Lecture 2 Flashcards
The basis of movement is provided by what?
Normal Postural tone
What does BEFAST stand for?
Balance- look for LOB/coordination
Eyes - vision changes
Face- ask them to smile
Arm- ask them to raise both arms
Speech - dysarthria/slurring
Time- 3 hour window to administer clot buster
What is normal postural tone?
Amount of tone sufficient to hold us upright against gravity
What are primitive reflexes?
Primitive reflexes provide the basis of movement patterns that progressively show more selective coordination and less stereotpying with time and maturation
What are righting reactions?
Serve to provide orientation to the head and align body parts w/ gravity
What are protective extension reactions?
Allow us 1 line of defense against changes in our postural balance. Also called parachute reactions in UE and protective stepping in LE.
What are equilibrium reactions?
Extension of protective reactions they allow us to balance by adjusting the location of our CoG over our BoS
What are atypical synergies
Atypical movements related to altered biomechanical alighment due to tone or caused by neurological disorganization or motor neuron recruitment
What are tonic reflexes?
example: Assymetric tonic neck reflex
They should go away when you grow up but they might re-emerge with CNS damage
Flexion synergies have Scapular ____________
Elevation and retraction
Flexion Synergies have shoulder _____________
abduction and external rotation
Flexion synergies have elbow ________ and forearm ______________
Flexion synergies have Wrist ________ and finger ____________
Extension synergies have scapular ___________ and ____________
depression and protraction
Extension synergies have shoulder _________ and ___________ and ____________
Extension and adduction and internal rotation