Lecture 2 Flashcards
Descriptive vs Normative claims
Descriptive (can be true or false) - how things are:
-Rabat is the capital of Australia
Normative - how things should be:
- Women should be included in clinical tests
Variable meaning
Current scientific theories are likely to share the same fate as past theories.
Dependent vs Independent variable
Dependent = variable whose change depends on another variable
Independent = variable that stands alone, that is, whose values vary independently from the values of other variables in an experiment.
Ecological validity
is the degree to which experiment circumstances are representative of real-world circumstances
Population validity
degree to which experimental entities are representative of the broader class of entities of interest
internal experimental validity
scientists can correctly infer conclusions about the relationship between the independent and dependent variables with great certainty
External experimental validity
extent to which experimental results generalize from the experimental conditions to other conditions-especially to the phenomena the experiment is supposed to yield knowledge about
Cohort study
researchers select a group of subjects according to set parameters, and then
track those subjects over time, at set intervals, to observe the effects of some conditions they experience
Retrospective study
investigate their past in an attempt to identify the cause of a property of interest
Prospective study
track their development forward in time to check the effects of that property