Lecture 11 Body plan III Flashcards
Which signaling factor is necessary for formation of endoderm?
Depends on nodal expression during gastrulation. A gradient occurs between anterior and posterior gut
Describe relationship of expression of nodal and FGF-4 to establishment of anterior posterior gradient.
High levels of nodal anterior and low levels of nodal posteriorly with presence of FGF-4
Describe role of Cdx-2 in formation of hindgut and foregut.
- The posterior gut expresses Cdx-2 which promotes hindgut formation and suppresses structures of anterior gut formation
Describe relationship of Shh and BMP-4 in formation of anterior posterior intestinal portals.
- Endodermal edges of anterior and posterior intestinal protals express Shh signaling molecule.
- In posterior portal the Shh expression is followed by BMP-4 creating a gradient in the mesoderm of Hox-9-Hox-13.
Which series of hox genes is involved in refinement of differentiation of gut structures.
Hoxa-d9 is expressed most cranially and Hoxa-d13 is expressed most caudally. The distribution of the hox gene expression is associated with hindgut formation.
List major features of fourth week embryo
- Length of embryo is 4mm
- Rudiments for most of major organs are present except limbs and kidneys
- Prominent pharyngeal arches
- Wolffian ridge
What are the three major circulatory arcs in four week human embryo and components/fxn of each?
- Intraembryonic circulatory arc organized similar to fish
- Vitelline arc principally an extraembryonbic circulatroy loop that supplies yolk sac
- Allantoic arc, also extraembryonic. Consists of umbilical vessels
List and describe four exttarembryonic layers and germ layers from which they are derived.
- Amnion: inner cell mass epiblast derivitive endoderm
- Yolk sac: ICM, hypoblast derivitive,
- Chorion: part of fetal maternal interface
- Allantois: ICM, interaces with placenta via umbilical cord
List the two trophoblastic derivitives that compromise the fetal maternal interface
- Placenta: trophoblast derivative
- Chorion: Trophoblast derivative
List functions of the amnion.
- Buffer against mechanical injury
- accommodates growth
- allows normal movements
- protects fetus from ahdhesion
Describe hydramnios and what circumstances are associated?
- Hydramnios: excessive amniotic fluid greater than 2000 mL.
- Condition si frequently associated with multiple pregnancies and esophageal atresia or ancephaly.
- Plays an important role in fetal swallowing
Describe oligohydramnios and associated circumstances.
- Oligohydramnios is too little amniotic fluid, less than 500 mL.
- This condition is associated with bilateral renal angenesis (absence kidneys) and points to the role of fetal urinary excretion in amniotic fluid dynamics
What information is learned from testing for creatine?
Fetal maturity
What info is learned by testing for A-fetoprotein
A-Fetoprotein is a protein of central nervous system. In high concentrations in the amniotic fluid it indicates a neural tube defect.
What information is learned by testing for lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio?
Fetal maturity of the lungs
Describe phase I and phase II formation of amniotic fluid and its source.
- Phase 1: first 20 weeks of pregnancy, free diffusion of electrolyrtes through fetal ectoderm, maternal serum, secretion by amniotic membrane
- Phase II: contributions from fetal urine, filtration from vessels associated with chorion laevae
List known and possible functions of yolk sac in mammals.
- May concentrate folic acid Vitamins A, B12, or E
- Site of origin of primordial germ cells
- location of blood islants origin of intitial blood cells
Describe the development of allantoic vessels and their relation of allantois to urinary bladder and median umbilical ligament.
- Allantoic vessels develop into mesoderm of allantois
- Proximal part of allantois becomes median umbilical ligament that extends up from bladder
Describe stages in development of chorionic villi.
Supported by the extraembryonic mesoderm and arises from trophoblastic tissues
- Previllous embryo: trophoblastic tissues have no consistent morphological features
- Primary Villi take place in the second week and are defined
- Secondary Villus when a mesenchymal core appears surrounding the villus
- Tertiary villus occurs when blood vessels penetrate mesenchymal core, during third week of pregnancy
What are Hofbauer cells?
Fetal macrophages
Describe cytotrophoblastic column in relation to palcental development.
- part of final development of the placenta
- Formed by the expansion of the cytotrophoblastic oclumns over the maternal decidual cells
Describe cytotrophoblastic shell in relation to placental development.
- Formed by the expansion of cytotrophoblastic columns over maternal decidual cells
Describe anchoring cilli in relation to placental development.
- Villi that are anchored to cytotrophoblastic shell
Describe floating villi in relation to placental development.
Not attached to cytotrophoblastic shell
Describe chorionic plate in relation to placental development.
Describe hemochporial type placenta in relation to placental developement.
What tissue in mature placenta directly interfaces with maternal uterine CT?
What is decidual reaction?
Occurs within days of implantation of the embryo. Stromal cells swell as result of glycogen and lipid. The reaction spreads throughout stromal cells in the endometrium.
what does the term decidua refer to?
Shedding of Basal layer
Describe layers from amnion out to outer layer of endometrium.
- Amnion surrounds the fetus
- The chorionic cavity surrounds the amnion
- The chorionic plate (extraembryonic mesoderm) surrounds the chorionic cavity
What is the fate of the decidua capsularis?
- Baby breaks through this layer at birth as well as amnion
What maternal tissues are lost at childbirth?
Trace maternal-fetal blood flow pattern and where does exchange occur?
- Maternal blood enters the (trophoblastic lacunae) intervillous spaces from the spiral arteries
- Exchange of materials occurs between maternal blood in the lacunae and fetal blood in capillaries in the villi
- Maternal blood returns to maternal veins in the decidua basalis
- Fetal blood enclosed within vessels and travels t ocapillary bed within placental vili via two umbilical arteries (deox)
- Fetal blood returns from capillary beds within placental vilia via one umbilical vein
Describe FAS in relation to placental transfer.
- Alcohol can cross the placental barrier
Describe etiology of erythroblastosis and how it relates to hydrops fetalis.
Erythroblastosis fetalis is when Rh- mothers attach Rh + fetuses and the biliruben released from the lysed red blood cells causes water accumulation in fetus which is known as hydrops fetalis.
Describe hydatidiform mole and relation to placenta.
Paternal imprinting characterized by overdevelopment of trophoblastic tissues and extreme under development of the embryo. Can results from fertilization of an egg by two sperm. Paternal imprinting favors trophoblast over embryo development.
Describe placenta previa in relation to structure of placenta.
The placenta forms a partial covering over the cervical canal because hte embryo implants too close to the cervix. This can result in hemorrhage during late pregnancy and if untreated will most likely cause death. Very rare.
What is the genetic basis for hydatiediform mole?