Lecture 13 - Living Primates I Flashcards
What is Binomial Nomenclature? Name the classifications in order.
A system for classifying species.
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Suborder, Infraorder, Superfamily, Family, Genus, Species
Who is more closely related: Gorilla, chimpanzee, or human?
Chimpanzee is more genetically related to modern humans than gorilla.
Define hominins versus hominids.
Hominins - humans and their direct ancestors
Hominids - humans and apes
What is a Cladogram?
A mapping of shared characteristics and a tree of relation. Use of lines.
Definite analogy versus homology.
Analogy - traits that arise independently
Homology - trait inherited by an ancestor
What is Homoplasy?
Trait that is similar across independent organisms due to similar adaptations.
What are the two types of traits in Homology?
- Ancestral - shared trait from a relatively distant common ancestor
- Derived - modified traits shared by two different groups of organisms
A method to understand how living organisms are related through genetics.
What are Dermoptera?
- flying lemurs (but not lemurs or flying)
- the most closely related to primates
What are Scandentia?
- Tupaias or Tree Shrews
What are the important characteristics of Primates?
- Grasping hands and feet (prehensile hands, opposable big toe)
- Flat nails
- Sensitive tactile pads with fingerprints
- Hindlimb dominated locomotion
- Forward facing, stereoscopic vision
- Partial closure of orbits
- Reduced snout length
- Unspecialized molar morphology
- Large brains relative to body size
- Long gestation and juvenile periods.
What is Stereoscopic Vision?
The brain combines information from both eyes to create a 3D image, helping in depth perception. Important evolutionary adaptation for primates.
Do primates have closed or open orbits?
Closed. Ie no hole behind the eyes in the temples.
What is Life History?
The pace at which an organism grows, reproduces, and ages. Ie humans have a long life history as we have long lives, and reproduce slowly.
What is the dental formula for modern humans?
Primates vary in locomotion. List the types.
- Arboreal quadruped
- Terrestrial quadruped
- Knuckle walking
- Leaping
- Suspensory/brachiation
- Bipedalism.
Primates vary in diet. List the types.
- Frugivore (eat fruit)
- Folivore (eat leaves)
- Gummivore (eat tree saps and other plant gums)
- Insectivore
Primates vary in social structures. List the types.
- Noyau
- Monogamy
- Polyandry
- Multi male
- One male
- Fission-fusion.
What does ‘stepsirrhine’ mean?
‘Wet nosed’ primates, including lemurs and lorises.
What are the differential features of Strepsirhines?
- Post orbital bar
- Tooth comb
- Reduced upper incisors
- Longer snouts
- Grooming claw
- Tapetum lucidum (shiny eyes that help see in the dark)
What is the dental formula for Strepsirhines?
Where are lemurs found?
Only in Madagascar.
What is unique about Aye-Ayes?
They are the most specialized primate with a dental formula of and have a niche similar to woodpeckers.
What does ‘Haplorrhines’ mean?
‘Dry nose’ primates.
What are the features of Anthropoids?
- Fused frontal bone
- Fused mandibular symphysis
- Larger brain
- Post orbital closure.
What are the features of Prosimians?
- Unfused frontal
- Unfused mandibular symphysis
- Postorbital is open.
What is the dental formula for Tarsiers?
What interesting behaviors do Tarsiers share with humans?
- Altruism
- Material culture
- Communication
- Social learning.