Lecture 15 - IGF regulation of placental & fetal growth Flashcards
IGF system: how does it affect different species in their pregnancies?
- Mice - lacking placental-specific transcript of IGF-2 have reduced placental and fetal growth
- Rodent - overcome maternal constraint on growth
- Sheep - increases glucose & amino acid uptake to fetus, increases placental production of lactate
- Guinea pig - increases placental transport & fetal weight
- Humans - some studies show a correlation with birth weight - rate of increase in maternal IGF correlates with placental mass
Development of maternal/fetal exchange barrier
- Cytotrophoblast proliferation
- Cytotrophoblast differentiation & syncytial fusion
- Maturation/apoptosis of syncytial nuclei
- Extrusion of apoptotic nuclei
IGF: what role does it have in placental growth, how do we know this, what receptor is present in the placenta, and which is the main functional one?
Promotes proliferation (observed using BrdU or Ki67 staining) and inhibits apoptosis (observed using TUNEL staining)
Both IGF receptors are present in the placenta - staining results in mass staining not localised
- Inhibition of IGF1R reduces IGF-stimulated proliferation - main IGF receptor
- IGF2R knockdown does not reduce IGF-stimulated proliferation
IGF signalling pathways
- IGF binds to IGF-1 receptor
- IRS1/2, SHC, GRB2, GAB1, and SOS complex
- Activates Ras
- Ras - Raf1 - MEK1/2 - ERK1/2 - RSK, ERK1/2 and RSK act as TF, promoting proliferation
- Ras - PI3K - PDK-1 - Akt, Akt acts as a TF, promoting proliferation
PPP: what does it do to IGF?
Inhibits type 1 IGF-1 receptors
SiRNA: what does it do to IGF?
Inhibits type 2 IGF-1 receptors
PD98059: what does it do to IGF?
Inhibit MEK1/2/, inhibiting the MEK/ERK IGF signalling pathway
LYS294002: what does it do to IGF?
Inhibits PI3K, inhibiting the PI3K/Akt IGF signalling pathway
What evidence is there of the role of IGF in placental growth?
- MAPK inhibition reduces IGF-stimulated proliferation
- PI3K inhibition reduces IGF protection from apoptosis
- Inhibition of IGF1R reduces IGF-stimulated proliferation
- IGF-1/2 k/o reduces fetal size
- IGF-2 k/o have small placentas
Can we manipulate the IGF axis to influence placental and fetal growth?
- Deliver IGF to placenta via maternal circulation - quantum dots
- Enhance IGF signalling in placenta
- Increase activation of IGF1R
- Increase activation of MAPK pathway
IGF-1 with quantum dots: what are quantum dots, how can they affect IGF-1-derived placental growth, and how do we ensure it only goes to the placenta?
Quantum dots are tiny biomolecules that can bind biotin and a molecule of interest
By using this, we can activate signalling in placental explants
Using a targeting/homing peptide
IGFR2: what is it, what does its k/o do in mice, and what is its mechanism?
IGF-2 receptor
- Elevated IGF-II
- Somatic overgrowth
- Enlarged placentas
Endogenous IGF-2 binds to the IGF-1 receptor causing the typical IGF-1 effects of reduced apoptosis and increased proliferation
IGF-2 analogues: what is an example, what can they do, and what has research found them to do?
Leu27 IGF-2 - a high-affinity IGFR2 binder (able to displace and/or block IGFR2)
Bind to IGFR2, causing endogenous IGF-2 to bind to the IGFR1 and promote proliferation and inhibit apoptosis
IGF-II analogue reduces the number of small pups in a mouse model of FGR
microRNA: what is it, what does it do, what are some key enzymes in its synthesis, and how does it regulate IGF signalling pathways?
Endogenous RNA that targets mRNA for either degradation or repression
DICER/TREBP - cleaving it
- Results in reduced IGF-stimulated cytotrophoblast proliferation
- Dampens signalling molecules downstream of IGF to reduce its proliferative/anti-apoptotic effects - MAPK
DICER: how does it get k/o, what does this result in, and what effects does it have on IGF signalling?
k/o of dicer using SiRNA
Reduced microRNA production
Less inhibition of IGF signalling pathway:
* Results in higher IGF-stimulated cytotrophoblast proliferation
* less dampening of signalling molecules downstream of IGF to reduce its proliferative/anti-apoptotic effects - MAPK