Lecture 2 - Nursing Professionalism Flashcards
What is Global Health?
- The optimal well-being of all humans from the individual and collective perspective
- Prevention, treatment, and care
- Improvement of health for all
Health equity
Inequality VS Inequity

Health Inequality
- Imbalance
- Unequal
- difference in health experiences or outcomes between different populations
- Ex: Life expectancy, mortality, or disease
Health Inequity
- differences in health experiences/outcomes that are because of disadvantages
- Unfair
- Unjust
- Ex: Clients living with diabetes in Far Northern Sask
Global Citizenship
- Engage in local, nat’l and int’l community
- Act upon social injustices
International Council of Nursing (ICN)
- Look @ trends –> Current –> Future
- Look @ policy
- Nursing Education
- Modernization/ advancement of profession
ICN Mission
To represent nursing worldwide, advancing the profession and influencing health policy.
What are the 3 Pillars of ICN
- Professional Practice
- Regulation
- Socio-economic welfare
Who’s the Pappa of Universal Healthcare?
Tommy D.
Tommy Douglas
Thomas Douglas
Thomas Clement Douglas
5 Areas of Canada Health Act
- Public administration
- Comprehensiveness
- Universality
- Portability
- Accessibility
Provisions of Canada Health Act
- extra billing must be clearly outlined/ defined
National Expert Commission
- Independent
- Recommend to optimize nursing contributions
- Position CNA in Nat’l discussion about future of healthcare
Findings of National Expert Commission
- population diverse
- living longer with chronic conditions
- need for safety in healthcare
- Canada’s system = 6th most expensive, BUT health status decreasing
- Have REACTIVE system
Prov/Terr Healthcare Responsibilities
- Develop/ administer own healthcare insurance plans
- Manage, finance, plan, and deliver services MUST BE in alignment with CHA principles
- organization/ location of hospitals/ long-term care facilities; mix of health providers; and amount of money dedicated to services
- Reimburse physician and hospital costs; some rehabilitation/ long-term care services (usually co-payments with users)
Romanow Commission
- Medicare = sustainable + needs preservation
- Medicare = Core value of Canadians
- new diagnostic service fund
- Build info tech infrastructure
- improve access
- Ensure quality
- Improve/expand PHC
The Kirby poo poo Report
- Medicare NOT sustainable
- Need private sector
- $ from hospitals to service-based model
- Increase Regional health authority responsibilities
- Offering health care guarantee to Canadians
- professional self-regulatory body
- RN’s and RNP’s
Registered Nurses Act
- SRNA’s mandate
- setting standards of education and practice
- ensure competent, caring knowledge-based registered nursing for Sask
What is SRNA responsible for? (5)
- continued competence
- professional conduct
- Std’s of practice
- code of ethics
- approval of education programs
- enhance social, economic and general well being of nurses
- protect
- bargain
- ensure fair treatment in workplace
Canadian Nursing Students’ Assoc. (CNSA)
- Voice for students
- increase the legal, ethical, professional, and educational aspects
- Primary resource for students
- advance innovation in nursing curriculum and research
- Strengthen linkages and create new partnerships.
2 major problems in Canadian healthcare…
- Aging population
- Population growth
Primary Health Care (PHC)
- preventing illness and promoting health
- Adopted by WHO and Canada
- key to healthy society
- Promotive, preventative, curative, rehabilitative, palliative, and supportive
What are the 5 Principles of PHC
- Accessibility
- Public Participation
- Health Promotion
- Appropriate Technology
- Intersectoral Cooperation
4 Pillars of PHC
- Teams
- Access (right care @ right time)
- Info (b/w Pt and Healthcare team)
- Health Living (prevention, self-care, empowerment)
RN’s 5 domains of practice
- Clinical care
- education
- Admin
- Research
- Policy
What officially outlines the scope of practice for Nurses?
The Registered Nurses Act