Lecture 2- Cell Structure And Function Flashcards
What is the role of proteins in a cell
- Enzymatic catalysis
- Transport e.g o2 with hemoglobin
- Structural role. Eg collagen, myosin, fibroin
- Immune defense response. Eg immune: protein antibodies and defense: snake venom
- Chemical messenger/ regulators
Messengers: eg hormones
Regulators: eg LacI - Storage role- energy source
Chemical eg Fe or O2
Classification of proteins (on the basis of shape)
What are the two types of proteins based on shape and give an example
A) fibrous proteins- 3 main types 1. Collagens e.g connective tissue 2. Elastins (elastic tissue) 3. Keratins B) Globular proteins E.g hormones, immune proteins, transport proteins
Classification of proteins (on the basis of structure)
What are the 2 different structures of proteins, give an example
A) simple proteins (consists of amino acids)
B) conjugated proteins. Consists of a prosthetic group and a line of amino acids?
Comparison of prokaryotes and eukaryotes: Cell number Growth Size Genetic apparatus Organelles Cell wall
Cell number:
Pro: unicellular
Euk: Uni- or multi-cellular
Pro- small (0.5-3.0um)
Euk- larger (5-20um)
Genetic apparatus:
Pro- “nuclear region”’ no nuclear membrane, no nucleolus, no DNA-associated protein
Euk- nucleus, membrane bound, nucleolus, histone associated with DNA
Pro- no membrane-bound organelles, 70’s ribosomes
Euk- membrane-bound organelles, 80’s ribosomes
Cell wall:
Pro- polymeric structure containing muramic acid
Euk- if present lacks muramic acid
Comparison of viruses and cells (prokaryotes and eukaryotes): Nucleic acids: ATP synthesis: Machinery for protein synthesis: Origin of new viroin or cell: Limiting membrane:
Nucleic acids: Virus- DNA or RNA Cell- DNA and RNA ATP synthesis: Virus-no Cell-yes Machinery for protein synthesis: Virus- absent Cell- present Origin of new viroin or cell: Virus- synthesis by host Cell-fission, mitosis,or meiosis Limiting membrane: Virus- absent Cell- present
What is the structure and function of the plasma membrane
Function: selectively permeable barriers allows transfer of some compounds but not others
Structure: phospholipid bilayer with protein pores
-the phospholipid has a polar head and 2 non polar tails
Involved in cell to cell interaction
-has specific receptors for external stimuli, generation of signals
-process of endocytosis imports and exocytosis (exports molecules)
What is the structure and function of the nucleus
Function: contains DNA baring chromosomes
-site of synthesis of RNA
-site of synthesis of components of ribosomes
-enclosed in a nuclear envelope which has pores
-ribosomes, mRNA and enzymes move through these pores
-nucleolus which is site of synthesis of RNA and components to form ribosomes
What is cytoplasm and what is it for?
A semi-fluid substance in which organelles are suspended in
What is the function and structure of mitochondria?
Function: were aerobic respiration takes place
- were the reactions of energy generation take place
- the TCA cycle, fat oxidation , ATP generation
- contains enzymes for all of these functions
- Surrounded by 2 membranes (inner and outer)
- inner membranes fold into a series of cristae (the surface in which ATP is generated
- enzymes in which are involved in the electron transport are located on it too
- mitochondria contains own DNA
Ribosomes function and structure
Function: site of protein synthesis, were RNA is translated into proteins
-ribosomes move along strand of mRNA to form the new protein
Structure: consists of two subunits, one small and one large. The large one bonds the ribosome to the endoplasmic reticulum
-not surrounded by a membrane
-can be free ribosomes in cytoplasm in cytoplasm or in groups called ploysomes
Structure and function of endoplasmic reticulum
Function: roles in protein synthesis and protein transport
Structure: mesh of interconnected membranes, the internal space is called the lumen
-continuous with outer membrane of nuclear envelope
Rough endoplasmic reticulum function and structure
Function: site of protein synthesis
Structure: covered with ribosomes
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum function and structure
Function: involved in synthesis of lipids and steroids
-inactivation and detox of drugs and harmful compounds
Structure: no ribosomes attached
Golgi apparatus function and structure
Function: -processes and packages proteins ready for secretion -synthesises complex polysaccharides -vesicles arise from it Structure: Flattened stacks of membrane bound sacs
Secretory vesicles function and structure
Function: it packages proteins ready for secretion and other substances for export
- vesicles move from Golgi region to cell membrane
- fuse with cell membrane and discharge its contents to outside cell membrane
Lysosomes function and structur
Function: lysis of material
-means of storing hydrolases
-surrounded by a single membrane so the eats g particles don’t have free rein = destruction
Perixomes (micro bodies) function
Packages hydrogen peroxide safely in the cell
-protects cell from damaging effects of oxygen free radicals by products of cellular metabolism
Features of a plant cell
What are the unique features of a plant cell?
Cell wall
Single large vacuole (biggest part of the cell)
Plant cell wall structure
-rigid wall external to plasma membrane
-wall contains cellulose fibres and hardening substances eg lignin
Give them rigid structure and steady
Plant cell
Plastids function
They are membrane bound organelles which photosynthetic eukaryotes -storage organelles There are many types: 1. Chloroplasts 2. Leukoplasts 3. Chromoplasts (give it colour)
Plant cell
Chloroplasts structure and function
Structure: large organelles with double membrane
-have flattened, membranous sacs called thylakoids
Function :
-site of photosynthesis
-also contains their own DNA
-plants are green because of chlorofill in chloroplasts
-CO2 and h2O used to manufacture sugar
Plant cell
Vacuoles function
a single large vacuole in most cells
- role is to keep cell right size and store wastes
- a single membrane called tonoplasts