Lecture 12 Flashcards
Blood Histology
Plasma = Blood minus \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Serum = Plasma minus \_\_\_\_\_\_\_
- formed elements
- blood-clotting elements
In centrifuged blood what is the supernatant? Buffy coat? Precipitate?
Supernatant = plasma (fluid part)
Buffy coat = leukocytes (very thin)
Precipitate = sedimented RBCs (formed elements)
What are the 3 blood prtns? Where do they come from and what is their fxn?
1) Fibrinogens
- made in liver
- fxn in blood clotting
- target thrombin
2) Albumins
- made in liver
- exert major osmotic P on BV walls – helps cntrl what moves in and out of BV
3) Globulins
- Aby’s made in B lymphocytes (plasma cells)
What is the only blood prtn not made in the liver?
Blood cells are divided into what 3 major groups?
1) Erythrocytes (RBCs)
2) Leukocytes (WBCs)
3) Megakaryocytes —-> platelets (clotting)
WBCs divided into what?
1) Agranulocytes
- monocytes
- lymphocytes
2) Granulocytes
- neutrophils
- basophils
- eosinophils
What are the characteristics of RBCs?
1) Yes or no organelles
2) Major contents
3) what are the two peripheral prtns?
1) No organelles or nucleus — plasma membrane (PM) and associated prtns are easily isolated
2) Lipids, ATP, Hemoglobin**
3) Spectrin, actin, ankyrin
What peripheral prtn of the RBC is a major structural prtn of the actin-binding family that is a tetramer?
- 2 polypeptide chains with ends associated with short-actin filaments creating spectrin actin network
What is the primary determinant of cell shape?
Cortical cytoskeleton
What links spectrin-actin network to the plasma membrane?
1) How many nuclear lobes?
2) _______ phagocytes
3) what size and type of secretion from granules?
4) Circulation time?
5) how long do they live after leaving circulation
PMNs = polynuclear leukocytes
1) 3-5
2) ameboid
3) small nuclear granules that release lysozymes and proteases
4) 10-12 hours
5) 1-2 days
they also secrete enz that destroy bacteria by forming free radicals
Which WBC is responsible for the inflammatory response?
What type of granules does it possess?
1) Basophils
2) large membrane bound basophilic granules that contain vasoactive substances — serotonin, heparin and kalikrein
- the leukotreines increase vascular permeability and responsive for inflammatory response
- bilobed nucleus
Which WBC is responsible for the allergic response?
What type of granules does it possess?
1) Eosinophils
2) Major basic prtn (MBP) prtns that release HISTAMINE, peroxidases (antibacterial) and cationic prtns (anti-parasitic)
reddish color
-bilobed nucleus
Which WBC’s nucleus fills most of the cell?
- large round nucleus fills most of cell
- various sizes represent maturity level
- B-lymphocytes = precursor to plasma cells
- T-lymphocytes = T cells
about same size as other WBCs
What WBC is the largest leukocyte and is a precursor to both macrophages and osteoclasts?
- eccentrically located kidney-shaped nucleus
What the cell products from megakaryocytes called?
1) what do they promote?
2) what decreases the number of these?
- Platelets
1) blood clotting - increase aggregation by RFs, form platelet plug
2) prostacyclin
What stimulates the formation of a platelet plug?
Damage to the endothelium of BV exposing the COLLAGEN fibers
What is the Selectin phase of leukocyte extravasation?
- P-selectin is on the cell surface of leukocytes when endothelial cells activated by inflammatory signal
- binding of oligosaccharide ligand (on leukocytes) to the CRDs (carb recogn domains) on P-selectins causes leukocytes to roll along endothelium
What is the Integrin phase of leukocyte extravasation?
Integrins interact with Ig superfamilies, VCAM, ICAM, and endothelial ligands which causes transendothelial migration of leukocytes
What causes erythroblastosis fetalis?
- Hemolytic dz causes by incompatibility b/w mom and fetal blood
- fetus inherits antigenic determinant that is foreign to the mom –> D-AT = major cause of Rh incompatibility
- mom is Rh(-) and baby is Rh (+)
What are erythroblastosis fetalis sx?
Hemolytic anemia
hypoxic injury to liver and heart
Membrane bone has two layers of ____ bone enclosed by a single layer of ____ bone.
- compact bone
- spongy