lecture 2: skull bones Flashcards
how many bones are there in the skelteton
what is the two catergory of bones
1) axial (skull, vertebrae columb, thoracif cage)
2) appendicular (UP,LE, pelvic girdle)
how many bpnes are there in the skull
22 bones
how many creanial bones are there
how many facial bones are there
what are the main 4 sutures
sagitallal, coronal, lambdoidal, squamosal
what are teh 4 types of sinuese
fgrwhat are the 3 fossa of the skull
the creanial fossa houses the/…
true or false: all bones of the skull are njoined by sutures
false, most bones except mandible
what is the purpose of the cranium (2)
enclossi and protects the brain
prodives an attachement for muscles of the scal lower jaw, neck and back
what are the 8 bones of the cranium
frontal parietal (2) occipital temportal (2) sphenoid ethmoid
how many frontal boens are there
how many temporal bones are there
how many partietal bones are here
the frotnal bone forms the BLANK part of the slull
anterior part
what bone makes up the superior part of the orbit
frontal bone
true or falseL the frotnal sinusus are deep to the frontal lobe
true or false: in the frontal bone, there is a suture
false, they are completely fused (o eveidence of a suture)
why is there a supraorbital notch
for passaive of nerve and vessel
be able to identify the features of the frontal bonnes
supraorbital margin
supraorbital notch/formanen
frontal sinus
what is the funcntion of sinuese (2)
1) found where areas are thick, to loghten tthe skull
2) helps give the voice its individual tone (resignated chambers(
which bonnes form the “wall”
paritetal bones
the parietal bones form the BLANK aspect of the cramium
where do the [arietal bones joinn
join on top of the skull (sag suture)
what suture joins the two parital bones
what suture joints the frontal anf parital bones
coronal suture
what suture joins the parietal bones to the occipital bone
lambdoidal siture
be able to label the sutures
the BLANK bone forms the posterior wall and floor of cranium
the occipital bone
the foramen magnum is a feature of what bone
occipital bone
where does the brain stem excit the skull and become the spinal cord
foramen magnum
what do the occipittal condyles areticualte with
where is the hypoglossal canal and what does it hold
located in in occipical condyls and holds the hypoglossal nerve
you find the superior and inferior nucal lines on what bone
the superior nuchal lines connect to the BLANK
external occipital protuberance
be able to label and find the features of the occipital bone
external occipital protuberance inferior nuchal lines superior nuchal line foramen magnum hypoglossal canal occipital condyles
what is the formal name for “soft spots of the skull”
ehat are fontanelles
soft sports that are made of fibrous tissue that allows brain brain expansion (brain devs faster than skull grows)
the temporal bones are below or above parital bones
where does the temporant bones unite with the parietal bones
squamosal suture
what is the name of the ear”hole”
external acoustic meatus
what is the function of the mandiublar fossa
holds the mandible
forms the TMJ joint
be able to locate the features of the temporan=l bones
mastoid process syloid process stylomastoid foramen zygomatic process external accoustic meatus mandiublar fossa petrous poriton internal acousttic meatus carotid canal
what is the fucntiton of the petrous portion of the temporal bone
seperates middle creanial fossa from posterior cranial fossa
protects “ear” stuff
what bone is the butterfly shapped bone located centrally
what bone forms the lower lateral wall of the cranium
true or false: the snepoid bone forms part of the floor of cranium and posterior wall of the orbit
organize these from anterior to posterior
forament, ovale, rotendium, spinosa
rotumdum, ovale, spinose
what is held within the sell turcica
pituitary gland
what does sella turcica mean
turkish saddle
are the sphenoid sinuese inferior or superior to sell trucica
where are the pteryogoid processes found
behind the last set of teeth
be able to locate and name the features of the sphenoid bone
greater wings lesser wings sella turcica optic foramen superior orbital fissure foramen rotumndun, ovale, spinosum, spenoid sinus phtetygoid process
what nerve does the hypoglssal canal hold
hypoglossal nerve (CXII)
what nerve does the optic foramen hold
what nerves pass through the superior orbital fissure
what nerve goes through foremaent rotengium
CV2 (maxillary)
what nerve goes through foramen oval
CV3 mandibular
what nerve passes through stylomastoid foramen
what nerves pass through internal acoustic meastures
true or false: the ethmoid bone is deep to the orbital cavity
nasal cavity
the cribiform platte is associated to what bone
what is the cribifrom plate
plate that holds olfactory foramina
what is the fucntion of the crista galli
goes through frontal lobe and the dural membranes can attach here
what makes part of the septum
perpendiular plate (and vomer)
be able to label featutres of ethmoid
crista galli cribiform plate olfavttory foramina latteral masses (holds ethmiid sinues) perpndular plate middle anf superior nasal concahe and meatus
what nerve passes near cribiform plate
how many of the facial bones are immovable
what is the moveable bone of the facial bones
lower jaw (mandibular)
what is the function of the facial bones
provide msucle attachmentt for msucels that tcontol fascial ecpression and move the jaw
wha tbones form the upper jaw
maxillar bones
the maxillary bones help form what
help form floor of orbit, roof of mouth, walls and floor of nasal cavity
true or false; thers no sinuese in tthe maxillary bones
false tthere are
what si the fucntion of the alveolar process
holds root of the teeth
where does the palatine process atttach to
palattine bone
be able to locatet and identify features of maxillar
alveolar processes palatine process macillar sinuses incisive foramen infraorbital foramen
which bone is L shaped
palatine bone
whoch bone is psoterior to maxillar bone
palatine bone
the horizontal plates of the palatine form what
psoterior roof of the mouth and floor of nasal cavity
the vertical plates of the palatine bone form what
help form lateral wall of the nasal cavitty
which bones from part of cheekbone/orbit
zygomatic bones
where does the temporal process extend to
extends to temporal bone to form xygomattic arch
what are the components of the zygomatic arch
1) temporal process (zygomatic bone)
2) zygomatic process(temporal bone)
which bone is small and rectangular
nasal bone
where do the nasal bones join and what do they form
join at the midline to form the bridge of nose between orbitst
true or false, the entire nose is made from nasal bones
false, most of nose is made from cartilage plates
where are the lacrimal bones located
posterior and latteral to nasal and maxillary bones
what bone forms the medial portion of orbits wall
lacrimal bones
where is the vomer locaetd
locatted along mudline wihton nasal cavity
whatt does the vomer form
part of the nasal septum
where do they inferior nasal conchae attach
to the latteral wall of nasal cavity
what forms 3 shelves in the nasal cavity throug hqhich air is channels
super middle and inferior nasal conchae
what is tthe fucntion of the sup middle and inf conchae
helps warm arm (by turbulence)
helps clean aricoming in (from mucous along concha)
what is the only moveable bone of the skull
where does the condylar process of the mandible articulate
with the tempolar bone at the mandibular fossa
be able to label and lcoate the features of the mandible
ramus conduylar process coronoid porocess mandibular notch mandibular foramen mandibular angle alvealolar process mental foramen mental protub.
what is the common name for chin
mental protuberance
which bone is considered a unique part of the axial skeleton
true ro false: the hyphoid bone arrticultes with many bones of the still
false, does not articulate with another other bone
where is the lcoation of the hyoid bone
below mandible above larynx
where is the hyoid bone suspended from
suspended from styloid process (on temporal bone) by muscles and ligaments
what is the fucntion of the hyoid bone
supports tongue and provides attachement for some of its muscles
Are the sphenoid sinus inferior or superior to the sella turcica?