lecture 11: Special Sensies Flashcards
What are the 6 general senses
pain temp touch pressure vibrations prorprioception
what receptors sense pain
what receptors sense temp
what receptors sense touch
what receptors sense pressure
what receptores sense vibration
what receptors sense proprioception
what are the 4 special senses
hearing and equilibrium
olfaction is for the sense of…
what are the 3 cell types related to olfaction
olfactory receptor cells
supporting cells
basal stem cells
are olfactory nerves uni, multi or bipolar
where are the olfactory cells located
in the cribriform plate in the olfactory foramina
olfactory receptor cells are bipolar or unipolar
the olfactory receptor cells are sites of what
olfcatory transduction
what do olfactory receptor cells respond to
+ what do they initiate
chemical stimulation of an odorant molecule, initiate the olfactory response
where do the single axons of olfacotry receptor cells project through
project through the cribifom plate into the olfactory bulb
explain what the supporting cells of the olfaction are
columnar epithelial cells which line the nose
what are the 2 functions of supporting cells of olfaction
- provide physical support, nourish, and insule the olfactory receptor cells
- help detoxify the chemicals which come in contact with olfactory epithelium
where is the location of basal stem cells of olfaction
lie between the bases of support cells
true or false: basal cells are slow at reproducing
false, they continually undergo cell division to produce new olfactory receptor cells
what stems undergo cell division to produce new olfactory receptor cells
basal stem cells
1 basal cell lives how long
1 month
do the number of basal stem cells and olfactory cells decrase or increase with age
true or false; there is increased sensisitve of olfactory nerves as age increases
false, decreases
what is the only sense that goes directly to the cortex without going to the thalamus first
what lobe is responsible for the primary association of smell
temporal lobe
explain the pathway for smell
olfactory epithelium, olfactory nerve, olfactory bulb, olfactory tract, thalamus, maxillary bodies, temporal lobe
gustation is the sense of what
what lobe the primary association for taste
what are the 4 major classes of stimuli distinguised in gustation
+ what is the 5th
odors from food pass where
up nasal cavity
what do the odors that pass up into the nasal cavity stimulate
stimulate the oflactory receptor cells
where are receptors for taste location
taste buds
how many taste buds do we have
where are taste buds located
tongue, soft palate, pharynx and larynx
true or false: the number of taste buds decrease with age
what are the 3 cell types on taste buds
support cells
gustatory receptor cells
basal cells
be able to locate the cells of taste buds
explain the gustatory pathway
taste buds, medulla oblongata( by CN 7,9,10), either hypothalamus or thalamus , parietal lobe
explain the neural pathway for gustatory receptor cells
gustatory receptor cells synapse with dendrites of a sensory neuron, branch out and contact many gustatory recepto cells in severeal taste buds
where are taste buds housed
in papillae
what are the 4 types of papillae on the tongue
circumvallate (vallate)
true or false: filiform no longer contains taste buds after the tongue is matured
what papillae causes wrinkles on the side of the tongue
foliate papilla
what papilla forms a v at the back of the tongue
vallate papilla
what are the medium sized taste buds on the tongue
fungiform papilla
what are the small taste buds on the surface for abraision
filiform papilla
what are the 3 cranial nerves invovled in the gustatory pathway
CN 7,9,10
what part of the tongue foes the facial nerve inenrvate
anterior 2/3 of tongue
what part of the tongue foes the glossopharangeal nerve inervate
posterior third
what part of the tongue does the vagus nevve innervate
root and epiglottis
from taste buds, impulses travel where first
propagate along the cranial nerves to the medulla oblongato
what are the 2 locations that the taste fibers project
1) limbic system areas and hypothalamus
2) thalamus (extend to primary gustatory area in parietal lobe)
which lobe is responsible for smell
whcih lobe is response for taste
what are the 5 accessory structures to the eye
eyelids eyelashes eyebrows lacrimal apparatus extrinsic eye muscles
what muscle is response for opening the eye lid (upper)
levator palpebra superiorsis muscle
what is the line between the two eyelinds called
palpabral fissure
what are the angles where the eye lids meet called
lateral and medial comissure
what does the lacrimal caruncle contrain
contains sebaceous (oil) glands and sudoriferous (sweat) glands
what are the layerts of the eyelid (superior to deep)
epidermis dermis subcut tissue orbicularis occuli tarsus conjuctiva (palp part)
what is the functuon of the tarsal glands
thick connective tissue that holds the eye in place
what are the 3 fucntions of the eyelashes/eyebrows
protect eyeball from foreign objectives
protect eyeball from perspiration
protect eyeball from direct rays from sun
what releases a lubrication fluid into the hair follicles of the eye
sebaceous glands at the base of the eyelashses
sebacaeous glands at the base of the eye lashses release what
lubrication fluid into the hair follicules (infection=sty)
the lacrimal apparatus produces and drains what
lacrimal fluid (tears)
what are tears and what are they made of
watery solution containing
