Lecture 2: Membrane Potentials - Synapses - Neurotransmitters Flashcards
Besides neurons, what other cell have the capacity to generate electricity?
muscle cells
What is a specific feature of neurons?
Their capacity to generate electricity
Neurons have ___ that allow them to ___
Neurons have high density of ions channels on their plasma
membrane that allow them to control the flow of different ions
and thus generate electrical potentials (i.e. potential difference).
Neurons generate _
Electrical potentials (signals) to transmit information throughout the brain and the body
What are the four types of membrane potentials:
(1) Resting membrane potential (Vm)
(2) Action potential
(3) Receptor potential
(4) synaptic potential
Resting membrane potential (Vm):
- At resting state (in absence of stimulus).
-Results from a polarization of the plasma membrane (potential difference)
- Always negative (~ -90 to -70 mv).
Resting membrane potential (Vm) results from:
polarization of the plasma membrane (potential difference)
Action potential:
- Results from transient changes in the
membrane potential of a stimulated neuron - Electrical signal that travels along axons.
- Long range transmission of information within
the nervous system.
Action potential results from:
Transient changes in the
membrane potential of a stimulated neuron.
Receptor potential results from:
Transient changes in the
membrane potential of a receptor of sensory neurons by external stimuli
Synaptic potential results from:
the communication of signals between neurons at the synaptic contact.
Synaptic potential is recorded at:
The post-synaptic neuron by the stimulation of the pre-synaptic neuron.
At rest, the neuron is __
At rest, the neuron is polarized, what does polarized mean?
The inside of the cell is more negative than the outside
The voltage of the resting membrane potential (Vm) is typically:
-70 to -90 mV
The resting membrane potential is caused by:
a difference in the concentration of ions inside and outside the cell
At the resting state, ALL voltage-gated sodium channels (Na+) and MOST voltage-gated potassium (K+) channels are:
The Na+/K+ pump transports more __ ions out than __ inside the cell, keeping the inside more __
The Na+/+ pump transports more Na+ ions out than K+ inside the cell, keeping the inside more negative
The intracellular fluid is filled with
negatively charged proteins
An action potential (AP) is a:
very rapid shift (milliseconds) in the membrane potential from “-“ to “+” values and return back to initial resting potential level “-“
What are the three phases of the action potential ?
(1) Depolarization phase (from “-“ to “+”)
(2) Repolarization phase (back to “-“)
(3) Hyperpolarization phase (below “Vm” aka resting membrane potential)
The 3 phases of the AP are caused by the activation of:
Two special types of ion channels on the nerve membrane:
(1) voltage-gated Na+ channels
(2) voltage-gated K+channels
In the depolarization phase, the initial increase in membrane potential can be caused by:
Mechanical, electrical, or chemical stimulation
Describe the depolarization phase in 7 steps:
(1) Initial increase in membrane potential (can be caused by mechanical, electrical or chemical stimulation)
(2) If the membrane potential rises, some voltage-gated Na+ channels start to open
(3) Na+ ions flow inside (more positivity inside the cell)
(4) The potential rises, further to reach a threshold level (about 65 mV)
(5) Causes more and more Na+ channels to open one after another
(6) It creates a positive-feedback cycle (i.e. domino effect)
(7) The potential reaches the overshoot level (above 0 mV)
The repolarization phase is characterized by:
Return back of the membrane potential toward the resting potential (i.e. back to the “-“ level)
The repolarization phase is caused by:
The activation of K+ channels and deactivation of Na+ channels
K+ channels are activated when:
Membrane potential increases above 0 mV (overshoot)
K+ gates open __ at the same time when __
K+ gates open slowly at the same time when Na+ channels begin to close
In the repolarization phase, K+ ions flow __
In the repolarization phase, Na+ ions are __
blocked from flowing
back inside
During the repolarization phase of action potential the inside is more _ than the outside
During the repolarization phase of the action potential the inside is more negative(only negative proteins) than the outside
during the repolarization phase of the action potential, the membrane potential __
returns toward the resting state level (-90mV)
During the hyperpolarization phase:
-K+ channel gates remain open for a few milliseconds after repolarization phase is completed: excess K+ flow out of cell (inside more negative) –> membrane potential goes more negative than Vm (hyperpolarization)
- Back to resting stage: K+ channel gates close and membran potential comes back to its resting stage (-70mV)
The threshold of an action potential is:
the level of membrane potential at which Na+ channels start to open one after another in a positive-feedback cycle
The threshold of an AP is preceded by :
a sub-threshold potential (no AP yet)
The threshold of an action potential occurs when:
The number of Na+ ions entering the neuron becomes greater than the number of K+ ions leaving the neuron
- about -55 mv (for a neuron with Vm = -70 mV)
- about -65 mv (for a neuron with Vm = -90 mV)
all or none principle of action potentials?
AP is said to be all-or-none signal, since either it occurs fully or it
does not occur at all (i.e. there is no ½AP or ¼AP, there is 1AP).
If the threshold level is reached , __
the AP occurs
The amplitude (voltage) of an AP is ___ of the intensity of the stimulus that evokes it
The amplitude (voltage) of an AP is NOT DEPENDENT of the intensity of the stimulus that evokes it
The frequency of firing (number of APs) is __ on the intensity of the stimulus
AP propagates along:
Neuronal axons and fibers
AP excites :
adjacent portions of the membrane, resulting in propagation of the AP
What does the Na+ ion flow to adjacent areas do in propagation of Action Potential - Unmyelinated Nerve Fibers:
-open more voltage-gated Na+ channels
-increase voltage of adjacent area to reach threshold level
-initiate a new AP in the adjacent area
The adjacent propagation of AP occurs in :
unmyelinated axon (axons not covered by a myelin sheath)
What is the conduction velocity of adjacent propagation
conduction velocity (speed) is slow = 0.25m/s
In the myelinated nerve fiber (axon), the axon is surrounded by:
myelin sheath (fatty white substance)
the myelin forms:
wrapping layers around the axon
Myelin is produced as an extension of:
the glial cells
–>either Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system
–>oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system
Schwann cells produce:
Myelin in the peripheral nervous system
Oligodendrocytes produce :
myelin in the central nervous system
About once every 1- 3 mm, myelin sheath is interrupted by:
a node of Ranvier
Ions canot flow significantly through:
Thick myelin sheath, which insulates nerve fiber
Saltatory conduction:
Action potential can only occur at the nodes of Ranvier (where voltage-gated channels are located) and is conducted from node to node
Saltatory conduction results in:
Fast conduction
Increases 5 to 50 folds –> 100m/s
Saltatory conduction conserves:
energy for axon (little metabolism required to activate ion channels)
Propagation of action potential : conduction velocity: unmyelinated vs myelinated
Unmyelinated: 0.25 m/s
Myelinated: 100m/s
Initial point of generation of AP:
Ap do not begin near soma & dendrites but rather at the intial segment of the axon called AXON HILLOCK
Direction of propagation:
AP travels from the axon hillock toward the synaptic terminal of the axon (no reverse direction)