Lecture 2 Connective Tissues Flashcards
What are Connective Tissues (CT) suspended in?
In an abundant extracellular matrix (ECM)
T/F CT stores and transports nutrients, as well as transports water, gases, waste and hormones.
What are the four types of CT?
Embryonic CT
CT Proper
Specializing CT
Supporting CT
Embryonic CT includes what kinds of tissues?
- Mesenchymal
2. Mucous
CT proper includes what tissues?
- Loose (areolar)
- Dense Regular and Dense Irregular
- Reticular
- Elastic
What are two common examples of Specialized CT?
Adipose and Hematopoietic
How many types of Adipose tissue are there?
Two, the Unilocular and Multilocular
What color is the unilocular adipose tissue associated with? Multilocular adipose?
- Yellow or White
2. Brown
What type of adipose tissue is non-existent or rare in adults?
Multilocular (Brown)
Bone and cartilage are considered what type of CT?
Supporting CT
What are the three types of cartilage that are part of supportive CT?
Hyaline, Elastic, and Fibrocartilage
What embryonic cells are all CTs derived from?
Embryonic mesenchymal cells
What is the most abundant CT cell?
What do fibroblasts produce in the CT?
Fibers and ground substance
How are fibroblasts shaped?
Spindle-shaped cells (thick in the middle and tapered at the ends)
What cells store triglycerides?
What do chondroblasts become as they produce cartilage?
What do osteoblasts produce? What cells do these cells become when mature?
Bone. Osteocytes
What phagocytotic white blood cell is derived from monocytes? Where do monocytes come from?
Macrophages. Blood
Which cells in the CT contain granules of enzymes and inflammatory chemicals including histamine, heparin and attractants for WBCs?
Mast cells
What is the ECM of the CT composed of?
- Extracellular tissue fluid (mostly water akin to blood plasma).
- Protein Fibers
- Ground Substance
What are the three main protein fibers of the ECM?
Collagen fibers, Reticular fibers, and Elastic fibers
How is tropocollagen related to collagen fibers?
All collagen fibers are composed of variations of this protein
Where are collagen fibers abundant?
Tendons, ligaments, dermis of the skin, teeth, PDL
Are reticular fibers a type of collagen fiber?
Yes, type III collagen fiber that is thin and branched
With what fibers do reticular fibers form an interconnected network?
Glycoprotein fibers
Where are reticular fibers located? What metal can stain them darkly?
Distensible or spongy tissues such as walls of blood vessels, skin, lymph nodes, spleen, and liver. Silver
What protein are elastic fibers made of?
How much can elastic fibers stretch?
they can stretch 150%
Skin, lungs, and arteries rely on which fiber to be able to stretch and recoil?
Elastic fibers
Which type of collagen is most abundant in the human body? Where is it found?
Type I. Dermis, bone, organ capsules, fibrocartilage, dentin, cementum, tendons, ligaments and scar tissue
Which type of collagen is important in bone development through endonchondral ossification?
Type X
Which two types of collagen are associated with hyalin cartilage? Which type is also associated with elastic cartilage?
Type II and Type IX. Type II is also associated with elastic cartilage.
What kind of matrix is produced by bone cells and form lamellae of matrix around canals containing neurovascular bundles?
Calcified matrix
What are the two types of bone?
compact and spongy
Which type of bone is dense, heavily mineralized extracellular matrix?
compact bone
Which type of bone has cells and matrix that surround vessels in long bones?
compact bone
What are the other two names of spongy bone?
trabecular and cancellous
Which type of bone is delicate struts of bone and fills heads of long bones?
spongy bone
Which type of bone provides physical support for leverage during muscle contraction?
compact bone
Which type of bone stores minerals calcium and phosphorus?
compact bone
Which type of bone forms under periosteum?
compact bone
Which type of bone fills the ends of long bones and supports marrow?
spongy bone
What kind of cells are found in fibrocartilage and are arranged in rows in a matrix containing coarse, parallel type I collagen fibers mixed with type II collagen?
