Lecture 17: Swine 1: Industry, Production and Biosecurity Flashcards
What are the global trends of the world meat consumption?
-40% of all meat consumed is pork
-As the world population expands, so does the population of pigs
-As the economies of developing countries increases pork consumption increases (increase on global industry)
-The health of the global pig herd is important
What are some national trends seen in the CA swine industry?
-Pork: Canadas 3rd largest agricultural export commodity
-CA is the #1 exporter of live swine
-The health of the CA pig herd is important
-Major swine centres: ON, Quebec. Manitioba
TRUE OR FALSE: Pigs are only used as production animals its not common to have pet pigs or use them for any other purpose?
-100,000 pet pigs in North america
-pigs: models for human medical research
-Pigs: important sources for human organ transplant
What are the types of quality assurance programs available for food safety?
Food safety
-Canadian Quality Assurance programs: 1998 (CQA)
-Animal Care Assurance program: 2012 (ACA)
-Pigsafe -Pigtrace -Pigcare
-Canadian Pork Excellence program (combo of 2 above)
-“Voluntary”- processors will want to see this when market
-Validators- held up by audits
What are the types of quality assurance programs available for biosecurity standards and code of practice?
-Recommendations (2012)
Code of Practice (not mandatory but makes up Excellence program)
What are the overall trends seen in ON?
-THe number of hers is decreasing (less pigs farms)
-ON pig farm size is increasing (but overall growing bc increasing # of pigs per farm) production increasing
-Farms are predominantly family owned
-Land-based farms (for crop production and nutrient management and manure used to fertilized)
-Contributed over $4 million to provincial economy
Where and why are majority of the swine farms in ON?
-Majority are in the south western area of ON
-This is bc its closer to boarder for transport and slaughter but also can grow certain ingredients in this area
What are some economic costs associated with swine production?
Fixed costs of production
-Barn, labour, utilities
What is the number 2 cost of production and why does it fluctuate?
-# 1 cost is feed
-Fluctuates with cost of corn and number of pigs in the barn
TRUE OR FALSE: the swine industry is supply managed?
-Can have big fluctuations
-This can influence farms choices for animal care/welfare by not being able to afford the better options
What are the 4 breeds covered in class? What are each know for?
Duroc (brown pigs)
- Good meat quality
- Good feed conversion
- Good growth rates
(often used as sire/boar semen)
Hampshire (Oreo)
- Good meat quality
- Good feed conversion
- Good growth rate
(can be disadvantage bc some producers don’t like dark hairs might mean more work)
Landrace (floppy white)
- Large litter sizes
- Good milk production
- Good growth rate
Yorkshire (stand up ears, white)
- Large litter sizes
- Good mothers
What are the different stages/types of swine farms?
Farrow to finish
-Gestation (moved to farrowing where they give birth, pregnant for 3m,3w,3d or 115d)
-Farrowing (sow gives birth, piglets are removed and weaned at 3w) and cycle repeated for sow
-Nursery 3-10w (for piglets to grow)
-Grow/finish 11-26w
What are the types of swine farms in more detail?
Farrow to finish
- +/- raise own replacement
Weaner producers
-Sell pigs at 20-25kg
Grow-finish operation
-Buy 20-25kg pigs & raise to market age
Breeding stock suppliers
-Sell gilts and boars to others, supply boars to AI stud
-Most pigs still go for market hogs
SEW (segregated early weaning)
-or multi-site production (multiple sow herds send pigs to one nursery)
What happens in the production phase of breeding?
-Sows in individual stalls or group pens -stay here until confirmed pregnant (at around 28d then move to group pens)
-Boars in individual stalls or pens
TRUE OR FALSE: most of the breeding is done through AI only a small portion is done by natural breeding.
-over 90% is artificial insemination
-Natural breeding 1boar:20 sows but not common
What happens at the proaction phase of gestation?
-Sows housed in individual stalls or group pens (currently shifting from stall –> group)
-Gestation length (115d)
What are the pros and cons of stalls for gestation?
(only allowed to be in here until confirmed pregnant at 258d)
-Easier to monitor/ identify if something wrong (abortion/pregnant)
-Less space in barn
-Reduced feed competition/ aggression at time of feeding
-Individual feeding (not a problem anymore with tags that regular feed bins)
-Consumer perceptions
-Not able to turn around/express natural behaviours, restricting movement
What are the pros and cons of group pens?
-physically more fit to cary pregnancy
-Social hierarchy social aggression, lose feed
-Increase rates of culling from injury/lameness
What happens at the farrowing stage of production?
-Sows farrow (give birth) in crates
-Piglets weaned at 14-28d
-Crates are washed before new sows move in ie ALL IN ALL OUT movement
How do farrowing crates work and what is the purpose?
-In a crate, sow lies down SLOWLY giving piglets time to move out of the way which prevents crushing
-Can open after 1w when they get bigger
-Pen doesn’t prevent ‘flopping’ just slows down descent
what is the difference between all in/all out and continuous flow?
-Room/barn filled all at once
-Room/barn completely emptied and cleaned before new pigs enter
-Decreased disease spread
Continuous (never completely cleaned)
-New pigs constantly moved into room/barn
-Room.barn never completely empty
-More risk of disease
What happens at the nursery stage of production?
-Move in at ~3w old and 5kg
-Housed in groups- males and females (separate breeding stock) oven doors and run in/out into pens
-Remain here for ~7w
-Move out at ~10w old and 25kg
What happens at the grow/finish production phase?
-Housed in groups
-Remain here until reach market weight (~110kg) depends on producer but this is common
-Spend 100-120d in finishing barn (pigs are ~6m old when reach market weight)
What does biosecurity refer to?
biosecurity refers to the steps taken to protect the pig farm from entry of disease agents- viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic
-Also prevent internal spread WITHIN barn
What are the essential concepts of biosecurity?
TO mediate:
1. But pigs from one source with known heart;th status
2. Buy from herd with good biosecurity (want to but for prod who cares about health of their pigs)
3. Quarantine new boars/gilts for at least 60d - test for disease, vaccinate, expose to sentinel pigs (isolation barn, housing new purchases)
4. Reduce the number of new pigs brought into herd - how do we do this? (increase internal replacement, breeding and keeping so already exposed to pathogens or using AI to decrease # of males bringing in
5. Build new barns away from other hers -3km (build away from other pigs, very dense in ON but still should be done)
What is a big concept of biosecurity?
-control people movement via signage and access zones
CAZ- controlled access zone
-pig farm yard
-Buildings and driveway
-Access limited
RAZ: restricted access zone
-Where pigs are housed
-Defined entry protocol
What are biosecurity considerations for people and vehicles?
1. Restrict access to barn-signs lock doors
2. Wash hands or shower
3. Change from street clothes into barn boots and coveralls
-Cn be contaminated by pig manure from other farms- pig transport, feed, headstock etc
1. Ensure trucks that have been to other farms have been cleaned
2. Don’t allow vehicles near barn (remember CAZ)
3. Have dead-stock pick up at end of lane (bin or separate dirveway)
What are biosecurity measures for airborne spread of disease?
-Locate farm far from other farms/pigs and far from the road
-Use long driveways and many trees
How do other animals on farm or wild life impact biosecurity?
Can bring new disease into barn or spread disease through barn
1. No cats/dogs/other species in barn
2. Rodent control program
3. Screens to keep birds out (influenza affect birds, pigs, ppl)
Why is there such a strong focus on biosecurity?
-Food security/safety stand point
-No quota so affect overall profit
-Housing together so disease can spread quick
-Eradication is harder so avoid problem is key