Lecture 2 (1/25) Flashcards
Simple harmonic motion is also called
sinusoidal motion/ sine wave
A graph of particle displacement over time is called
time domain waveform or waveform
Ap is
peak amplitude
(be able to identify this on a graph)
Ap-p is
peak to peak amplitude
(be able to identify this on a graph)
Arms is
root mean square amplitude
(the average of all the instantaneous amplitudes)
Pressure is created when…
pressure is created when force is applied to a surface area
when the molecules are displaced since they exert a force on adjacent air molecules
What is pressure measured in?
The least amount of pressure detected by a human ear is
.0002 dynes/cm^2
The pain threshold of the ear is
200,000,000 dynes/cm^2
What is the dynamic range of hearing?
the range between the softest and the threshold of pain
What is power?
the capacity to exert force
Intensity is created when…
intensity is created when power is distributed over an area
Power is measured in
Intensity is measured in
_____ creates intensity, ______ creates pressure
power, force
the lowest intensity a human can detect is
1x 10^-16 watts/cm^2
threshold of pain of intensity is
1x10^-2 watts/cm^2
What is the relationship between intensity and pressure?
intensity= pressure^2
What are the 5 ways you can measure amplitude?
- amplitude peak
- amplitude peak-peak
- amplitude rms
- pressure (dynes/cm^2)
- power (watts/cm^2)