What is the Andy Larkin mnemonic for remembering the main characteristics of the first 10 types of collagen?
A Captain Rarely Brags.
Ports Involving Boat Anchors Cause 2 Hammer Head Mating Cycles.
Type 1: A (most Abundant)
Type 2: Captain (Cartilage, both hyaline and elastic)
Type 3: Rarely (Reticular fibers)
Type 4: Brags (Basal lamina)
Type 5: Ports (Placenta)
Type 6: Involving (Interstitial - acts as a filler - and associate with Type 1/I)
Type 7: Boat Anchors (Basal lamina, Anchoring fibrils)
Type 8: Cause (Cornea)
Type 9: 2 Hammer (associate with Type 2, Hyaline)
Type 10: Head Mating Cycles (Hypertropic & Mineralizing Cartilage)
Credit: Andy Larkin
Which collagen type does not form visible fibers but is instead a gelatinous part of the basal lamina and endothelia?
Type IV
Which collagen type forms anchoring fibrils of the basal lamina?
Type VII
Which collagen is abundant in the cornea of the eye? What is the membrane that it forms?
Type VIII. Descement’s membrane
Which type of collagen is a fetal membrane protein?
Type V
Which type is located in most interstitial tissue and is associated with type I collagen?
Type VI
What is preprocollagen?
Alpha chains in the Rough ER
Which Vitamin modifies preprocollagen alpha chains into a triple helix molecule of procollagen?
Vitamin C
How are the triple helices of procollagen released from fibroblasts?
Via exocytosis
T/F Extracellular enzymes (procollagen peptidase) remove the non-helical end strands and the remaining part is called the tropocollagen that self assembles into long, banded collagen fibers.
T/F The formation of collagen proceeds in the following sequence: Fibroblasts release preprocollagen –> procollagen –> tropocollagen
What disease is caused by a lack of Vitamin C? What are the consequences of this disease?
Scurvy. Weakness, anemia, bruising, bleeding gums and loose teeth
Why would scurvy loosen teeth?
Due to Vitamin C deficiency, the fibroblasts don’t have the right enzymes to link the preprocollagen into the procollagen triple helix, which is essential for PDL fibers to hold teeth in their sockets
What 3 classes of large molecules are found in ground substance?
GAGs (glycosaminoglycans)
GAGs are polymers of repeating ____________.
How do GAGs and proteoglycans “hold” water?
They integrate cations like Na+ which loosely binds water.
What looks like a bottlebrush, is made from glycosaminoglycans, and has a protein core?
What are the smallest bristle structures in a proteoglycan aggregate?
What can bind ECM ground substance to integrin proteins?
Which type of cartilage provides flexible, resilient support?
elastic cartilage
Which type of cartilage is found in core of external ear and epiglottis which are yellow tissues before staining?
elastic cartilage
What is the name of the fibrous capsule that covers a clear, glassy extracellular matrix dispersed with type II collagen fibers?
How are chondrocytes within lacunae of hyaline cartilage arranged?
in clusters
Which type of cartilage covers the ends of bones at synovial joints plus the sternal ends of ribs and is the supportive material in nose, larynx, trachea, and bronchi?
hyaline cartilage
What are the two supporting connective tissues called?
cartilage and bone
Which cartilage(s) are avascular? Hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage, and/or fibrocartilage?
All of them are avascular, but fibrocartilage can have some vessels
Which cartilage(s) are around the perichondrium? Hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage, and/or fibrocartilage?
Hyaline cartilage (except over articular surfaces) and elastic cartilage
What kind of cells are found in the lacunae of hyaline cartilage?
What kind of cells are found in the lacunae of elastic cartilage?
