Lecture 16: Sensory Cranial Nerves Flashcards
What are the three sensory nuclei for the trigeminal nerve and what are their locations?
- Chief Sensory (pons)
- Mesencephalic (mesencephalon)
- Spinal Nucleus (extends as a column from the mesencephalon to the spinal cord where it continues as the substantia gelatinosa.
What does the vestibular nuclei control and where is it located?
body position; pons; associated with CNVIII
What does the cochlear nuclei control and where is it located?
hearing; pons; associated with CNVIII
What is the rostral part of the nucleus solitarius concerned with?
What is the caudal part of the nucleus solitarius concerned with?
cardiorespiratory inputs
Describe CNI (Olfatory)
- Purely sensory and serves olfaction.
- Sensory receptors lie in the nasal epithelium and they send axons through the cribriform plate to synapse in the olfactory bulb. They travel in the olfactory tract to synapse in the olfactory cortex, amygdala and related forebrain structures.
Loss of the sense of smell
Describe CNII (Optic Nerve)
- Purely sensory and transmits visual input into the brain
- Receptors are located in the retina at the rear of the eye.
What is the optic nerve made of?
axons of retinal ganglion cells
Describe the path of the optic nerves.
They converge just outside the mesencephalon where 50% of the fibers from each eye cross to the opposite side of the body via the optic chiasm.
**Central to the chiasm, the fibers run as the optic tract.
Describe the path of the optic tract.
It runs along the outside of the mesencephalon to the lateral geniculate body (visual thalamus) which in turn projects to the primary visual cortex on the banks of the calcarine fissure.
What is the alternative path for fibers of the optic tract?
Some fibers bypass the LGN and instead travel in the brachium of the superior colliculus to synapse in the superior colluculus.
**This is important for startle reflexes.
Describe CNV
- Mixed nerve that serves as the primary one for somesthesis of the face.
- Carries nerves for fine touch, proprioception, and pain and temperature afferents from the skin of the face region.
What provides innervation to the back of the head?
primarily spinal nerves from C2
What provides innervation to the external ear?
multiple cranial nerves
Where do all fine touch afferents (even those not running with CNV) form the face synapse?
In the Chief Sensory Nucleus
What are the sensory functions of CNVII?
- Taste sensation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
- Somesthetic afferents (fine touch, vibration, pain and temperature) for a small area around the external auditory meatus.
Where are cell bodies for the somesthetic afferents located?
geniculate ganglion