Lecture 12: Impacts on Food Webs Flashcards
What are three subtle impacts invasions can have on populations and food webs?
- Character displacement
- Diet shifts
- Indirect effects in food webs
What is an impact?
any measurable change to the environment caused by the invader. Often these changes include BOTH positive and negative in terms of their direction of effects on community members or environment
What are the different levels impact can be measured at?
- individual organisms (mortality, injury)
- genetic
- Population (abundance, age structure)
- Community (diversity, food web structure)
- Ecosystem (productivity, nutrient cycling, habitat quality)
Impacts are the outcome of what?
- the interaction between an invader and it’s environment
- invaders, abundance, invaders ecological function and composition of the invaded community all play a role
What is competitive exclusion?
no competing species can occupy the same niche in a stable environment
What is limiting similarity ?
- coexistence can only occur if the species niches are differentiated
Explain Character displacement
- an evolutionary effect of competition
L> competition may exclude similar species from coexisting (limiting similarity) OR it may select for differences that permit coexistence (character displacement - morphological divergence of sympatric species
L> two species are less similar where they occur together than where they occur apart
L> aka similar when apart, different together - changes reflect shift in resource use
L> usually foraging
Explain the example of character displacement in mud snails
- co occurring snails choose different food particle sizes
- when allopatric (not together) they pick sizes that are similar
Explain the example of character displacement with cisco in lake Michigan with the invasion of alewife
- Cisco managed to survive while all other planktivores wereoutcomepted by the alewife -
- did this by feeding on ethic prey, morphological change in gill rankers to change what food they could take on
- thicker and less numbers = bigger resources being used
- gill size and number is a stable trait in a taxon and can be used to define a ton SO when it changes this is a big deal
- *took 20 years
Explain diet shifts in native species in the presence of an invader.
- occur when energy flow with a food web is altered as a result of invasion
How do we detect diet shifts?
- gut content analysis
L> traditional - stable isotope analysis
L> tells you if it’s carnivores, where its feed from BUT not exactly what
L> based on the idea that certain isotopes like N is enriched when there is more animal tissue being consumed. This N ratio changes depending on how carnivores the sp is. It’s a measure of its trophic level. The same sp can vary in placement on the food web in different areas. SO N15/N14 tells you where they are on the food chain
**N15 is enriched in animal tissue relative to the content of it’s prey
L> Carbon tells you where they are feeding (C13/C12)
Explain diet shifts in lake trout in the presence of bass.
- typically feed son minnows inshore bc offshore it’s only phytoplankton
- bass comes in and reduces minnows
- lake trout suffer via comp for them
- lake trout now mostly feed on zooplankton
- *proved with isotopes and gut content. Lower C ratio indicated feeding offshore
- Lower N indicating feeding lower on the food web
Describe brook trout diet shift in the presence of white sucker.
- feeds on zooplankton offshore and inverts inshore 50/50
- white sucker feeds on benthic inverts
- white sucker outocmeptes brook trout so now their died is mostly zooplankton
Explain the impact of Corbula amurensis in San Fran
- introduced filter feeder
- it’s really prolific and eats a lot of phytoplankton
- lots of clam biomass now and not much feeds on it
- mysis mercedis decreases due to this
- diet shifts were seen in striped bass, starry flounder etc all which prefer to eat mess
Explain the impact of zebra mussels in Lake St. Clair.
- Walleye is the dominant fish
- phytoplankton are cleared out by zebra mussels
- change conditions of the water i.e. clarity
- the walleye is use to turbid water, rooted veg was spares before and started growing, fish that like living in those took over so the dom pisc now was small mouth bass
- zebra removed photo, so they compete with daphnia for zoo, SO everything in the chain goes hungry.
Effects of Corbicula in the Potomac River?
