Lecture 13 Flashcards
Is there a correlation between antibiotics and obesity?
-exposure to antibiotics in the first 6 months of life correlates with an increase in body mass
-exposure at later time windows did not show an increase in BMI
Archaeal methanogens
Strict anaerobes reduce CO2 with H2 to produce methane (CH4)
-important for preventing the accumulation of acids and reaction of end products
Why does the microbiome become more diverse in 1 year of life?
Babies can start eating actual food and not just breastmilk
-get microbes from food
What are the main roles of the gut microbiome?
-first line of defense
-educator of our immune system
Why can C. botulinum form endospores in honey?
Honey makes a hypertonic environment
-Hypertonic environment–> takes water out of cell
-causes bacteria to from endospores to survive
Why can adults eat honey?
Adult microbiome is able to fight the germination of Clostridium botulinum spores
What are bacteriocins
kill bacteria
-made by normal microbiota
Why is mucus important in the intestine
Mucus protects the intestine from pathogens
True or false: Thickness of mucus layer cannot be restored
-thickness of mucus layer can be restored by oral administration of LPS & peptidoglycan (PGN)
How can lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and peptidoglycan (PGN) restore the thickness of mucus layer?
-LPS & PGN can be recognized by the toll like receptors (TLR)
-the TLR will trigger and activate an immune response from immune system by releasing inflammatory molecules which increase mucus
True or false: bacteria and archaea in the gut decrease body fat
Bacteria with archaea have an increase in body fat
-methanogens allow for fermentation to occur b/c it makes anaerobic environment
-fermentation can produce an excess of short-chain fatty acids which is absorbed by host
Prevent the accumulation of acids by removing hydrogen
-removing hydrogen allows for fermentation to occur
What are the mechanisms of resistance
- Produce enzymes that destroy drug
- Alters binding targets of drugs
- Prevents drug entry into target cell
- Uses efflux pump to pump drug back out of cell