Lecture 15- sustainability: people and planet Flashcards
what can sustainability be defined as?
meeting current production goals without compromising the future in terms of either environmental degradation or resource depletion
describe population growth by 2100
- There is an 80% probability that the 7.7 billion population will increase to 11 billion (9.6-12.3) by 2100. Much of this increase is expected to happen in Africa
describe the issues surrounding wealth
- The global economic system is biased to the rich. The world population is growing- and becoming wealthier- but most people still live on less than $10,000 per year
- 60% of the world’s population share 9.4% of global wealth
- The richest countries contribute the most to CO2 emissions- they are also the most resource intensive
what is ecological debt?
living beyond our means- Because the global economy fails to properly value the Earth’s resources (or people) we don’t manage these resources (and people) in a way that is either economically or environmentally sustainable, (or just).
what are the key issues for sustainability? (4)
Inter-generational responsibilities and justice
Economic and environmental sustainability
Reduction in waste and improvements in N fertilizer efficiency
Dietary choices- for health and the environment
where is likely to be most impacted in terms of climates affect on food production?
the poorer regions of the world
describe consumerism
I want more and I want it now!
‘what were luxuries to our fathers have become necessities for us.‘
- EF Schumacher (1977)
quote by mahatma ghandi which describes consumerism
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”
give an example of the paradox of inequality
No relationship between income and life expectancy between developed countries
But within countries huge effects of relative income and life expectancy
-Tight relationship between the more unequal a country is in terms of its population wealth then the worse the overall outcomes in terms of social problems and health problems
describe income inequality in the UK?
its increasing- the poor are getting poorer and the super-rich richer
describe the difference in America and norways justice systems
- In America prisons are to punish.
- In Norway prisons are for reintegratiing offenders into society
much higher percentage of americans reoffend and spend high portion of life in prison compared to Norwegians
describe the basic message behind Schumackers book ‘small is beautiful’
The basic message is that man is pulling the Earth and himself out of equilibrium by applying only one test to everything he does: money, profits and therefore giant operations.
We have got to ask instead, what about the cost in human terms, in happiness, health, beauty and conserving the planet?
what is the average UK debt per person?
66 k
what is meant by ‘young peoples burden’
e.g. younger generations have been forced into debt for university fees because the older generation hasn’t wanted to pay more taxes
Young people will have to pay to save the climate that has been damaged by the older generation: - Proposed methods of CO2 extraction from air such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) or air capture CO2 have been estimated to cost US $89-535 trillion this century
what does the new climate economy proposal involve?
- Raising productivity in unproductive areas
- Better soil and water management
- Restoration of degraded agricultural land
- Halting deforestation of ecosystems
describe the problems of food resources in the future
- As people get richer they tend to consume more food and there is an increase in protein demand - which tends to come as animal products -
We could feed the world by not destroying ourselves (and the planet)!- Consumption of fruit and vegetables remains below recommended daily amounts for a healthy lifestyle
give an example which represents inequality in food supply
There are nearly a billion people malnourished in the world because of lack of food, whilst over 2.1 billion are overweight
what has been suggested about classification of homo sapiens sapiens
It has been suggested that our present name Homo sapiens sapiens could then be reserved for a future type of human that is able to meet defined criteria such as, for example, living within the planets boundaries
what percentage of greenhouse gases are released from global agriculture and food production
- Global agriculture and food production release more than 25% of greenhouse gas emissions
describe food consumption of rich people
eat more meat, but also eat more nutritionally ‘empty calories’- the richest people consume 37% of their calories from these unhealthy ‘empty’ sources. – refined sugars, refined animal fats and oils, and alcohol - unhealthy for us but also the planet
what is the most greenhouse gas intensive form of food?
- Ruminant-derived meat
what type of diet is particularly healthy in comparison to UK and America?
and Mediterranean diets rich in leafy vegetables and fruits are significantly more healthy than the global-average diet
describe how diet is predicted to effect disease by 2050
- If dietary trends continue it is predicted that 2/3rds of the global burden of disease will be due to food intake by 2050
what should a global change in diet, away from ‘western’ style diets result in?
significant triple benefits for nutrition, the environment and human health.
Take home message about dietary choices
dietary choices across large populations begin to make a big difference in terms of health of populations and the planet - diet-environment-health trilemma