Lecture 2 Flashcards
Early biological explanations of mental health
Defines the brain in terms of the experiences it produces
Emil Kraepelin is considered a founder of
Modern psychiatry, medicalised treatment of mental health conditions
Emil kraepelin believed psychiatric symptoms have
Physical underpinnings that could be mapped onto brain processes
Emil Kraepelin considered mental health disorders to be
Emil Kraepelin is given credit for the first to describe
Emil Kraepelin saw schizophrenia as a disease that resulted in
Profound and terminal dementia
Signs are
Phenomena that can be observed and verified by other individuals
Symptoms are
Complaints that may be subjective in nature
Signs and symptoms in psychiatry are disturbances in
-Thinking processes
-Motor signs
Main classification for mental health conditions
-DSM 5
-ICD 11
Problems with DSM and ICD
-Current diagnostic categories based on consensus not findings from neuroscience and genetics
-Sets of signs and symptoms may not capture mechanisms of dysfunction
RDoC initiative is based on 3 key points
-Mental illness = disorders of brain circuits
-Dysfunction in brain circuits can be identified by clinical neuroscience
-Data from clinical neuroscience can be used to facilitate clinical management
Epidemiology is
Investigating the frequency and distribution of diseases and conditions
Incidence is
The number of people who are newly affected with a condition during a certain time period
Prevalence is
The commonality of a condition
Prevalence is determined by
-Number of people with symptoms who meet the diagnostic criteria
-Total number of people who could possibly have the condition
-Time measurements are taken
What are the 2 major cell types in the brain
Pharmacokinetics studies drug