Lecture 2 Project Management Basics Flashcards
Project Definition
- A project is an undertaking, limited in time, with a clear goal and a specific budget, requiring a concerted effort
- A project consists of
- A start date and duration
- A set of deliverables to a client
- A schedule
- All technical and managerial activities required to produce and deliver the deliverables
- Resources consumed by the activities
- A project is managed by a project manager
- Administers the resources
- Maintains accountability
- Makes sure the project goals are met.
What is a role?
A role defines a set of responsibilities
A responsibility is a duty or task a person is required to do Examples of roles and responsibilities:
Project manager
- Administer the resources
- Maintain accountability
- Make sure the project goals are met
- Analyse the application domain
- Create a taxonomy of the domain abstractions
System architect
- Decompose the system into subsystems • Choose a software architectural style
- Select the system integration strategy
- Design and implement tests.
Example of Meeting Management Roles
- Primary facilitator
- Organize the meeting and guide the execution
- Set up the agenda, describing objective and scope • Distributed the agenda to the meeting participants
- Minute taker
- Record the meeting
- Identify action items and issues
- Distributed the minutes to the participants and other stakeholders
- Time keeper
- Keep track of time.
Role Taxonomy: Role types
Assignments of Roles to Participants
- One-to-One: Ideal but rare
- Each project member assumes several “hats”
- Danger of over-commitment
- Some people don’t have significant roles
- Lack of accountability
- Loosing touch with project
Problems in Role Assignments:
- Incompetence: The wrong person fills the wrong role
- Useless role: The role exists only to minimize damage control
- Increase of Bureaucracy: The role swells unnecessarily simply because it can.
Bad Role Assignments
- Bad role assignments have been expressed in 3 timeless laws:
Incompetence -> Peter Principle
- “Employees who perform their roles in a hierarchy with competence are promoted to a higher level until they reach a level where they are no longer competent. There they remain forever”
Useless Role -> Dilbert’s Law
- “Companies tend to systematically promote their least- competent employees to management (generally middle management), in order to limit the amount of damage they are capable of doing”
Increased Bureaucracy-> Parkinson’s Law
- „Work expands to fill the time available for its completion“ Parkinson says this happens for two reasons:
- “Officials want to multiply subordinates, not rivals”
- ”Officials make work for each other”
- „Work expands to fill the time available for its completion“ Parkinson says this happens for two reasons:
Refactored Solution Heuristics. How to deal with bad role assignment
- Dealing with incompetence:
- It makes little sense to take your most brilliant engineer and have him or her manage people and budgets
- Dealing with useless roles:
- Put individuals to work in their core competencies.
- Dealing with increased bureaucracy: •
- Improve estimation
- Don’t wait for the last minute.
What is a task?
- A task describes the smallest amount of work monitored (tracked) by the project manager
- Typically 3-10 working days effort (1-2 weeks)
- Tasks are associated with a
- Role
- Work Package
- Work Product
- Start date
- Duration
- Required resources.
What is an Activity?
- An activity is a major unit of work
- Culminates in a project milestone
- A project milestone is a scheduled event used to visualize/measure progress
- A project milestone is visible to the customer
- A project milestone usually produces a baseline
- Activities can also have internal checkpoints
- These are not externally visible to the customer
- Activities allow to separate concerns
- Precedence relations often exist among activities
- Example: “Activity A1 must be finished before Activity A2 can start.”
What is a Unit of Work
- Activities are often grouped again into higher-level activities:
- Phase 1, Phase 2, …., Phase n
- Step 1, Step 2, …., Step n
- Unit of Work: A task or an activity that contains other tasks and lower-level activities
Examples of Activities in a Software Project
- • Planning
- • Requirements Elicitation
- • Analysis
- • System Design
- • Rationale Management
- • Configuration Management
- • Detailed Design (Object Design) • Implementation
- • Testing
- • Delivery
What is Project Function ?
• Project Function: An activity that spans the entire duration of a software project. Examples of project functions include project management, configuration management, quality assurance, and verification and validation [IEEE 1058]*.
- • Project management
- • Documentation
- • Configuration Management • Testing
- • Continuous Integration
- • Continuous Delivery
Sometimes project functions are also called cross-development processes or Integral processes*
What is a Work Package?
- A task or activity is specified by a work package which contains:
- Description of work to be done
- Preconditions for starting, duration, required resources
- Work products to be produced, acceptance criteria for it Risks involved
- A work package must have completion criteria
- Includes the acceptance criteria for the work products produced by the task or activity.
What is a Work Product?
- A work product is the visible outcome of a unit of work, that is, a task or activity
- Examples
- A model
- A review of a document
- A presentation
- A piece of code
- A test report
- Work products that have to be given to the customer are called deliverables.
Associations between roles, tasks, activities, work products, and work packages
What is functional organization?
- In a functional organization people are grouped into departments, each of which addresses an activity (“function”)
- Examples of departments
- In traditional companies: Finance, production, sales, marketing
- In software companies additionally: Analysis, design, integration, testing, delivery
- Properties of functional organizations
- Projects are pipelined through the departments
- Example: The project starts in research, moves to development, then moves to production
- Different departments often address identical needs
- Example: Configuration management, IT infrastructure
- Only few participants are completely involved in a single project.
- Projects are pipelined through the departments