Lecture 13 Flashcards
How does biology differ from math
- highly parallel, no obvious best teaching order
- life on earth had unique history, large measure of chance mixed in
- a different planet would have different biology, but not math
What would happen if aliens visited other Earth-like planets
- none would have same history (no matter how similar physical and chemical conditions)
What does evolution mean
How do stars evolve
birth (large and dense enough that gravity ignites nuclear chain reactions) to death (when fuel used up)
How does evolution with stars differ from lifeforms
How did Charles Darwin differ from others and thus is the most famous
none wrote as extensively, as carefully, or with as much insight
where was Darwin’s theory of evolution published? what did it consist of
The Origin of Species
- 5 main parts
(never used the word evolution, just evolve at the end)
What kinds of things did Darwin do as a child
loved natural history and outdoors
- collected insects, birds, plants, rocks
What kind of science was of debate during Darwin’s undergrad? and Tenets of this new science?
geology… of debate
1. world is ancient and constantly changing
2. ongoing change in planet’s landforms/lifeforms = steady, gradual, observable
What was the prevailing belief in England at the time
Earth was relatively young (6000 years previously)… Great Chain of Being
What was the name of the sailing vessel by British Admiralty?
HMS Beagle
- chart coastline of South America
What was Darwin’s unpaid job on the Beagle
What did Darwin develop while on the Beagle
- common descent - every group of organisms descended from a common ancestor, with all lifeforms tracing back to single origin
- new species form gradually and steadily according to observable processes still in operation, happens as populations adapt to surroundings
- natural selection - mechanism of adaption whereby isolated populations evolve into new forms.
*Descent with modification
How many books did he write, which one made him famous
10 books after Voyage of the Beagle - made him famous
What allowed him to be wealthy and devote his time to writing and study?
Sizeable inheritance and investment in railroad stocks