Lecture 15 Flashcards
Experimental Fracture Mechanics - History
- Irwin (1957)
concept of …….. ………. …….. (SIF)
characterised stress field around a crack
- Westergaard
Demonstrated how SIF could be derived using classical elasticity theory
- Forms the basis of ……… ………… ………… mechanics (LEFM)
Stress intensity factor
linear elastic fracture mechanics
Experimental Fracture Mechanics - 3 modes
Sketch the 3 modes of cracking ?

Theoretical background
What does this show us?

Can show stress field round crack subject to mode I loading
Theoretical background 2
what does this show us?

Stress field for mode II loading
Experimental Fracture Mechanics - Practical Application
- Techniques based on mode I & II equations (1) & (2) - . . . . must apply
- But, theoretical ……… stress at crack tip (zone .. ) - imposes non-linear effects
- However, stress singularity at crack tip dscribed by equation (1) only applies near crack tip (outside zone ..)
- Measurements taken in zone .. only

Experimental Fracture Mechanics - Photoelasticity
Stress optic law relates fringe order N to maximum in-plane stress
- what is this equation (4) ? where f and t are fringe constants and specimen thickness.
what is Mohrs circle equation (5) for this?

Experimental Fracture Mechanics - PE 2
what does this tell us ?

This expression used in many ways to evaluate KI and KII
Experimental Fracture Mechanics - classical approach (fill in the gaps)
with this , what is it possible to find?

Using (6), (7) with KII =0, possible to find KI and sigmaox in terms of rm, qm and Nm
PE Pattern
what does this show ?

pure mode I crack
PE Pattern 2
what type of fringe pattern is it ? What does this show ?

Isochromatic fringe pattern around
a crack loaded in mixed-mode tension
Line approach
how are and KI sigmaox found ?

KI and sigmaox found using two points (r1, 90) and (r2, 90)
Experimental fracture mechanics - other approaches
what are 2 other approaches?
- ……..-……. ………………
- expression (6) contains three unknowns KI, KII and sigma ox
- select three arbitrary points
- solve using Newton-Raphson iteration
- …….-…………….
- select more than three points
- surface fitting process used
Three-point deterministic
Practical use of PE
- ……. made with blade or thin saw
- ………-…………. PE
- slices taken …………. to crack front
- LEFM requires plane sections remain ……
- surface slices tend to give large errors
- Reflection PE
- Examine real cracks in ……. and ……… tests
- Coatings must be ….., not bridging crack or plastic zone
- Transmission PE
- Used to examine propagation paths
Three dimensional
static , fatigue