whta is the function of the lacrimal apparatus in producing tears
what are the 6 assocaited structures with the laccrimal apparatus
lacrimal galnds lacrimal ducts nasolacrimal duct lacrimal punctum lacrimal canals lacrimal sac
what are the 6 extrinsic muscles of the eye
sup rectus inf rectus medial rectus lateral rectus sup obloque inf oblique
what motion does the sup rectus do
superior and medial
what motion does the inf rectus do
inferior and medial
what motion does the lateral rectus do
abducts eye
what motion does the medial rectus do
adducts eye
what motion does the sup oblique do
moves eyeball iniferior and lateral
what motion does the inf oblique do
superior and laterally
what percentage of the eye is exposed
MAJORITY of the eye is protected in what
the orbit
what are the 3 layers of the eyeball
1) fibrous tunic (sclera)
2) vascular tunic (choroid)
3) retina
but these in order from superior to deep
retina, fibrous tunic, vascular tunic
fibrous tunic
vascular tunic
what is the most superficial layer of the eyeball
fibrous tunic
what are the 2 components of fibrous tunic
anterior cornea
posterior sclera
explain the anterior cornea (2)
- transparent
-helps focus light on retina
helps focus light onto the retina
true or false: the sclera helps focus light onto the retina
false, the cornea
explain the posterior sclera (2)
- gives shape+ protect inner part
gives shape and protects inner parts of eye ball
what is the intermediate layer of the eyeball
vascular tunic
what are the 3 components of the vascular tunic
cilliary body
what is the functon of the choroid
provides nutrient to retina
what are the 2 strucctures assocaited with ciliary bodies
cilliary muscles
ciliary processes
what do ciliary muscles do
alter the shape of the lens
what does the iris respond to
responsds to chagnes in light level
what are the 2 types of muscles assocaited to the iris
circular vs radial muscles
when focussing on far, the lens is more flat.
what does that mean for the postion of the cilariy ligaments and muscles
lens= stretched
suspensory ligs= tight
colliery muscles= relaxed
when focussing close, the lens is more round.
what does that mean for the postion of the cilariy ligaments and muscles
lens= round
suspensory ligs= relax
colliery muscles= contracted
pupil constricts when the circular muscles of the iris is contracted or relaxed?
if the circualr eye myscles contract, the radial muscles are also contracted or relaxed
pupil dialtes as what happens to radial muscles
radial muscles contract
the constrict the pupil, what muscles of the eye contract
to dilate the pupil what muscles need to contact
radial muscles
what is the innermost layer of the eyeball
the optic disk is located where
retina wall
is the optic disc more medial or lateral on the wall
what artery and vein pass thoroug hthe optic nerve
central retinal aterioy and vein
the retina contains 2 portions, what are they
1) pigment epithelium
2) neural portion
what portion of the retina is the non visual portion
pigment epithelium
what portion of the reina is the visual poriton
the neural portion
where does processing take place in the retina
neural portion
what is deeper, pigment epithelium or neural portion
pigment epithelium
what is the pigment epithelium
sheet of melanin contraining epitheliam cells (lcoated between chrooid and neural portion)
is melanin only found in the pigment epithelum
no , also the choroid
what is the function of melanin in the eye
absorbs stray light rays, prevents reflection and scattering of light within the eye ball
(image cast by retina remains shpart and clear)
the neural porition is superior or deep to pigment epithelium
what is the neural portion
the multilayerd part wihch processes the visual data before transmitting nerve impulses to the thalamus
what are the 3 layers of the neural protion
photoceptor layer
bipolar layer
ganglion cell layer
put these in order of deep to superifial
ganglion cell layer, bipolar cell layer, photorecptor
what are the 2 other types of cells in the neural portion
horizontal and amacrine
true or false: processing of images begins in the pigmented layer
all the info at the ganglion cell layer converse to where
the optic disk
whatt is the order of processing info in the eye
photoreceptor outer synaptic layer bipolar cell level inner synaptic layer gangion cell layer
rods and cones are located in what layer of the neural portion
photoreceptor layer
what are the 2 types of photorecrptors
rods cones
rods have a low or high light threshold
low light
what tallows us to see in dim light
cones are stimulated by brihgt or dark light
bright light
what produces colour vision
what is there a very high ceoncertraio of rods and cones
macula lutea
fovea centralis only has rods or cones
only cones
what is reponse for sharpness of vision
fovea centralis
the optic disk is the reason we have a BLANK
blind spot
true or false: you can find rods and cones in the optic disk
false, no rods or cones
fovea cetntriallis is medial or lateral to optic disk
is the lens vascular or avascular
the lens is posterior or anterior to pupil and irus
the lens is composed of what
protein (crystallins)
is the lens nromally transparent
what is the lens held in place by
suspensory ligament
what are the 2 functions of the lens `
1) fine tunes focussing of light rays
2) faciliates clear vision
what are the 2 cavities on the interior of the eye
anterior and posterior
the anterior cavity contains what
aqueous humor (water based liquid)
the anterior cavity is dividied into the..
