Lecture 15-CVD Clinical trials Flashcards
why conduct clinical trials?
GHIMPS G-inform guidelines H- determine health policy I-influence individual choices M-market advantage P- improve clinical practice S- set standards
5 modes of clinical trial design
prospective randomised placebo controlled double blind sufficient statistical power
why do you need sufficient statistical power?
- enough numbers to give confidence in result
- enough people to detect small difference which will be valuable in long run
who creates the hypothesis? and why?
an independent steering/management committee
- independent of the drug company,
- overarching management of trial as it goes on
who creates the defined and reliable endpoints and why do you need them?
- independent endpoint adjudication committee
- standard the doctors use to diagnose should be the same–>good quality data
2 main reason why independent data safety monitoring committee intervenes
- when they need to stop trials because its harming people
2. drug treatment is so good that results need to be published- unethical that rest of population doesn’t receive drug
what committee gets to see who is taking what drug?
the independent data safety monitoring committee
who analyses the data?
independent statistical analysis committee
- experts in stats
who writes the papers?
publications committee
compare VA and advance trials - treatment
BP drugs (both
compare VA and advance trials - control
VA- placebo (didn’t know whether BP drugs would work, needed placebo)
Advance- background therapy (we know drugs work, unethical not to give)
- 80% of people taking drug are on statins, RAS drugs to reduce BP
what is the problem with background therapy?
mortality without new treatments is already on 2.5%
- if new drug wants to improve situation, already a low base
- how do you tell whether the drug is working significantly?
compare VA and advance trials - patients
VA- 143 (smaller number)
Advance- 11430 (more patients)
compare VA and advance trials - duration
VA- 2 years
Advance- 4.3 years (since patients are on background therapy, need bigger trials over a longer period of time)
compare VA and advance trials - treatment effect
VA- 20mmHg reduction in Diastolic BP- (bigger reduction)
- CV deaths (active vs control 0 v 6%)- even though small trials over short time, bigger difference
advance- 2mmHg reduction in diastolic BP (lower reduction)
- active vs control (4 vs 5%) small change