Lecture 2 - Other Morphine Agents Flashcards
What is the main differences between morphine and codiene?
Potency, Administration, are toxicities similiar?
- less potency
- orally effective
What is type of receptor does Detromethorphan act on and what is the main benefit of this? How does it’s anti-tussive ability and toxicities compare to codiene?
(Hint: Non-Opioid receptor, think what that does in terms of toxicities)
- Maybe acts on NMDA receptor
- non-narcotic, so no opiate dependance
- anti-tussive ability equivalent to codiene
- no respiratory depression, analgesia or euphoria.
What is the main difference between Hydromorhpone compared to morphine?
(Potency, onset, duration)
- more potent
- faster onset, shorter duration
What is the difference between Oxycodone and morphine?
Potency and administration
- potency equal to morphine
- orally effective
- Note: Hydrocodone is same as Oxycodone by with an -OH attached
What are the main difference between Meperidine (pethidine) compared to morphine?
(Structure type, administration, uses, potency, toxicity)
- synthetic structure
- more risk of convulsant effects
- administered IM, IV and oral
- Used as an obstetric agent
- Only used as an analgesic
- less potency but equal efficacy
- Toxicities: cross placenta depresses respiration in fetus
What is the main use of Diphenoxylate and Loperamide (Imodium)?
- anti-diarrheal
What is the main advantages of Loperamide (Imodium) compared to di[phenoxylate as an anti-diarrheal?
(Loperamide has poor lipid solubility)
- equal to diphenoxylate as anti-diarrheal
- lower abuse potential
- prevents CNS effects
What is difference between methadone and morphine?
Potency, Duration, Use
- potency equal morphine
- longer duration after repeated doses
- Uses as analgesic and opiate maintenance programs
What is the difference between Propoxyphene and codiene?
Potency, Efficacy, Toxicity
Note: Propoxyphene is no longer in US Market
- less potent
- potent depression of respiration in combination with alcohol and CNS depressants
Which would be the least effective oral opiate to give to someone?
A. Morphine B. Codiene C. Oxycodone D. Meperidine E. Methadone
A. Morphine
Which drug would you provide someone to help in opiate drug addictions?
A. Morphine B. Codiene C. Oxycodone D. Meperidine E. Methadone
E. Methadone
Which drug would you prescribe ONLY as an analgesic?
A. Morphine B. Codiene C. Oxycodone D. Meperidine E. Methadone
D. Meperidine
Which drug is the most potent opiate?
A. Morphine B. Hydromorphone C. Oxycodone D. Meperidine E. Methadone
B. Hydromorphone
Which drug would be the least likely to prescribe to someone who is pregnant?
A. Morphine B. Codiene C. Oxycodone D. Meperidine E. Methadone
D. Meperidine
Which drug would be the least likely to become opiate dependant?
A. Morphine B. Codiene C. Detromethorphan D. Meperidine E. Methadone
C. Detromethorphan
Note: orphan have no dependance