Lecture 2- Policing Past and Present Flashcards
What are the key readings?
Emsley, Bowling et al,
What are the key points from Emsley?
Medieval constables became the executive agent for reports on a regular basis
Watchmen were in groups
Justices of the Peace where superior compared to constables
Constables were lower ranked and socially looked down upon and were from a lower class
People paid to become JoP
Georgian anxieties= higher crime, riots due to bad harvests, criticism for sympathy for notions of a moral economy
What are the key points from Bowling et al?
Police seen as ‘inevitable’, embodying ‘national pride’ and a response to threats to the social order
Cop sized view: police is a response to the industrial revolution as a way of maintaining order
Marxist argument: the police maintains the power imbalance between ‘elites’ and working class civilians
Revisionists= 18th century criminal justice system maintained social order
Formal police organisations associated with ‘social complexity, inequality and development of modern states’
Capitalism= more discipline
Formal police organisations associated with ‘social complexity, inequality and development of modern states’
What is the police?
Specialist state agency, order maintenance and emergency
What is policing?
Subset of social control, order maintenance and peace keeping, prevention, law enforcement. Coercive power buy individuals and organisation
Why is the police different from policing?
The police is different due to the authority to use coercive force against citizens
What were the early days of policing?
Medieval parish constables,
watchmen that had 4-12 men in patrol and justices of the peaces
What are watch systems?
Citizen volunteers that patrolled to deter crime at night
When was there professionalism in the police?
In the 17th and 18th Century in urban areas due to population growth
What are medieval parish constables?
They represent collective responsibility, they report to court and maintain the King’s peace
What are Justices of the Peace?
Socially superior royal officials who presides at the court
What occurred in policing in 1700s?
Crimes and disorder and increase of concern, riots over food shortages and gin shortage
What occurred in policing in 1737?
Act of parliament for regulation
What occurred in policing in 1740?
London corrupted by thieves due to increase in the population
What occurred in policing in 1749?
Employability of the professional thief takers and bow street runners
What occurred in policing in 1780s?
Gordon riots
What occurred in policing in 1785?
William Pitt’s proposes controlled police
What occurred in policing in the early 1800s?
Widespread resistance to organised policing across classes. The wealthy resented the higher costs and there were property rights.
What were the opinions of the wealthy in the early 1800s?
The wealthy resented the higher costs and there were property rights.
What were the opinions of the workers in the early 1800s?
Police were seen as repressive state agents
What did Bowling, Reiner and Sheptycki, 2019, see the modern police as?
Orthodox cop sided and a revisionist account
What did Robert Peel do in 1829?
Pass the key act
What is the key act of 1829?
The establishment of the Metropolitan Police Force in central London, including eight superintendents, 20 inspectors, 88 sergeants and 895 constables.
What were the characteristics of the professional police force in 1829 act?
Organised, disciplined and independent from politicians and the ruling classes
What did Rowan Mayne say about the mission for the police?
They prevent crime and disorder as an alternative to the repression of crime and disorder
What is the 1839 county police act?
It is a response to social unrest among Chartists and anti-poor law protestors for justices of the peace to establish forces in their counties
What is the 1856 county & borough police act?
There were fears about rioting by demobilising Crimean soldiers and led to the creation of forces at county and borough levels
What is the 1880 Special Irish Branch?
Set up to fight Irish republician brotherhood on the mainland then the Special Branch.
What occurred in 1914-18?
Strain on depleted forced and dissatisfaction over pay and conditions
What occurred in 1919 Police Strike?
Many arrests and strikers were dismissed and never reinstated
What is the Police Act of 1919?
Banned union and creation of the Police Federation causing disaffection. It was punishable by law and there was a payrise given to all officers
Who looked at sources of police legitimacy?
Reiner et al, 2019
What are Reiner et al’s sources?
Bureaucracy, rule of law, minimal use of force, non-partisanship, accountability, service role, prevention and effectiveness
What is bureaucracy?
The chain of command
What is the rule of law?
Checking on powers
How did the rule of law effect policing?
To act in legality, accountability for actions, fairness and impartiality, transparency and openness, judicial reviews to challenge the legality
What is the minimal use of force?
A key strategy for legitimacy where force is only used when necessary
How is the rule of force regulated?
International human rights standards and through training to de-escalate situations
What is the hierarchy of force?
The escalating levels of force that officers can use when there is a threat
What is non-partisanship?
The principle that the police should remain impartial regardless of beliefs
What is accountability?
Accountability towards the courts and the public
What is service role?
The responsibility the officers have to protect the public, uphold safety and maintain order
What are the key aspects of the service role?
Community engagement with programs, public assistance and support, crime prevention such as collaboration with schools, problem orientated policing
What is post war-1960s policing?
An extended period of relative social peace
What are the characteristics of post-war policing?
Increasing centralisation, police numbers and public perceptions
What is increasing centralisation?
The police act of 1946 reduced forces to 117 and the police act of 1964 created 49 large forces
What is police numbers?
They fell to an all time low which increased crime
What is public perceptions?
Shaped by fictional police (George Dixon) who was honest, dependable, polite and known by
What did Emsley 1996 find?
Cultural issues changed relations between the police and the public which led to decline in deference, spread of education, consumerism and growth of counter-culture (youth, liberation movements and civid disobedience)
What were the policing issues in 1960s?
Corruption, accountability, concerns about efficiency and use of new technology
What occurred in 1970-80s?
Fears of politicisation, election of Margaret Thatcher, firearms issues increased by 400%
What are the other challenges in policing in 1970-1980s?
Corruption scandals such as drugs and robbery, violence public order tactics (riot shields), miscarriages of justice (Birmingham Six and Guildford Four), Brixton Riots (harrassment and racism alleged by Black communities) and distancing effects of new technology (reliance on raids)
What is the special patrol group?
Formed in 1961 as a mobile reserve that focused on public order
What is the anti-racism demo of 1979?
Started when Blair Peach died which caused riots in London
What is the National Front March?
Occurred in 1974 when the National Front held a march through London to support repatriation of immigration
What occurred in policing in 1981?
The Brixton Riots which focused on racialised violence between the police and Black men
What is the Scarman Report?
A report that focused on racial discrimination and disadvantages that Black people faced which caused the Brixton riots
What occurred in policing in modern times?
Policing under New Labour, neo-Liberal policing 2010, different social and CJ contexts
What occurred in policing under new labour?
It was intelligence led, high problem solving rather than thinking of social causes of crime
What occurred in neo-liberal policing 2010?
High budget cuts, declining numbers and high crime figures
What is the social context of policing the new millennium?
Increase inequality, wide pay gaps, relative poverty and long term exclusion from employment
What is the criminal justice context of policing the new millennium?
Political consensus and reforms geared towards police effectiveness
What are the current internal issues for the police?
Budgets, low officer diversity, social media scrunity, training and recruiting new officers, reforming the police structure
What are the current issues for the police with crime?
High knife crime, domestic abuse, responding to the vulnerable and mentally ill, gender based violence, cyber crime