Lecture 2 Flashcards
Determined by the purpose and individual acceptance of the user. It affects im indirectly.
Attributes of Usability Nielsen
Learnability, Efficiency, Memeriablity, Erros, Satisfaction
Usability ISO
Extent to which a product can be used by specified users to
achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a
specified context of use
Quality, accuracy, and completeness with which users achieve goals
1998: Effort necessary to reach a certain level of quality, accuracy, and completeness
2018: Resources used in relation to the results achieved (typical resources include time, human effort, costs and materials)
Context of use
1998: Users, tasks, equipment, physical and social environment, organizational
2018: Combination of users, goals and tasks, resources, and environment (includes
the technical, physical, social, cultural and organizational environments)
1998: Comfort and acceptability of the system to its users (enjoyable, motivating? or
limiting, irritating?)
2018: Extent to which the user’s physical, cognitive and emotional responses that
result from the use of a system, product or service meet the user’s needs and expectations
Measures of Effectiveness
Binary Task Completion, Accuracy, Recall, Completeness, Quality of Outcome
Measures of Efficiency
Time, Input rate, Mental Effort, Usage Patterns, Learnings
Measures of Satisfaction
Standard questionairs, Preference, Satisfaction with the interface, Attitudes and perceptions
Abwechselnd 1 gut, 5 schlecht , 5 gut, 1 schlecht. Frage mit ungrade position:
pos - 1, Frage mit gerade position 5 - pos. Am ende mit 2.5 multiplizieren.