Lecture 13 Flashcards
What are intrinsic laryngeal muscles?
Both attachments are in the larynx
What are extrinsic laryngeal muscles?
1 attachment on the larynx, one outside of the larynx
What are the five intrinsic laryngeal muscles?
1) cricoidthyroid
2) thyroarytenoid
3) lateral cricoarytenoid
4) inter arytenoid
5) posterior cricoarytenoid
What are the two types of extrinsic laryngeal muscles?
1) suprahyoid
2) infrahyoid
What are the 6 suprahyoid extrinsic laryngeal muscles?
1) digastric
2) stylohyoid
3) mylohyoid
4) geniohyoid
5) hypoglossal
6) thyrohyoid
What are the 4 infrahyoid muscles?
1) sternothyroid
2) sternohyoid
3) omohyoid
4) thyrohyoid
The intrinsic laryngeal muscles control the _______ ______ of ________ ________
Relative positions; laryngeal cartilages
The Interarytenoids are treated as ______ muscles because there are ____ aryetnoids
Unpaired; two
What are the two parts of the interarytenoid?
Transverse and oblique
In the IA, the _______ portion pulls the bases of the arytenoids toward each other, and the ______ portion pulls the tips of the arytenoids together
Transverse; oblique
The transverse portion of the IA is _____ to the oblique portion
The function of the IA is that is causes the ___________ to come together
The LCA are _____ muscles
The function of the LCA is upon contraction the ________ processes of the _______ are pulled ________ or _______
Muscular; arytenoids; anteriorly; medialy
The Cricothyroid is the main muscles for _____ control
How does the CT raise pitch?
Rocking the cricoid upward or thyroid downward, resulting in stretched and elongated VFs
What are the two parts of the CT msucles and which is vertical and which is oblique?
1) pars recta - vertical
2) pars oblique - oblique
The posterior cricoarytenoid is the only intrinsic _______
The function of the PCA is upon contraction the ________ processes pulled _______, which opens the _____ _____
Muscular; posteriorly; vocal folds
What are the two parts of the Thyroarytenoid?
1) vocalis
2) thyromuscularis
TA Vocalis:
______ portion
Origin: ______
Insertion: _____ ________
Vocal processes
TA thyromuscularis
_______ portion
Origin: _______
Insertion: ________ _______
Muscular processes
The TA vocalis is the main _____ of the vocal folds and upon contraction it _____ the VFs and may _____ _____
Mass; tenses; raise pitch
The TA thyromuscularis probably pulls _________ toward the ______ ____ (________) to ________ the VFs
Arytenoids; thyroid angle; anteriorly; shorten
What are the four intrinsic adductors?
1) interarytenoid
2) Lateral cricoarytenoid
3) cricothyroid
4) thyroarytenoid
The extrinsic laryngeal muscles determine the ________ laryngeal ________ in the body
Overall; position
The extrinsic laryngeal muscles are probably more important for __________ purposes such as __________
Vegatative; swallowing
Suprahyoid muscles are one that have ________ attachment above the level of the _______
Extrinsic; hyoid
The major laryngeal ________ are important for swallowing
The _______ forms the floor of the mouth
Genio means ____
Which 3 muscles pull the hyoid forward?
1) anterior belly of digastric
2) mylohyoid
3) geniohyoid
Which 2 muscles pull the hyoid backward?
1) posterior belly of digastric
2) stylohyoid
What are the 3 major laryngeal depressors?
1) sternothyroid
2) sternohyoid
3) omohyoid
omos = _______