Lecture 2: General Appearance and Skin Exam Flashcards
What is Unsteady Gait?
- Lack of coordination; abnormal posture during ambulation
- gait influenced by pain
- muscle/nervous system abnormalities
What can cause Unsteady Gait?
- inflammatory joint disease, joint/bone infection, muscle/tendon disease, trauma, congenital disease, footwear
What is Parkinsonian Gait?
- Trunk, head, neck forward and knee flexed
- wide base, small shuffling step
- tend to fall forward and increase speed (festination)
What is the ABCDE of skin lesion screeing?
A - asymmetry (visually split in half and compare)
B - borders
C - color (important in determine metastatic potential)
D - diameter (concerned if > 6 cm)
E - evolution (change in morphology, size, symptoms)
Hair Assessment (Hirsutism, Virilization, Alopecia)
Hirsutism - excessive hairiness, especially in women
Virilization - secondary male sex traits in females
- most common cause: polycystic ovarian syndrome
- excessive terminal hair growth
Alopecia - balding, loss of hair
What is the most common area for basal/squamous cell carcinomas?
the face
What is Palatal petechiae?
“Hand-Foot-Mouth” Disease
- caused by multiple enteroviruses
What are common sites for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis?
psoriasis - elbows
atopic dermatitis - anticubital fossae
What is a common site for dermatitis, scabies, and lichen planus?
flexor wrists
lichen planus - recurrent, pruritic, inflammatory eruption (small, discrete polygonal, flat-topped papules that may coalesce into rough scaly plaques
What are the major things to look for during fingernail inspection?
- onycholysis (distal nail plate detached from nail bed)
- fungal growth
- clubbing (> 180 degrees), vert/horizontal defects, color change, splinter hemorrhages
What are the 6 F’s that contribute to increased abdominal girth?
Fluid, Flatus, Feces, Fetus, Fat, Fatal Tumor
Where are over 40% of melanomas in women found?
on anterior/medial surfaces of legs
What are signs of vascular disease in feet?
pallor and decreased temperature
Common Practices for Draping (3)
- respect patients privacy
- expose only what is needed to be exposed
- communicate what you are doing before you do it through explanation and patient consent
What should lower legs be evaluated for?
edema, stasis dermatitis, ulcers