- introduced invasive fw mussel, increases clarity of water
- veg beds formed
- pos effect on certain kinds of water fowl that do well with veg beds
- bass family does well too
Explain energy flow in the black sea after mnemiopsis invasion
-before: phyto->zooplankton->anchovy->piscivores -After: phyto->Zoo+Anchovy->Mnemiopsis **comp
Explain shifts in the population of Cerithidea after introduction of a mud snail (Ilyanassa)
- introduced mud snail fed on the eggs of the native mud snail
Explain the situation with the food web of flathead lake Montana
- introduced kokanee salmon
- introduced opossum shrimp
- shrimps preferred food was zooplankton which was also the preferred prey of kokanee
- shrimp avoided being eaten by kokanee by staying at the bottom of the lake during the day and only coming up at night to feed. Collapse of kokanee fishery
- shrimp also provide food to young lake trout (another introduced sp) , which were in low numbers until the shrimp was introduced
- lake trout eventually fed on kokanee
- kokanee was fed on by bald eagles but once it disappeared, the eagles left the area. and bear population declined in the are auto
Explain the effect of the introduction of Peakcock Bass to Gatun Lake
- The introduction of Cichla may have resulted in lower biomass of phytoplankton in the lake due to it’s multi trophic level impact. Cichla was found to predate on adult Melaniris chagresi, to the point that there was reduction in the adult population by 90% in 1971 and 1972. The young of M. chagresi almost exclusively predate zooplankton, therefore, with Cichla predating M. chagresi, the predation pressure on the zooplankton is lifted and their populations can increase. With zooplankton populations increasing, it can be expected that phytoplankton populations will decrease because zooplankton predate on them.
- M. chagresi is considered to be a key species in the food web of Gatun Lake because it is a primary prey source for three higher-trophic level species (Gobiomorus dormitor, Tarpon atlanticus and Chlidonias niger). In regions where Cichla was introduced and the M. chagresi populations are lower due to heavy predation by this introduced piscivore, these secondary consumers that depend on M. chagresi are absent and were only found in regions not invaded by Cichla.
It is expected that there would be an increase in insect populations in regions where Cichla was introduced because it predates on smaller prey fishes, which primarily feed on insects. A dramatic increase in mosquito populations was noted in 1969, coinciding with when the Cichla population was peaking in the region. Alternatively, it could be suggested that variation in rainfall could alter the local mosquito population; however, the change in annual rainfall from 2238mm in 1968 to 2194mm in 1969 was a very slight change. Contrariwise, in 1970 the annual rainfall increased by 1.5x and coincided with mosquito levels to drop, suggesting that another factor aside from rainfall was an important factor in determining mosquito population levels
Explain the genetic effects of introduced species
- different species int he same genera do not ineterbreeed bc of reproductive isolation
- but hybridization , interbreeding is not rare
- plants and birds for ex
- for genetic material to shift between species, hybrids must cross with a parent species which rarely happens bc hybrids are often inferior to their parents
Explain reproductive interference
- even if no gene mixing occurs, the process of hybridization can be deleterious, through wasted reproductive effort.
ex: brook trout hybridizes with native bull trout producing sterile hybrids
** interbreeding between native and exotic species creates sterile hybrids
Explain Genetic swamping
- interbreeding between native end exotic species creates fertile hybrids
**no pure native species after three generations
Ex: - mallard duck introduced for hunting and the following native ducks: the native american black duck, hawaiian and the native florida mottled duck
Give examples of genetic swamping in fish
- cutthroat trout hybridizing with the introduced rainbow trout = extinction
- 65% of all Apache trout populations contain individuals with rainbow trout genes
Give examples of genetic swamping in mammals
- Euro grey wolf hybridizing with domestic dogs
- Domestic dogs hybridizing with simian jackal, Ethiopia
- Wildcats in africa and europe hybridize with feral housecats
Explain some other points about hybridization
- risk of extinction by hybridization is greater when endemic populations are reduced or fragmented (human activity)
- hybridization sometimes produces invasive forms
L> ex: Africanized honey bee
L> American cordgrass interbreeding with European