” blood toward the heart and valves prevents backfow
The Vasomotor centre
A cluster of sympathetic neurons in the medulla oblongata that oversee changes in blood vessel diameter
-part of the cardiovascular centre
Receives input from:
-baroreceptors: walls of large arteries of the neck and thorax ie carotid and aorta
-chemoreceptors: large arteries of neck ie carotid and aorta, chemoreceptors respond mainly to rise in CO2
Short term mechanisms: hormonal control
Adrenal medulla hormones: -norepinephrine -epinephrine Kidney: -angiotensin 2 Posterior pituitary: -antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin)
Monitoring circulatory efficiency:
Vital signs: pulse and blood pressure, along with respiratory rate and body temperature Pulse: pressure wave caused by the expansion and recoil of arteries Need to identify the following pulses: -radial pulse -ulnar pulse -carotid pulse -brachial pulse -femoral pulse -dorsal pedal pulse -posterior tibia pulse
Systemic blood pressure:
The pumping action of the heart generates blood flow
-pressure results when flow is opposed by resistance of the arterial wall
Systemic pressure:
-is highest in the aorta
-declines throughout the pathway
-is 0mm Hg in the right atrium
Arterial blood pressure:
Reflects two factors of the arteries close to the heart
-volume of blood forced into them at any time
Systolic pressure: pressure exerted during ventricular contraction
Diastolic pressure: lowest level of arterial pressure
Blood flow: brain
Blood flow to the brain is constant, as neurons are intolerant of ischemia
-capillaries have tight junctions and are continuous, thus protective as the blood: brain barrier
Blood flow: skin
Blood flow through the skin:
- supplies nutrients to cells
- helps maintain body temperature
- provides a blood reservoir
- is controlled by sympathetic nervous system reflexes, initiated by temperature receptors and the central nervous system
Temperature regulation
As temperature rises
- hypothalmic signals reduce vasomotor stimulation of the skin vessels
- heat radiates from the skin
- sweat also causes vasodilation
As temperature decreases, blood is shunted to deeper, more vital organs
Blood flow: lungs
Pulmonary circuit is unusual in that:
- the pathway is short
- arteries/ arterioles are more like veins/ venules (thin walled, with large lumens)
- arterial resistance and pressure is low
Blood flow: heart
During ventricular systole
During strenuous exercise
During ventricular systole: -coronary vessels are compressed -myocardial blood flow ceases During strenuous exercise -coronary vessels dilate -blood flow may increase
Differences between arteries and veins: