Lecture 18: Virtual Memory 2 Flashcards
Policy #1: First-In-First-Out (FIFO)
Idea: Replace the page that’s been in memory the longest
\+: Easy to implement, understand –: Ignores page usage Suffers from Belady’s Anomaly: Available frames Þhit ratio ¯ e.g.: 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 1 2 3 4 5 What is the hit ratio assuming: a. 3 available frames b. 4 available frames
Policy #2: Optimal
Evict the page that won’t be needed for the longest time
+: can’t get a better hit ratio than this gives
–: there is no way to know future memory references
Policy #3: Least Recently Used (LRU)
approximates optimal by predicting that least recently used page is
one that won’t be used for longest time
principle of program flow that says that consecutive memory references
tend to be close to each other (e.g.: code instructions, looping through
an array)
Policies #4+: Approximations of LRU
“4a. Reference Bits
• add “reference bit” column to page table
• initially, all bits set to 0
• reference to page p sets p’s reference bit to 1
• when all bits are 1, reset all to 0
• when replacing, choose any page with reference bit = 0”
“4b. Reference Bitstrings
• add n-bit column to page table
• initially, all bit strings = 00…0
• reference to page p sets rightmost bit of page p’s bit string to 1 e.g.: 01010010 ® 01010011
• after fixed amount of time, shift all bit strings to the left e.g.: 01010011 ® 10100110
® most assembly langs have “shift left”, “shift right” instructions for registers”
Policy #5: Least Frequently Used
- also tries to approximate optimal.
- predicts that page that will not be accessed for longest time in future is that which has been accessed the fewest time in past
- requires maintaining counter for all pages in page table
”+: reasonable approximation of optimal in some cases
–: requires counter field in page table
requires write of memory for every memory reference likely to evict pages just brought into memory
• less compatible with locality compared to LRU”
Local Allocation
• assign a process some number of frames when it is created
• page fault requires evicting a page that the process owns
ISSUE: Thrashing
• must provide minimum frame allocation to each process (as
determined by instruction set). Otherwise, thrashing is
Local Allocation +
a. Equitable allocation: Each process gets ëm/nû frames
• Problem: Suppose P1 needs 10 frames, P2 needs 190 frames, 60
are available
• Both get 30 frames and P1 has 20 frames that it doesn’t need, and
that P2 does need
b. Proportional allocation
P2: (190/200) ´ 60 = 57 frames
P1: (10/200) ´ 60 = 3 frames
c. Priority-based allocation
e.g.: Give P1 all 10 frames if it has a higher priority than P2
Global Allocation
Idea: all processes have access to all frames
replacement: a process can replace page owned by another
The Working-Set Model
• based on locality – as process executes, it uses a different set of pages
Working-Set Algorithm
Idea: Allocate enough frames to a process to fit the pages in its “current” locality
Page-Fault Frequency Scheme
Idea: Monitor page-fault rate of every active process. React accordingly
- if page fault rate > UB, allocate more frames
- if page fault rate < LB, deallocate frames
- may need to suspend process if cannot allocate more frames
- increase degree of multi programming if surplus”
Virtual memory
• permits logical address space > number of allocated frames
• permits higher degree of multiprogramming than pure paging
• performance concern: keep page fault frequency (r) low
à disk access :: memory access ~ 10,000 :: 1
page replacement
•essential tradeoff: low page fault frequency vs overhead to ensure
- per memory access (setting reference bits, time stamps…)
- periodic (SHL on reference bit strings)
- per page fault (scanning page table for page to evict)