Lecture 15 - Scalp and Meninges Flashcards
Layers of the Scalp
- Skin
- Connective Tissue
- Aponeurosis: •Frontalis •Occipitalis
- Loose Areolar Tissue
- Pericranium(periosteum)
Cutaneous Nerve Supply
CN V: (Trigeminal Nerve) •Ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular Cervical spinal nerves: •Ventral rami of C2, C3: •Great auricular nerve (C2,3) •Lesser occipital nerve (C2) •Dorsal ramus of C2: •Greater occipital nerve
Vascular Supply
Branches of external carotid:
•Posterior auricular
•Superficial temporal
Branches of internal carotid:
Arterial Supply to Brain
Brain is supplied by Two internal carotid arteries and Two vertebral arteries
The four arteries lie within the subarachnoid space. •The branches of the four arteries anastomose on the inferior surface of the brain and form the circle of Willis.
Circle of Willis
Function: •Interconnects the internal carotid and vertebral system to create alternative routes for blood flow in case of blockage
Components: •Posterior cerebral arteries •Internal carotids/middle cerebral arteries •Anterior cerebral arteries •Anterior communicating artery •Posterior communicating arteries
Blood vessels: •Anterior meningeal arteries: •From ethmoidal arteries and internal carotid •Middle meningeal artery: •From maxillary artery •Emissary veins: •Between dural venous sinuses and external veins •Diploicveins •Cerebral veins
Meninges and Spaces
Superficial to deep: •Epidural space: •Absent around brain •Dura mater •Subdural space •Leptomeninx: •Arachnoid membrane •Arachnoid villi •Pia mater
Dura Mater
- The dura mater is a tough thick sheet of dense fibrous connective tissue.
- In the cranial cavity it lines the inside of the cranial vault bone and serves as the periosteum.
- Around the spinal cord, the dura mater forms a connective tissue tube that is separated from the bone of the vertebral foramina by a space referred to as the epidural space.
- There is no epidural space in the skull.
- Within the dura mater are large, endothelial-lined venous sinuses that receive blood from the cerebral drainage as well as cerebrospinal fluid via the arachnoid villi.
- A layer of dural border cells separates the dura mater from the subdural space
Dura mater Reflections:
- Falx cerebri: •Midline fold of dura mater extending between two cerebral hemispheres
- Tentorium cerebelli: •Dural fold located between cerebellum and occipital lobes of cerebral hemispheres
- Falx cerebelli: •Dural fold between two cerebellar hemispheres
- Diaphragma sellae: •Dural fold over hypophyseal fossa
Dural sinuses
Dural venous sinuses are endothelial lined spaces between the periosteal and meningeal layers of the dura.
Include: •Superior sagittal sinus: •Inferior sagittal sinus: -Straight Sinus -Confluence of Sinuses -Transverse -Sigmoid -Cavernous -Superior Petrosal -Inferior Petrosal -Sphenoparietal -Basilar venous plexus
Superior Sagittal Sinus
•Lies along superior margin of falx cerebri •Begins at crista galli and ends at occipital protuberance
Inferior Sagittal Sinus
•Lies along inferior margin of falx cerebri •Ends in straight sinus
Straight Sinus
•Lies at intersection of falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli •Formed at intersection of inferior sagittal sinus with great cerebral vein •Joins confluence of sinuses
Confluence of Sinuses
Common confluence of superior sagittal sinus, transverse sinuses, and straight sinus
Transverse Sinus
- Begins at confluence of sinuses
- Extends along edges of tentorium cerebelli
- Right receives blood from superior sagittal sinus
- Left (dominant) receives blood from straight sinus
Sigmoid Sinus
- Continuations on either side of straight sinus
- “S”-shaped
- End at jugular foramina
- Become internal jugular veins
Cavernous Sinus
Large venous plexus on each side of sellaturcica(See p. 869 in text for details)
Superior Petrosal
Run on either side from cavernous sinus to junction of transverse and sigmoid sinus
Inferior Petrosal
Run on either side from cavernous sinus to junction of sigmoid sinus and internal jugular vein
Intermediate layer
•The arachnoid is a meninx composed of delicate connective tissue. •The outer layer of the arachnoid faces the subdural space and is made up of a single layer of arachnoid barrier cells. •The arachnoid is attached to the underlying pia mater by delicate strands of connective tissue called arachnoid trabeculae.
•Cerebrospinal fluid fills the subarachnoid space.
•Arachnoid granulations (Fovea granulares) may pit surrounding bone
Arachnoid Villi
made up of arachnoid barrier cells, extend from the outer surface of the arachnoid into the overlying venous sinuses of the dura mater and allow cerebrospinal fluid to flow from the subarachnoid space into the duralsinuses.
•The spaces between the arachnoid and the pia mater are collectively referred to as the ___.
subarachnoid space.
Arachnoid mater:
- Subarachnoid cisterns: •Choroid plexuses •Flow of CSF: •Arachnoid villi. •Arachnoid granulations.
- Hydrocephalous: •Obstructive •Communicating
Pia Mater
Innermost layer
•The pia mater is a thin, delicate sheet of connective tissue that lies directly on the surfaces of the brain and spinal cord.
•It follows the contours of the brain and dips into the fissures and sulci, lining them as well.
•The connective tissue of the pia mater is continuous with the perivascular connective tissue of cerebral and spinal cord blood vessels.
•The pia mater is very tightly attached to the nervous tissue of the brain and spinal cord and cannot be removed without damaging the nervous tissue.
•Perivascular spaces are tunnels covered with pia mater.
Spinal Cord Meninges
- Epidural space
- Dura mater
- Arachnoid mater
- Subarachnoid space
- Pia mater
- Denticulate ligaments
- Filum terminale
Epidural Space
contains epidural fat and internal venous plexus
filum terminale
extension of dural sac from conus medullaris to coccyx
Upper part of spinal cord (Vasculature)
- Anterior spinal artery from union of vertebral arteries
- Sulcalbranches from anterior spinal artery into anterior median fissure
- Posterior spinal arteries branch from vertebral arteries or from posteroinferior cerebellar arteries.
Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Choroid plexuses → Ventricles → Through apertures → Into subarachnoid space → Through arachnoid villi → Into dural venous sinuses → Into internal jugular veins