lecture 2 part 1: male Flashcards
excretes nitrogenous waste products of metabolism, cleans blood, regulates body water and electrolytes
turns 1.5 L into urine
kidney endocrine organ- secretes hormones
renin- blood pressure
erythropoietin- proliferative effect on bone marrow
functional unit of kidney
3 morphologic components of nephron
convoluted tubules
collecting ducts
controls blood pressure
juxtaglomerular complex
juxtaglomerular cells in wall of afferent arteriole are sensor for
macula densa in wall of distal convoluted tubule
sensor for sodium
associated with many primary renal disorders, elevation of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels, related the reduced glomerular filtration rate GFR
hypoperfusion of kidneys decreases GFR in absence of parenchymal damage
post-renal azotemia
urine flow obstructed below level of kidney
post-renal azotemia
progression of azotemia to produce clinical manifestations and systemic biochemical abnormalities
-failure of renal excretory function
-metabolic and endocrine alterations
(glomerular syndrome) – heavy proteinuria,
hypoalbuminemia, severe edema, hyperlipidemia and lipiduria
Nephrotic syndrome
– (glomerular syndrome) – acute onset of grosslyvisible hematuria, mild-to-moderate proteinuria, azotemia, edema and
hypertension (classic presentation of acute post-streptococcal
Nephritic syndrome
oliguria or anuria with recent onset of azotemia. May
result from glomerular injury or acute tubular necrosis
Acute renal failure
prolonged symptoms and signs of uremia – the end
result of all renal disease
Chronic renal failure
– bacteriuria and pyuria –
symptomatic or asymptomatic - kidney (pyelonephritis)
or bladder (cystitis)
urinary tract infections
kidney stones - colic, hematuria
A non-specific disorder in which the kidneys are damaged, causing them to leak large amounts of
protein from the blood into the urine.
severe edema
nephrotic syndrome
A non-specific disorder in which the kidneys are damaged, causing them to leak protein and red blood cells from the
blood into the urine.