Lecture 15: STI's Flashcards
First time infected/finite time
General level/time
Frequency (#of events/size of population) ex. attack rate
Do condoms work to eliminate HPV?
NO, just lower chances
Most common age for STI’s
3 factors determining rate of spread of STI’s
a) rate of exposure of susceptible ppl
b) efficiency of transmission per exposure
c) duration of infectivity of those infected
Major cause of human disease. Rate very high. Can cause cancer. Could get it, it lies dormant, and suddenly in your 40’s you have cervical cancer
STI transmission + acquiring
- Sex (vag/anal)
- Oral-gen
- I.V drugs (sharing needles)
- Congenital transmission (mom->baby)
- Women tend to be more bio prone to STI’s
Harm reduction strategies for preventing STI acquisition
- Abstinence (dumb)
- Practice safe sex
- Monogamous relationship (dumb)
- Reduce the # number of sexual partners
- Vaccination (HPV)
Bacteria STI’s
- Treponema pallidum
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- Neisseria gonorrhea
Viruses STI’s
- Human immunodeficiency virus
- Human Pappiloma Virus (HPV)
- Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
Parasites STI
Trichomonas vaginalis
- Caused by Treponema palladum
- Less common STI but on the rise
- Doesn’t produce painful sores
- Can be treated with penicillin
- Can be asymp
- Diagnoses: Treponemal Tests (IgG and IgM) as well as testing for non-syphilis specific proteins non-treponemal test
Stage 1 Syphilis
Shanker (non painful @ first sign of contact) -> then randomly dissolves
Stage 2 Syphilis
Develops a rash -> on palms and soles of feet
Rash is hard to see with freckles or dark skin then disappears