Lecture 2 weathering Flashcards
Processes of Sedimentary rock cycle
- Transportation
- Depostion: when energy becomes insufficent to move sertain paricals
- Lithification: –> three steps together are termed Diagenessis
a) Compaction
b) Cementation: chemical cement from trapped water and circulating water
c) Recrystallization: groth of grains in responce to new equilibrium condictions
Mud Rock
Combo of silt and caly
shale is platty / fissile mud rock
Physical or chemical break down of rocks
The movment of weathered material
Mechanical Weathering
First joints form in rocks or eath surface and then they are widdened by secondary processes like freez thaw action
what does stress release lead to (when a rock gets un barried)
Stress relieas leads to exfoliation
Result of differential thermal expantion and contraction
Secondary processes
occures after jointing: freez thaw cycles and salt wedging in arid climets
organismal activity
secondary process: organismal activity
Burrowing, roots
Chliona Chips, lucked out when sponges boar into rocks (the chips/ bits of sand have conquoidal fractures)
Product of mechanical weathering and it piles up, usually into cones of talus
Simple solution
Chemical Weathering: Contact between soluble minerals and water
EX:Salt solution , Alberta in Divonian, reafs were formed and evaporites formed called the Prairy Evaporites. From devonian on it was chemically aulted by ground water. During lower cretaceous the McMurry formation was deposited. The Prariy evaporites were disolved and the McMarry foration foled over and traped oil.
Rollover anti cline
caused oil sands
could not have happianed with out prariy evaporites
Loss or gain of water that effects the mechanical properties and the volume of a mineral
CaSO4.H2O –> CaSO4 + H20
what cases Karst caves
Free H+ that racts with the rock in solution to produce an acid or very soluble products
Cat ion substitution of hydrogen ions in solution in acid water (rain water or ground water)
Most rain water is acidic when the water reacts with carbon dioxide
CO2 + H20 –> H+ + HCO3
with that free hydogen ion it can react with CaCO3 to make very soluble products
H+ ions can also alteration into a diffrent solid with different mechanical properties
EX: Orthoclase weathers to Kaolinite
When an atom or ion losses electrons
On eaths surface its mostly carried out by O2 dissolved in water
What are the controls of chemical weathering
- Temp
- Moisture–> most chemical wethering processes require water
- pH –> Hydrolysis needs H+ ions
- Redox potential eH –> describes liklihood of the gain or loss of electrons