Lecture 20 Flashcards
What is diffusor tensor imaging?
Detects directional movement of water molecules to image nerve fibre pathways in the brain (structural imaging).
What is a connectome?
A comprehensive map of neural connections in the brain
What is the human connectome project?
Aim is to build a network model of the human brain in healthy subjects-compare the normal network to those suffering from a number of disease states including Alzheimers, MS, Autism, schizophrenia. Concern is about major pathways.
How many neurons does C. Elegans have and how long did it take us to figure out every single connection?
302 neurons, 12 years to complete.
How many neurons does the human brain have and how long would it take us to figure out every single connection?
Neocortex 10 billion neurons, 100 trillion connections. Around 397 million years to complete a whole connectome map.
How does an fMRI differ from an MRI?
Infers brain activity-provides spatial depiction of some process that is at least indirectly related to brain activity.
How is an fMRI measured?
Indirectly using blood oxygenation- changes in ratio of oxygenated blood vs deoxygenated.
Why would we measure blood oxygenation? (4 reasons)
1) Onset of a stimulus changes local blood oxygenation
2) More cellular activity requires more oxygen in the local area
3) Changes in the oxygenation of blood alter magnetic properties of the hydrogen protons
4) We can convert this into a visual signal.
How does the onset of a stimulus change local blood oxygenation?
Decrease in oxygen initially then an OVERSHOOT after the stimulus
What does it mean when something is dephased?
Anything that changes the field at 1 proton will cause it to dephase and give off less of an echo.
What are the properties of oxygenated hemoglobin?
Diamagnetic- no magnetic effects on surrounding molecules
What are the properties of deoxygenated hemoglobin?
Paramagnetic (gives less MR echo because protons dephase quickly). Where there’s oxygen, then, theres a bright spot of activity.
How do we actually end up seeing the activated brain region?
Through coregistration of MRI and fMRI
What is BOLD?
Blood oxygenated level dependent contrast- what an fMRI really sees.
What is a block design?
How fMRI activity is designed- alternation between active and rest conditions. Subtract the rest state from the active state.
What is positron emission tomography?
Measures the uptake of oxygen and glucose by brain tissue (metabolic activity). Breakdown of radioactive substance into positrons-photons.
What are some advantages of the PET scan?
Can detect the decay of hundreds of radiochemicals, mapping of wide range of activity (changes and conditions), can detect relative amounts of a given neurotransmitter, density of receptors, metabolic activities associated with learning, and degenerative processes.
What are the disadvantages of PET scan?
Expensive (2.5-6million). Requires cyclotron/particle accelorator.
What is microdialysis?
Used to determine the chemical constituents of extracellular fluid-direct measures of brains chemistry.