Lecture 19 - Integument Flashcards
What are the layers of the integument?
L19 S5
Basement membrane
Subcutaneous tissue
What are the components of the epidermal ridges?
L19 S6-7
Primary dermal ridge
Interpapillary peg
Secondary dermal ridges
Dermal papillae
Thick skin/thin skin
L19 S9
What are the different layers of the epidermis?
L19 S10
Stratum basale
Stratum spinous
Stratum granulosum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum corneum
What are the characteristics of the stratum basale?
L19 S13
- columnar to high cuboidal
- single layer of cells
- contain keratins 5 and 14
- high mitotic activity stem cells which differentiate into keratinocytes
What are the characteristics of the stratum spinosum?
L19 S14
- polyhedral-shaped cells (prickle cells)
- contains keratins 1 and 10
- keratohylain granules
- membrane coating granules (lamellar bodies)
- tonofibrils
What are the characteristics of the stratum granulosum?
L19 S17
- contains keratins 2e and 9
- flattened nucleated keratinocytes
- keratohyalin aggregates
- membrane-coating granules (lamellar bodies)
What are the characteristics of the stratum lucidium?
L19 S18
- contains eleiden
- flat keratinocytes lacking nuclei and organelles
- only present in thick skin
What are the characteristics of the stratum corneum?
L19 S18
- multiple layer of varying thickness (5-50)
- enucleated, flattened, dead keratinocytes
- cytoplasm replaced by keratin crosslinked with filaggrin
- cornified cell envelope (lipid layer linked to involucrine)
What are the characteristics of the dermis?
L19 S25-26
- dense irregular connective CT
- supports epidermis
Papillary layer:
- loose CT
- separated from skin by basal lamina
- abundant capillaries
Reticular layer:
- dense regular CT
- fibrocytes, macrophages, adipocytes
What are Langerhans cells?
L19 S28
- dendritic, antigen producing cells derived from monocytes
- migrate from lymph vessels
- found primarily in the stratum spinosum
- contain Birbeck granules
What are Merkel cells?
L19 S29
- mechanoreceptors
- typically found in stratum spinosum
- contain catecholamine-like granules
What are melanocytes?
L19 S30
- do not form desomsomes and are therefore mobile
- create melanin granules which are injected into keratinocytes
What are the characteristics of sebaceous glands?
L19 S34
- holocrine glands
- branched, acinar gland
- located in all skin except palms and soles
- produce sebum which is released into hair folicles (oil)
What are the types of sudoriferous glands?
L19 S36
Merocrine gland:
- coiled, simple tubular glands
- apical cells secrete glycoproteins
- basal cells secrete water and electrolytes
- myoepithelium
- located in labia majora, areola, axilla, and anal regions
- secretions are thicker
- opens into typically hairless hair follicles
- inactive until puberty
- adrenergic activation
What are the components of a hair folicle?
L19 S40
Hair bulb:
-expanded part of hair follicle
External root sheath
Internal root sheath
Hair shaft:
-medulla, cortex, and cuticle
Arrector pile muscles and sebaceous glands are associated