What kind of cells are found in the lacunae of fibrocartilage?
fibroblasts plus chondrocytes forming short columns
What are the matrix protein fibers found in hyaline cartilage?
type II collagen
What are the matrix protein fibers found in elastic cartilage?
type II collagen and elastic fibers
What are the matrix protein fibers found in fibrocartilage?
type I collagen and type II collagen
Which type of cartilage is found in the embryonic skeleton, articular surfaces of joints, costal cartilages, respiratory cartilages (nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi)?
hyaline cartilage
Which type of cartilage is found in external ear, epiglottis, part of the auditory tube?
elastic cartilage
Which type of cartilage is found in intervertebral discs, articular disks of knees, sternoclavicular joints, pubic symphysis, temporomandibular joints?
What is the supportive connective tissue with a rubbery matrix called?
What is the fibrous vascular membrane that surrounds cartilage called?
What is the name of the cells that are derived from perichondrium and produce extracellular matrix?
What are chondroblasts called when they are surrounded by matrix?
Since cartilage is avascular, how does it get its nutrients and remove its waste?
chondrocytes rely on diffusion from the perichondrium
Why does injured cartilage heals slowly if at all?
poor nutrient supply
What are the three types of cartilage?
hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage
What are the two supporting connective tissues called?
cartilage and bone
What are the formed elements in hematopoietic connective tissue (blood)?
erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets
What are the non-formed elements in hematopoietic connective tissue (blood)?
What are the cells of brown adipose tissue called?
multilocular adipocytes
How are multilocular adipose thermogenic?
They have many mitochondria and small droplets of fat and they produce hear by breaking down stored fat. Heat is transferred to the blood through abundant capillaries.
What type of adipose tissue is abundant in human babies and in other animals like bears that hibernate in winter?
multilocular adipose
What is the primary cell type in white fat?
unilocular adipocytes (yellow fat)
What type of adipose tissue are large, empty-looking cells with the nucleus pressed against cell membrane?
unilocular adipocytes
What type of adipose tissue has the shape of a “signet ring”?
unilocular adipocytes
What type of adipose tissue is used for energy storage, thermal insulation, and for cushioning other tissues?
unilocular adipocytes
What type of adipose tissue is found in hypodermis and surrounding various organs?
unilocular adipocytes
What are the two types of specialized connective tissue?
adipose and hematopoietic
What is the consistency of mesenchymal CT of a fetus?
A semi-fluid ground substance with thin reticular fibers
What is the shape of mesenchymal cells?
Fusiform - tapered at both ends; spindle shaped
Besides having a relatively abundant number of mesenchymal cells, the mesenchymal CT also has many _______ vessels.
Mesenchymal CT of the fetus is very _______ and _______
immature; cellular
What is the name of the syndrome of people with hyperelasticity of the skin?
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Why can people with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome stretch their skin much further than normal skin?
Because of defective collagen synthesis and insufficient collagen fibers to limit stretch
What is the condition that causes skin to be easily bruised, heal poorly, and joints are unusually flexible?
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
What type of fibers are thin, unbranched and stain darkly with solution of metals?
elastic fibers
What type of fibers are usually mixed with coarse, pink stained collagen fibers?
elastic fibers
What type of cells produce elastic fibers and collagen fibers?
Where is Wharton’s Jelly and what is it?
Umbilical cord
Mucous connective tissue
Where is loose connective tissue found?
Under epithelia
Mesentery of digestive tract
How do Mast Cells “dilute” an area of infection?
They release histamine (a vasodilator)
Dense Regular CT is primarily composed of what type of collagen?
Type I
The Achilles Tendon is a good example of what type of CT?
Dense Regular
achilles is highly regular, densely packed, and parallel
What is an advantage to Dense Irregular CT?
Withstands forces coming from multiple directions.
skin of palm
What does “Reticular” mean?
Where is reticular tissue found and what type of collagen is it made from?
In spongy CT (like liver, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone marrow)
Type III collagen
What produces elastin?
What is the natural color of elastin?
Where are elastic fibers found?
Dermis, arterial walls, external ear, lungs.
T/F GAGs are polymers of repeating disaccharides composed of monosaccharides including glucosamine, galactose, galactosamine.