Lecture 14: Emotion Flashcards
How do attention and memory for emotional stimuli differ from attention and memory for neutral stimuli?
Attention and memory are more strongly remembered/ or drawn to if an emotional stimuli is involved in comparison to a neutral stimuli. Faster reaction time
How is the sensory processing regulated by different facial expressions?
Its evolutionary! has evolutionary significance since the facial expressions we make create the right motor and behavioral response to either magnify or lessen the receiving senses.
Fear: sensory acquisition increased (larger visual field, increased nasal volume and air velocity)
Disgust: Sensory acquisition decreased to avoid air flow into nostrils.
How many different Smiling expressions is there?
- The duchenne smile is the sincere true smile creating crinkles and sockets around the eyes. The Pan Am smile which is considered a “social smile” and the Coy smile which is more of a half smile.
Attentional blink for emotional vs. neutral stimuli
Emotional stimuli captures attention. The more negative arousing words reduced attentional blink because emotional words are remembered more creating a higher remembrance of T2: Neg Stimuli: Death. In comparison, a neutral stimuli as T2 would have a normal attentional blink, not being remembered as much since their first focus is T1.
Flashbulb memory
Vivid. personal (info about personal experience, not event), and accuracy depends. emotion enhances subjective sense of remembering, even though it may not affect the accuracy of the memory. In the example: Challenger explosion - 2.5 yrs later memories were inaccurate but subjects were highly confident.
Forgetting rate for emotional vs. neutral stimuli
Neutral word-digit pairs were forgotten more quickly than emotional word-digit pairs. emotional stimuli are better remembered except under very high stress. Emotion helps memory, tag memories with emotions
What is the Amygdala
two almond-shaped groups of nuclei which are the neural basis of emotion. Each amygdala is located close to the hippocampus, in the frontal portion of the temporal lobe.
What is the function of Amygdala
Your amygdalae are essential to your ability to feel certain emotions and to perceive them in other people.This includes fear and the many changes that it causes in the body. If you are being followed at night by a suspect-looking individual and your heart is pounding, chances are that your amygdalae are very active
They are thought to be a part of the limbic system within the brain, which is responsible for emotions, survival instincts, and memory.
What are the main symptoms of patients with Amygdala damage
They don’t show reduced attentional blink for emotional stimuli
Also rate for forgetting is similar for neutral and emotional stimuli
impaired at identifying facial emotion but not at generating them
and can’t acquire conditioned fear response (skin conduction) despite normal awareness of the association.
What parts of the brain are involved in emotion?
Al of them, especially the Amygdala
What are the Ekman faces?
Facial expressions made by subjects following instructions and ended up with several faces (Ekman faces) associated with certain emotions.
what is Sensory processing?
is a term that refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioral responses.
What is emotional contagion?
When we perceive different facial expression which leads us to express corresponding emotion. Emotion can be spread by expressions.
What are some examples of emotional contagion ?
When I smile, leads others to smile. When someone witnesses fear in my face, they become fearful as well. This effect is stronger when it’s with ppl that are closer to you.
Emotion: what is the foundation of some of our phobias?
Theory: evolutionary, our ancestors were afraid of things such as spiders and snakes as they threatened their lives, which as been passed on to us. These creatures don’t threaten our lives any more and yet we don’t fear current life threatening things such as guns or outlets.
What is an example of a high arousal and high valence?
Couple passion
what is an example of a high arousal and low valence?
death and deadly animals
What is an example of low arousal and no valence
a random insignificant object: a broom
what is the arousal-valence chart?
a set of criteria for where our emotions fall in
What captures attention quicker?
emotional stimuli captures attention faster. Ppl are quicker to detect a fear relevant target quicker then a irrelevant target.
What is the weapon-effect?
high stress will lead you to remember the weapon more, not anything else
Compared with neutral stimuli, emotional stimuli tend to?
a) Capture attention
b) be better remembered
c) induce a greater sense of subjective remembrance
d) all of the above