Lecture 2: Marine EBM and MSP (jan 12) Flashcards
Ecosystem Based Management definition?
- many versions one is:
- ” an integrated approach that considers the whole ecosystem, including humans with the goal to maintain an ecosystem in a healthy, productive, and resilient condition so that it can provide the services we want and need. “
What did EBM traditionally focus on?
- what does it focus on now?
- traditionally focused on fisheries management
- now is recognized to include the full spectrum of activities that occur in coastal/oceanic ecosystems which includes the interface between land and sea.
In terms of EBM, what 3 terms best explain social and ecological systems?
1 - complex
2 - evolving and
3 - dynamic
8 Key Elements of EBM
1 - Sustainability 2 - Goals 3 - Sound ecological models and understanding 4 - Complexity and connectedness. 5 - The dynamic character of ecosystems 6 - Context and scale. 7 - Humans as ecosystem components. 8 - Adaptability and accountability.
A hypothetical framework for EBM.. 8
1 - goals of EBM planning - human well being, healthy ecosystems, sustainable use 2- Principles (economic, ecological, governance, social & cultural) 3 - objectives 4 - EBM tools & strategies. 5 - Integrated marine spatial plan 6 - Implementation 7 - Monitoring & evaluation 8 - Adaptive management
Some thoughts and challenges of EBM.. (6)
- EBM needs a single agreed upon definition
- EBM still a catch-all term for multi-species management in many jurisdictions.
3 - EBM is ‘tools-rich’ but ‘solutions poor’
4 - There is no single EBM handbook
5 - EBM is expensive
6 - EBM or EBM like principles may soon preface all human management in the natural world.
Marine Spatial Planning - MSP
- Marine spatial planning is a public process of analyzing and allocating the spatial and temporal distribution of human activities in marine areas to achieve ecological, economic, and social objectives that usually have been specified through a political process.
10 Steps to MSP
1 - Defining need and establishing authority
2 - Obtaining financial support
3 - Organizing the process (pre-planning)
4 - Organizing stakeholder participation
5 - Defining and analyzing existing conditions
6 - Defining and analyzing future conditions
7 - Developing and approving the spatial management plan
8 - Implementing and enforcing the spatial management plan
9 - Monitoring and evaluating performance
10 - Adapting the marine spatial management process.
What is MaPP?
- Marine Planning Partnership
- government to government process
- Letter of Intent signed Nov 2011
- Province of British Columbia - Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations.
- 18 member First Nations represented.
Benefits of Marine Planning - 8
- common vision between government, First Nations, stakeholders and public.
- ID economic opportunities
- Facilitate social license for industry
- Ease/resolve conflict/increase compatibility
- Improve user certainty & stability - better investment climate.
- Increased stewardship of natural resources (e.g., conservation, MPAs)
- ID ecological & culturally sensitive areas.
- Build efficiencies in decisions - lower transaction fees
MaPP Plans contain..
Non-spatial components
Spatial components
Non Spatial components of MaPP:
- background
- context
- Vision, goals, objectives & strategies
- Highly diverse - multiple interests & values
Spatial components of MaPP:
- marine zoning: - General Management; Special Management; Protection Management
- recommended uses & activities
- ecological & culturally sensitive areas.
General Management Zone
Description? 2
Objective? 2
Description of a General Management Zone:
- Wide range of sustainable marine uses & activities using and EBM framework
- Management prescriptions address conflicts with general management directions in sub-regional plans
Objectives of General Management Zones:
- Manage for a variety of co-existing sustainable marine uses and activities that adhere to ecosystem based management principles.
- Multiple uses and activities where compatible in time and space.
Special Management Zone
Description? - examples? 3
Objectives? 2
Description of Special management zone:
- high priority and/or high potential sustainable marine uses and activities.
- uses and activities with activities with specific environmental conditions or locations.
- commercial tourism, public recreation, aquaculture, cultural heritage, recreation, renewable energy?
Objectives for Special management zone:
- To manage for one or more identified high priority and/or high potential sustainable marine uses or activities.
- Additional uses and activities where compatible in time and space.
Protection management zone (PMZ)
- description? 3
- Objectives? 1
Protection management zone description:
- Primarily for conservation purposes or objectives
- may protect localized conservation values
- area may be identified or recommended in the context of a robust legislated network of MPAs under the applicable provincial or federal legislation.
Objective for protection management zone:
- To protect full range of values that marine environments provide with a primary emphasis on maintaining marine biodiversity, ecological representation and special features.
Conservation benefits of MaPP (7)
- improved compliance with marine-related legislation, regulations and traditional laws (clearer communication, increased data collection and sharing, more effective agency and stakeholder/user partnerships)
- restoration of estuaries and other similarly sensitive habitats where high development.
- EBM indicator monitoring to track changes in ecological and human well-being systems.
- Collaboration on Cumulative Effects Assessment Framework
- Enhanced Human Wellbeing through better management marine economy, collaborative governance, training/skills development, improved infrastructure.
- local and traditional knowledge successfully blended with scientific data analysis
- plans make recommendations for addressing marine Climate Change implications, e.g. protection of carbon sinks.