Lecture 16 9/19/24 Flashcards
What are the general characteristics of pericardial disease?
-important cause of clinical signs of right-sided CHF
What is the parietal pericardium?
fibrous pericardium + serosal layer
Why is pericardial disease important?
causes diastolic dysfunction and congestive heart failure
What is the etiopathogenesis of pericardial effusion in cats?
-venous congestion associated with CHF
What is the etiopathogenesis of pericardial effusion in dogs?
-neoplastic*** (>50%)
-idiopathic hemorrhagic effusion
What is the pathophysiology of pericardial effusion?
-effect of PE depends of volume of effusate and compliance of pericardium
-slower development of PE allows pericardium to stretch and accommodate fluid at low pressure
-if volume of PE exceeds reserve volume, intrapericardial pressure rises and can impair ventricular filling
What is tamponade?
syndrome of impaired ventricular filling caused by presence of intrapericardial fluid
What causes the clinical signs of tamponade?
low cardiac output and elevated venous pressure
How does PE impact ventricular filling pressures?
PE causes RV filling pressures to equilibrate with those of the LV before the two begin to rise in tandem
What is pulsus paradoxus?
-exaggeration of physiologic respiratory associated changes in arterial pressure
-augmented right ventricular filling during inspiration occurs at the expense of left ventricular filling
-weak pulses with inspiration, stronger with expiration
What is the history/signalment of PE?
-large/giant breeds
-circulatory collapse
What are the physical findings with PE?
-muffled heart sounds
-jug. distention
-weak arterial pulse
What are the characteristics of central venous pulse?
-pulsation is physiologic
-degree of distention and the height of jug. pulsation reflects RA pressure
How is PE diagnosed on chest rads?
-cardiac silhouette enlargement
-silhouette lacks contour
-pulmonary vessels are small
How is PE diagnosed on ECG?
sinus tachycardia +/- abnormal QRS
-small QRS
Why is echo important for PE assessment??
allows for hemodynamic and etiologic assessment
How is PE diagnosed on echo?
presence of circumferential free space that is generally not visible caudal to the left atrial parietal wall
What are the consequences of pleural effusion, based on effect on filling?
-atrial inversion
-RV inversion
-LV chamber size
-heart rate
Where does hemangiosarcoma typically occur?
parietal wall of right atrium
Where does chemodectoma typically occur?
Which neoplasms can cause pleural effusion?
What is the treatment for PE?
-subtotal pericardiectomy
-balloon pericardiotomy
Why are diuretic agents contraindicated in PE treatment?
reduce venous pressure and further limit ventricular filling