Lecture 2 : Action potentials Flashcards
Resting state
-Na and K channels are closed
- leakage accounts for small movements of Na and K
- -70mv inside the cytoplasm
Cytoplasm is more negative that the plasma membrane
Na gates are opened, K gates are closed
Na rushes in the cytoplasm and the charge is reversed to +30mv
Cytoplasm is postie and plasma membrane becomes negative
* if voltage is at threshold, AP will travel down the axon
Na gates close, voltage sensitive K gates open
K exits the cell and the negative charge is restored.
K gates remain open and causes leakage of K
2 Functions of the Na/K pump
- keep the cell polarized at rest
- Return the ions to appropriate sides of membrane after AP
3 Na out of the cell
2K in
Role of the Na/K pump
Repolarization- restores the electrical conditions of the neuron but does not restore the ionic conditions
change of about 15-20mV. in order to start AP change of 15-20mv has to occur
Absolute Refractory period
-time from opening of the Na activation gates until the closing of inactivation gates
Function of the Absolute Refractory period
- prevents the neuron from generation an AP
- ensures that each AP is separate
- enforces one way transmission of nerve impulses.
Relative refractory period
happens after absolute refractory period
- Na gates are closed
- K gates are open
- Repolarization and hyperpolarization occurs
Conduction Velocities of Axons
- rate of impulse propagation is determined by
Axon diameter and presence of myelin sheath
*** myelin increases the conduction velocities.
Saltatory conduction
- current passes through a myelinated axon only at the nodes of ranvier.
- Voltage gated Na channels are concentrated at these nodes.
a junction that transfers information from one neuron :
- to another neuron
- to an effector cell
Chemical synapses
release and reception of neurotransmitters
- has axon terminal of the presynaptic neuron and receptor region of the post synaptic neuron.
Termination of Neurotransmitters
- are degraded by enzymes (AChE)
- are reabsorbed by astrocytes or the presynaptic terminals.
- diffuse from synaptic cleft