lecture 13: electrocardiography Flashcards
electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
extracellular recording that reflects the electrical activity of cardiac contractile cells
pacemaker cells are too small and too few to pick up on a signal for ECG
recorded from limb or frontal lead and chest leads
bipolar frontal leads
I —-> + LA , - RA
II —–> + LL, - RA
III——-> + LL , - LA
imaginary lines between two electrodes
get mV measurement from - electrode, subtract from + electrode
monopolar augmented frontal leads
amplifying the voltage
make a tiny signal look bigger
easiest way to see if something is wrong with your heart (noninvasive/easy)
3 + leads
AVR —–> + electrode on R arm
AVL —-> + electrode on L arm
AVF —–> + electrode on L leg
compare what is picking up with + electrode and take the difference from the other two
axial reference system
heart in center
AVR @ -150
AVL @ -30
AVF @ -90
lead I @ 0
lead II @ 60
lead III @ 120
chest leads
+ monopolar
only one + electrode
compare/subtract by all others and what theyre picking up
V1 - V6
different view of the electrical activity of the heart
intercostal space
midclavicular line
mean electrical vector
averages of all electrical vectors
angle tells you which cells are depolarizing and which direction the signal is moving in
length tells the number of cells which are depolarizing at that time
- moving towards + electrode = positive deflection (highest + voltage)
- moving away from + electrode = negative deflection (highest - voltage)
- moving perpendicular to lead = no change in electrical activity, baseline (0 voltage)
comparison between AP and ECG
AP in single myocardial cell —> have to do intracellular recording to measure electrical activity, would have to poke one specific cell to measure
ECG —-> sum of multiple APs taking place in many heart muscle cells
AV blocks
conduction through AV nodal cells is affected
1st degree, 2nd degree, and 3rd degree
1st degree AV block
every P wave —> QRS (or just ventricular depolarization)
prolonger PR interval (>0.2 seconds)
signal still being able to move through AV node to atria/ventricles BUT taking longer than it should
person may not have any symptoms (monitor)
2nd degree AV block
intermittent conduction through the AV node
no QRS complex after some P waves
show the ratio (duration between P wave and 2nd P wave peak, seconds/beat)
ex: (60 s/m) / P to P interval
ex: atrial rate is 100 bpm and ventricular rate is 50 bpm -> 2:1
treatment: place a pacemaker
3rd degree AV block
no conduction through the AV node
signal is stuck
atria depolarizing and contracting way faster than ventricles
P waves (regular depolarization rate of pacemaker/SA nodal cells) and QRS (following depolarization rate of bundle of His) are independent
affects proper filling of blood in ventricles
cant have normal amount ejected from ventricles to rest of body
affects cardiac output
treatment: place a pacemaker
sinus rhythm
every P wave has QRS complex follow
normal: 60-100 bpm
calculate by using RR interval and using HR equation
SA node as pacemaker and driving rhythm
sinus tachycardia
heart rate is >100 bpm