Lecture 14 - Face Flashcards
Origin: •SubQof infraclavicular and supraclavicular regions
Insertion: •Base of mandible, skin of cheek, lower lip, angle of mouth, orbicularis oris
Action: •Depresses mandible; tenses skin of inferior face and neck
Origin: •Anteriorly from epicranial aponeurosis •Posteriorly from superior nuchal line
Insertion: •Epicranial aponeurosis posteriorly and skin and subQof eyebrows and forehead anteriorly
Action: •Elevates eyebrows, protracts scalp
Orbicularis oculi
Origin: •Orbital margin; palpebral ligament; lacrimal bone
Insertion: •Skin around margin of orbit; tarsal plates
Action: •Closes eyelids
Procerus (nose)
Origin: •Facial aponeurosis; lateral nasal cartilages
Insertion: •Skin between eyebrows
Action: •Depresses medial sides of eyebrows and wrinkles skin over dorsum of nose
Origin: •Frontal processes of maxillae
Insertion: •Alar cartilage
Action: •Depresses alae laterally and dilates anterior nasal aperture
Orbicularis oris:
Origin: •Medial maxilla and mandible; deep surface of skin around mouth
Insertion: •Mucosa of lips
Action: •Closes oral fissure; compresses and protrudes lips
Levatorlabii superioris:
Origin: •Infraorbital margin
Insertion: •Skin of upper lip
Action: •Part of dilators of mouth
Zygomaticus minor
Origin: •Anterior part of zygomatic bone
Insertion: •Skin of upper lip
Action: •Part of dilators of mouth
Zygomaticus major
Origin: •Lateral part of zygomatic bone
Insertion: •Angle of mouth
Action: •Elevates labial commissures (corner of mouth)
Origin: •Parotid fascia and buccal skin
Insertion: •Angle of mouth
Action: •Depresses labial commissures (corner of mouth
Depressor angulioris
Origin: •Anterolateral base of mandible
Insertion: •Angle of mouth
Action: •Depresses labial commissures (corner of mouth)
Depressor labii inferioris
Origin: •Platysma and anterolateral body of mandible
Insertion: •Skin of lower lip
Action: •Mouth dilator; depresses and everts lower lip
Facial artery
- Branch of external carotid artery
- Winds around lower border of mandible and becomes superficial
- Passes lateral to angle of mouth
- Branches:
- Superior and inferior labial arteries
- Lateral nasal artery
- Angular artery
Superficial temporal
- Terminal ranch of external carotid artery
- Emerges between TMJ and auricle
- Enters temporal fossa
- Divides into frontal and parietal branches
Transverse facial
- Arises from superficial temporal artery
- Crosses face superficial to masseter muscle
- Anastomoses with facial artery
- Branches supply:
- Parotid gland
- Masseter muscle
- Skin of face
Sensory innervation of the face is via the trigeminal nerve (CN V)
Three branches:
Other sensory nerves:
•Greater occipital
•Lesser occipital
•Great auricular (cervical plexus)
____ is the primary motor nerve to muscles of facial expression.
Cranial nerve 7 (Facial nerve)
- It supplies muscles derived from second pharyngeal arch (hyoid arch).
- Branches: •Temporal •Zygomatic •Buccal •Mandibular •Cervical