Lecture 12 B - Animal Viruses Flashcards
Non-segmented, negative strand enveloped ssRNA viruses include the families ______, ______, and _____.
All - strand RNA viruses bring with them their own ______.
RNA pol
In the Paramyxaviridae family, Parainfluenza virus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Mumps virus, and Measels virus all represent ______ tract infections on the basis of how they’re spread. The host range includes humans and ______.
Respiratory tract
The nucleic acid in these viruses is covered by a protein coat called a _______
The capsids of these Paramyaviridae viruses contain 2 important proteins that help them attach and fuse with host cell plasma membranes. The one responsible for attachment is called ______, while the one involved in fusion is called ______ protein. The attachment protein binds tightly to ______, which decorates proteins on host cell plasma membranes.
F (fusion) protein
Syalic acid
In - strand RNA viruses, the viral RNA generates a + strand RNA from the - strand. The ___ strand is the coding strand of RNA that can be translated into protein. Keep in mind the viral RNA polymerase can synthesize just portions of + strands used for translation into protein OR synthesize a complete + strand. The latter serves as a ______ for making a new - strand needed for viral progeny.
+ strand
There is one _____ of measles virus, which is significant because once you’ve had it or once you’re vaccinated, you have immunity to the virus.
Incubation time for Measles is ____-____ days. Symptoms initially include symptoms common to something like the flu. After the incubation period, patients present with a diffuse and macular ______. Sometimes, ______ spots appear, which are white spots that appear under the tongue or on the palate a few days before the diffuse and macular _____. Infection could lead to pneumonia, or in sever cases, _______. Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for the measles virus. Prevention involves vaccinating with the MMR vaccine at ___-___ months and again at 4-6 years.
12-15 months
Replication of the measles virus begins in respiratory ______ –> spreads to monocytes/______ –> clinical symptoms appear (remember this is 10-14 days after initial infection.) Measles attacks skin surfaces and the immune system, so children die of complications including _____, and diarrhea (keep in mind it can also lead to blindness and brain damage.)
Mumps virus also has 1 _____ (again, significant in that once you have immunity, you’re protected.) Infection leads to inflammation and enlargement of ____ glands. Systemic infection can occur via viremia with major targets such as _____ tissue, rarely testes, rarely mammary glands, rarely myocardium and pancreas.
Nervous tissue
Rhabdoviridae –> Rhabdovirus causes ____. It’s an ______ virus with a common, elongated, bullet shape.
Rabies infection leads to acute, fatal viral inflammation of the _____. Death is usually via ______ paralysis. It is transmitted through animal bites.
The initial replication of the Rhabdovirus is in _____. The incubation period is usually 1-2 months. This is significant because this would allow administration of a ______ to be effective in preventing the disease AFTER you’ve been bitten. Entry into the _____ marks the first symptoms, which are non-specific. Later symptoms, when the virus has disseminated to the peripheral nerves, include neurological symptoms such as _____ and confusion, hyperactivity, encephalitis, hypersalivation, and _____phobia. Mortality rate is 100%.
___ bodies can be seen in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum in post-mortem rabies patients. Prevention includes an extremely effective _____ (which can even be administered post-exposure because of the long incubation period.) Post exposure, passive immunoglobulins can be combined with the _____.
Filoviridae –> ____ virus belongs to this family. It is a long, filamentous virus.
Ebola virus
Ebola virus causes ______ fever. The reservoir is not know with certainty, but it’s thought to be ____. Transmission can be from infected animal to human or human to human via contact with _____ or secretions (keep in mind it does not spread through aerosols –> not a respiratory virus.)
Hemorrhagic fever
The incubation period for Ebola virus is 2-21 days, after which symptoms of fever, headache, ____ and muscle aches, followed by ____ and vomiting, rash, red eyes, and internal + external _____.
Joint and muscle aches
Diarrhea and vomiting
Ebola pathogenesis involves replication of the virus which causes damage to the _____ system, ____ storm, and necrosis in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and lungs. Hemorrhage is a result of the drop in clotting cells and proteins –> leads to edema and shock.
Cytokine storm