anterior and posterior chamber
the posterior cavity conttains whatt lieque
vitrous humor (gel like)
the anterior caviyy is in what postion in relation to the lens
anterior to the lens
does any processing happen in the eye before it goes to the brain
yes at the retina there is significant [rocessing of the visual signals
axons of the retinal ganglion cells provide what
ouput from the reina to the brain
what leads to the generationn of nerve impulses in the eye
rods and cones
what do rods and cones release and what does that lead to
release NT which lead to the generation of enrve impulses
axons of the optic nerve pass through where frist
optic chamism
true or false: all fibers of the eye cross to the opposite side
false, some stay others fo
what happens to the fibers after the optic chaism (where does the signal go)
after the optic chiams, the fibers form the optic tract, enter the brain and terminante in the thalamus (some bypass and go staight to sup colliculo)
what is the function of sup colliculo
do all fibers terminate in the thalamus for vision
false, some go directrly to sup colliculo)
after synapsing inn the thalamus, optic radiates projects tto where
tto visual areas inn the occpiatl lobes fo the cerebral corttex
medial tracts cross over or stay on same side
cross over
in what lobe are we conciously aware of vision
occipital lobe
what are the 3 divisions of the ear
internal ear
how is the external ear atached to the head
ligaments and muscle
what are the parts of the auricle
helix antihelix tragus anti tragus chocnhae lolbule
how longis the external acoustic meatus
2.5 cm
where is the external acoustic meatus located
in the temporal bone
what are the special oil glands of theear
what do specialzed oil grlands in the ear secrete
ear wax
what is the fancy name for ear wax
true or false: ear wax makes no difference in hearing
false, some people produce excessive amountts resulting in a muffled incominng sounds
what protects the external acoustic meatus and protects it from what
hair and wax protect from dust or foreigh objects
what is the tympanic membrane
thin, semitransparent memebrane between external and middle ear
true or false: the tympanic membrane is covered by dermin
false, epidermis
which vibrates less pars tensa or pars flaccida
pars tens
what bone does the middle ear lie in
tenporal bone
what is the middle ear
air filled cavility lined with epithelium
what are the 3 bones of the middle ear
orgaize these from lateral to medial (outer to inner)
incus, stapes, malleus
what does malleus mean
what does incus mean
what does stapes mean
what does the malleus articuate with
tympanic membrane and incus
what does incus articulate with
stapes and malleus
what does stapes articulate which
incus and sits in ovale window
the stapes sits in the ovale or round window
what are the 2 muscles attaching to ossicles
tensor tympani muscle
stapedius muscle
what is the fucntuin of tensor tympanic
cotnact to reduce vibrations
what is the eustachian tube made up of
bone and hyaline cartilage
what does the eustachian tube connect
connects the middle ear and nasopharyx (upper portiono of throat)
explain air movement in esutachian tube
allows air to enter / leaving the middle ear until they pressures are equilvalent
the inner ear is made up of only a bony labrinth
falwe, also inner memrbanous
what are the components of the outer bony labrinths
semi circular canals
what are the compoents of the inenr membranous labrynth
uttricle and sacrical
semi circ ductt
contains endolypm
trye or false, the outer bony labryth contains endolypth
false, perilymph
what liquid in the ear is simular to CSF
what liquid has a hgih concentrion of K+ ions
what are the 2 brances of the vestobulochochlear nerve
vestibular branch
the bestipular branch is just sensory
false, and motor
what is the function of vestibular branch
is cochlear only sensory
what is the function of the cochlear branch
what are the 3 nerves of the vestibular branch
the cochlea is anterior or posterior to vestibule
the cochlea spirals around what
the cochlea dives into what 3 channels
scale vsetibule
scala tympani
cochlear duct
where does the scale vestibule end
at oval window
where does the scala tympani end
at round window
scale typani and vestibuli connect wehere
what does the vestibular membrane seperate
cochlear duct from scale vestibuli
what does the basilar membrane seperate
seperatoes cochlear duct and scala tympani
where does the organ of corti rest
onn basilar memebrane
what is the organ of corti
coiled sheet of epithelial cells
what are the 16k hair cells in the ear called
organ of corti 9hearing)
organ of corti synapse with what
sensory and motor neurosnf rom the cochlear branch
explain mechanism of hearing
explai nmechanism of static equil
slide 87
explain emechanism for dynamic equilibrium
slide 88