Lecture 15 - Ventricles of Brain Flashcards
3 primary vesicles
prosencephalon (forebrain)
mesencephalon (mesencephalon)
rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
5 secondary vesicles
- forebrain = ____
a. ____ (cerebrum, basal ganglia)
b. ____ (hypo-, epi-, thalamus) - midbrain = ____
a. ___ (corpora quadrigemina) - hindbrain = ____
a. ____ (cerebellum, pons)
b. ____ (medulla oblongata)
- prosencephalon
a. tel
b. die - mes
a. mes - rhombencephalon
a. met
b. mye
four cavities (ventricles)
- later ventricles (1&2) are within the ___
- 3rd ventricle within the ___
- aqueduct within the ___
- 4th ventricle shared by the ____
- tel
- die
- mes
- met and mye
cross section of spinal cord
cortex: ___ matter
medulla: ___ matter
cross section of brain
cortex: ___ matter
medulla: ___ matter
in spinal cord,
dorsal roots contain ___ neurons and
ventral roots contain ___ neurons
the telencephalon is the …
storage of information, memory, and what makes us human
the cerebrum is associated with the ___ vesicle
cerebral functions
- ___ thought processes
- ___ functions
- ____ storage and processing
- regulation of ___ and ____ somatic motor patterns
- conscious
- intellectual
- memory
- involuntary and voluntary
what is the largest region of the brain
surface features of cerebrum
- elevated ridges =
- shallow depressions =
- deeper grooves between lobes/regions =
- gyri
- sulci
- fissure
the 2 hemispheres of the cerebrum are separated by the …
the corpus callosum
the cerebrum is hallow where the ventricles are separated by the
septum pellucidum
- the right hemisphere of the cerebrum incorporates ___ information, spatial ____
- the left hemisphere of the cerebrum incorporates: ____, reading, ___, speaking, ____
- sensory; relationships
- language, writing, logic
the cerebrum has 4 lobes…
areas in frontal lobe
- ____ cortex
a. emotion, motivation, ___ regulation
b. sense of ___, reasoning - ___ center (brocas area)
a. breathing/____ - pre-central ___
a. primary motor cortex: ___ homunculus
- prefrontal
a. behavioral
b. time - speech
a. vocalization - gyrus
a. motor
areas in parietal lobe
- central ___
- post-central ___ (___ cortex)
a. primary sensory cortex: ___ homunculus
b. ___ to central sulcus - pre central ___ (___ cortex)
a. ___ to central sulcus
- sulcus
- gyrus; sensory
a. sensory
b. posterior - gyrus; motor
a. anterior
areas of temporal lobe
- includes ___ cortex
- brain is ___ what is is you’re ___
- how your brain interprets it is what you ___
- auditory
- interpreting; hearing
- hear
areas of occipital lobe
- includes ___ cortex
- processing information that your ___ is giving
- your eyes don’t see anything, your brain is ____ the information your eyes are giving
- visual
- retina
- interpreting
alzheimer’s disease
- ___ condition
- progressive loss of ___/___
- substantial ___ in cortical neurons
- substantial ___ in volume of gyri
- attacks ___ cortex and ___ lobe
a. affecting memories, language, navigation - ___ poison is associated with Alzheimer’s
- neurological
- neurons/synapses
- decrease
- decrease
- prefrontal; frontal
- aluminum
senility is also associated with the cerebrum
- in senile dementia whay memory is first to go
- short term memory (putting socks on)
the diecephalon is a BOX that consists of the:
- roof (____)
a. ___ gland is on top aka third eye - walls (____)
- floor (____)
a. ___ gland hanging of the bottom - chamber = ____
- epithalamus
a. pineal - thalamus
- hypothalamus
a. pituitary - third ventricle
what is the epithalamus
- it secretes what
pineal gland
the thalamus is the ____/processing center for ___ information
relay / sensory
the hypothalamus:
- controls thirst, ___, body ___
- coordinated the _NS
- coordinates the ___ system
- secretes ____
a. ___ - integrates ___ and ___ commands
a. related to ___ (conscious and unconscious) - pituitary gland lies ___ the hypothalamus
a. suspended by ____
- appetite; temp
- endocrine
- hormones
a. oxytocin - sensory and motor
a. emotion - beneath
a. infundibulum
these areas are coordinated with the mesencephalon
- corpora quadrigemina which integrates ___/___ data
a. superior colliculi (____)
b. inferior colliculi (___) - red ____
a. maintains muscle ___ and ___ - substantia nigra: neurotransmitter ____
- cerebral ____
a. support the ___
- visual/auditory
a. sight
b. sound
a. tone and posture - dopamine
- peduncles
a. cerebrum
areas associated with the metencephalon
- ___ (___ portion of metencephalon)
a. coordinates postural/skeletal ___ of body
b. programming of ___ movements
c. __ hemispheres + ___ (indentation between them)
d. ___: folds of cerebellar cortex
e. ___ ___ = the pattern - ___ (___ portion of metencephalon)
a. 4 important CNs … ?
b. ___ center
c. associated with sleep ___
- CEREBELLUM (posterior)
a. muscles
b. repetitive
c. 2 + vermis
d. folia
e. arbor vitae - PONS (anterior)
a. C5, C6, C7, C8
b. respiratory
c. paralysis
this area is associated with the myelencephalon
- ____ ____
a. transition from ___ to ___ ___
b. 5 important CNs …?
c. autonomic centers for ___ functions
d. injury can lead to ___
e. ___ ventricle shared between this and pons
f. where white and grey matter ___
a. brain to spinal cord
b. C8-C12
c. visceral
d. death
e. 4th
f. switch
limbus system = ____
- includes many ___ spread throughout brain
- links ___ thought with autonomic functions of brain stem
- learning and storage of ___ term memory
- olfactory bulb = sense of ___
a. most hard wired sense associated with ___
- nuclei
- conscious
- smell; memory
synesthesia = typically a hereditary ___ condition
- cross wiring of ___ and special ____
a. taste __ and see ___ - common among ___ and poets
- senses and special senses
a. taste colors and see sounds - artists
elaborations of the dura mater
- flax cerebri runs between the ___ hemispheres
- flax cerebelli runs between the ___ hemispheres
- tentorium cerebelli runs between ___ and ___ aka a TENT
- diaphragma sellae encloses the ___ gland
- ___ sinuses
- ___ meninges are continuous with ___ meninges
- cerebral
- cerebellar
- cerebrum and cerebellum
- pituitary
- dural
- spinal ; cerebral
- ___ (within ___ ventricles)
through ___ foramen
- ___ ventricle (choroid plexus within)
- ___ aqueduct
- __ ventricle
a. then through ___ OR central ___ - both above go to ___ space
- arachnoid ____
- dural ___
- choroid plexus (within lateral ventricles)
through interventricular foramen
- 3rd
- mesencephalic (or aqueduct of midbrain)
- 4th ventricle (choroid plexus within)
a. aperatures or central canal - subarachnoid space
- granulation
- sinus
hydrocephalus =
- failure of __ to escape from the ___
a. ___ hydrocephalus - failure of the ___ to be returned to the ___ ___
a. ___ hydrocephalus
water in the brain
- CSF ; ventricles
a. internal - CSF ; dural sinuses
a. external