Lecture 13 - cerebellum Flashcards
Properties of the cerebellum
- Own cortex = massive cortical area but only has 1 output layer
- Heavily folded = fine compared to cerebral cortex = folds called foliations = large SA
- Exerts influence on movement via influence on motor and pre-motor cortex
- Connects with brain and spinal chord
- Adds coordination, fine control, skill to basic movement patters
Flattening the cortical sheet
- When you unfold the cerebellum the length reflects body mass
- Width may more reflect some cognitive properties of animal
Cell numbers
- Around 102 billion cells
- Most cells are granule cells
- Purkinje cell inputs from parallel fibres and climbing fibres
How cerebellum is wired up
- Granular, purkinje and molecular level
- Input mainly comes from mossy fibres (or cortex/spinal chord) = gives state of context
- Inputs connect to granule cells = projects axon up to molecular layer and axon splits and traverses a portion of cerebellar cortex
- Thousands of axons projecting up = all run in parallel = called parallel fibres
- Parallel fibres connect to only output of cerebellum = purkinje cells
- Purkinje cells = large cells with huge dendritic trees which push up into molecular cell layer
- As parallel fibres transverse the cortex, the purkinje cells sit in opposition to them so receive all signals from different cells
- Purkinje cells capture as much info from parallel fibres as they can with flat dendritic sheets
- Allows you to mix signals together to get contexts from lots of different parts of body
- Each purkinje cells controlled by another cell = climbing fibre
- Climbing fibre = strong, powerful, wraps itself round purkinje cell forming strong connection to it
- One climbing fibre for every purkinje cell
- Output goes to set of structures in deep cerebellum = deep cerebellar nuclei = connect off to various places
2 pathways in cerebellum
- Direct = drives the output = excitatory
- Indirect = inhibitory (purkinje cells) = restricts the output
- Nuclei are all excitatory except the purkinje cells which is inhibitory
- Balance how strongly signal driven by altering strength of pathway through cerebellar cortex = changing strength of indirect loop
Cerebellar damage
Hypermetria (overshoot)
- Neurologist holding pen and patient holding lid
- Asks patient to put lid on the pen
- With someone with damage they have loss of control
- Demonstrate tendency to miss target at end of movement
- Missing as appear to be overshooting = normally would correct movement as you move, overshoot too much in one direction, need to correct but then overshoot too much in the other direction
Intention tremor
-Shaking during an action
-Loss of coordination and skill
- Nystagmus, balance, gait, speech
- Cerebellar affective disorder: executive, emotional, personality (children)
Cerebellum and motor learning
- Inputs = sensory-motor cortical areas, parietal cortex spinal cord
- Outputs = thalamus mainly to motor and premotor cortex, red nucleus to spinal cord
- Inputs and outputs form loops e.g. if coming in from spinal chord go back out to spinal chord
- Cerebellum alters strength of output by tuning indirect pathway to change amount of excitation relative to inhibition = does this through climbing fibre input = when there is an error causes climbing fibre to signal = forces connections to strengthen (marr-albus model of learning)
Marr-Albus model of leaning
- Synapse between granule cells (parallel fibres) and purkinje cells is plastic and can undergo long term depression
- The trigger for LTD is simultaneous activity of parallel fibres and climbing fibres (associative learning) velocity via mossy fibres, error signal via climbing fibres
- LTP reduced P-cell inhibition of cerebellar nuclei and di-inhibits the direct pathway
4 examples of cerebellar learning
- Vestibular ocular reflex (VOR)
- Eye blink conditioning
- Skill learning
- Visuo-motor recalibration
Cerebellar learning: Vestibular ocular reflex (VOR)
- Input: vestibular system signal of head motion
- Output: modulation of direct path to ocular motor neurons
- Have semi-circular canal input to the vestibular nucleus which projects to the motor neuron
Also have pathway going through cerebellum = controls how much excitation going to the ocular motor muscle
- When semi-circular canals activated by head movement we drive the vestibular nucleus, which drives the ocular motor neuron –> causes the eye to move
- Indirect pathway inhibiting vestibular nucleus
- Learns how much to inhibit based on error signals = retinal slips = error triggers climbing fibres causing LTD of fibres going to purkinje cell = purkinje cell becomes less excited, so produces less inhibition = means reflex gets stronger
Cerebellar learning: Eye blink conditioning
- Classical conditioning
- Apply puff of air to eye = causes eye to blink
- If have tone or light that occurs with puff of air = produce CR of eyeblink to tone = when remove air still have response
- If you do this with someone with cerebellar damage = they will not show this conditioning response
- This is due to CS provides context (input) comes in on mossy fibres
- Error = air puff as not expected
- When air puff comes in triggers learning through climbing fibres, causes LTD of synapses onto purkinje cell = means those inputs are de-potentiated
- Means next time tone occurs, association between eye blink
Cerebellar learning: Skill learning
- Assumption of LTD
- In some cases when have cerebellum damage counter-learn in this way
- Record from cells directly and see what happens during learning task
- Recordings from cerebellum where weight loaded onto a cone and idea is counterbalance the weight = when load occurs, wrist moves and have to adjust back
- Afterr training learning to counterbalance weight efficiently
- If take recordings from cerebellum, normally purkinje cells = normally fire at fairly low rate but when learning signal comes in, causes LTD to occur = produced complex spike = looks like series of spikes of decreasing magnitude
- -> Happens because so many chemical processes in cells to trigger learning that get something beyond simple AP
- -> Can see it in recording
- -> Allows you to correct movements through loop structure which tunes balance of excitatory drive with the inhibition drive which is imposed on it
Cerebellar learning: • Visuo-motor recalibration
- Glasses with lense that’s thicker at one end = means when light enters it refracts so see image at an angle
- Brain will cope with new context and adjust behaviour to allow you to interact with environment