Lecture 1 - History of Nursing Profession Flashcards
Greek and Romans –> health system
Reactive, not proactive Documentation of illness & more treatments Still spiritual component
Nursing BF –> Health
Preventing illness & maintaining health Good diet, use of herbs, spiritual
Christianity and Middle Ages
Nuns called community nurses
More structured nursing care
The Crusades
Catholic order nurses
Renaissance and Enlightenment
“Why are people getting sick?
18th C.
Advancement in science
germ theory (Klebs, Pasteur, Lister, and Koch)
More healthcare advancements, not nursing
Industrial Revolution
Hazardous workplace
Crowding cities
Child labour
Little public health policy/law
•Nightingale: Five Essential Points for Health of Houses: 1) Pure air, 2) pure water, 3)efficient drainage, 4)cleanliness, 5) light
What are Nightingale’s 5 Essential Points for Health of Houses
(Always Wear Delicious Choclate Lingerie
- air
- water
- drainage
- cleanliness
- light
What’s sooooo good about Florence Nightingale?
- Founder of professional nursing
- Love & caring alone not sufficient (knowledge + skills)
- Crimean War caregiver
- decreased mortality and morbidity rates with simple nursing care (handwashing)
- 1st to look @ Pt’s enviro
- 1st nurse Statistician
New France
- 1st nurses = males & Jesuit priests
- M. Hébert - Lay nurse (care to settlers)
- Marguerite d’Youville - formed Sisters of Charity (1st visiting nurses)
- help sick, “educate” Natives
What’s the difference b/w how nurses were regarded in France & Britain?
- Nurses well-regarded in France
- Nurses disrespected in Britain
British Regime
- Grey Nuns (cared for soldiers on BOTH sides Fr-En war)
- Infectious disease spread quickly from immigrants to travelers
- Providers lacked knowledge
Opening of West for Nursing
- Grey Nuns from Montreal to West
- Care for new settlers
- Established missions in Man, Sask, NWT
Nursing Education Development
- Nightingale founded 1st financially independent schools
- •schools spread across Euro and N.A
- educational model lost as hospital schools of nursing developed
What about them nursing hospital school!?!
- Students provided nursing care for education and COL.
- Poor living condition for students
- Questionable education
Who brought about Education Reform?
Mary Agnes Snively
What happened in the Education Reform
- Snively
- Superintendent at Toronto General Hospital School of Nursing
- Made proper living conditions, curriculum, criteria for clinical/ education time
Uni Program development
- Influenza epidemic (1918)
- Community Health promotes
- UBC - 1st undergrad program (1919)
Who found VON
Lady Ishbel Aberdeen
Nursing Organization in Canada
- Lady Ishbel Aberdeen - Victorian Order of Nurses (VON)
- established education standards
- Women’s Right’s Movement contributed
Nursing - 1970 - Present
- AB Task Force on Nursing Education called for baccalaureate as entry to practice
- most bodies require baccalaureate as entry to practice.
- 1st PhD program - U of A in 1991
Nursing Education Today
- Increased access through online and distance modalities
- Educational standards monitored by the province
- Ensures greater quality and response to change
Domain of Nursing
- Application
- As profession
- practical and theoretical orientations for discipline
Paradigm of Nursing
- Framework
- Links Science, Philosophy, & theories
Tell me about Le Theory
- explaining, predicting, and prescribing phenomena
Nursing Theory
- conceptualization
- Predicting, describing, explaining and/or prescribing nursing care
- To explain and predict
What are the 4 components of a theory
Please Cover Dem Asses
- Phenomena (event)
- Concepts
- Definitions
- Assumptions
What’s a concept?
A mental formulation of objects or events
What are the 4 types of Nursing Theory
- Grand theory
- Middle-range theory
- Descriptive theory
- Prescriptive theory
Grand theory
–Abstract concepts
–Broad, behavioral, nursing science
Middle-range theory
–Tangible, ↓abstract, easier to learn, apply to practice
–Phenomena more ~ practical
Descriptive Theory
–Patterns of coping
–Why something occurs, consequences
Prescriptive Theory
What are the 5 major theoretical models in nursing?
Patty Never Interacted So Slowly
- Practice-based theories
- Needs theories
- Interactionist theories
- Systems theories
- Simultaneity theories
Practice-based theories
- Nightingale
- McGill Model (engaging pt in learning process)
- what are we doing in healthcare r/t nursing
- practical
Needs theory
- Maslow
- Virginia Henderson - Pt independence
- Dorothea Orem – self-care
Interactions theories
- •Hildegard Peplau (interpersonal relationships)
- Joyce Travelbee (human/human relationships)
- Evelyn Adam
- Nurses/ pt relationships
- Behavioral, communication patterns
Systems theories
- Dorothy Johnson, Betty Neuman, Sister Callista Roy
- UBC Model
- High focus on complexity of systems of pt’s
- Look @ entire pt & enviro
Simultaneity Theories
- Martha Rogers, Rosemarie Parse, Jean Watson
- Abstract thought –> difficult
- Enviro & universal enviro
What are the 4 metaparadigm Concepts?
- Client and person
- Environment
- Health
- Nursing
Client and person r/t Metaparadigm Concept
- as whole
- how care is delivered
- Human, social, spiritual, emotional needs
Environment r/t Metaparadigm Concept
- How Pt interacts with enviro
- how pt impacted
- socially, family, community
Health r/t Metaparadigm Concept
- Not just absence of illness/disease
- total well-being
- health promotion
Nursing r/t Metaparadigm Concept
- Care = focus of nursing
Metaparadigm Concept Chart

The practice of nursing is regulated by:
- Local Health Regions
- Best Practice Guidelines ( such as RNAO)
- Nursing Practice Acts
- The Canadian Nursing Association
Which definition below describes the International Council of Nurses (ICN)?
- Licensure examinations are prepared by the ICN
- The Canadian Nurses Association is legislated by the ICN.
- The mandate of the ICN is consistency of nursing education worldwide.
- The ICN is a federation of national registered nurses’ associations.
Which of the following correctly describes the difference between Primary Health Care and Primary care?
- PHC = we seek care from our family doctor when we are ill, whereas PC describes health care that allows full participation and a cost that the community and country can afford
- PHC focuses on clinical diagnosis and treatment, whereas PC focuses on health system policies.
- PHC includes coordination of care when specialists are needed, whereas PC includes large amounts of education on illness prevention
- PHC is a comprehensive framework and is both a philosophy of health care and an approach to providing health services, whereas PC only part of the framework of Primary Health Care.
Which of the following attributes demonstrates nursing autonomy, a key element of self-regulation?
- Considering altruism as a hallmark of its profession.
- Requiring a baccalaureate level of education for its members.
- Having the authority to set standards and define scope for members.
- Creating a professional representative organization.