lecture 11 Flashcards
Gap 4
difference between service delivery and external communications to customers
Determinants of gap 4
inadequate management of service promises
Overpromising in advertising and personal selling
Insufficient customer education
Inadequate horizontal communication
Differences in policies and procedures across branches or units
Goods vs services communication:
there are pure goods: tanigble separable, unperishable and homogeneous
And pure services: intangible, inseparable, perishable and heterogeneious
This poses a communication challenge as its difficult for services and easy for goods
Thherefore: make tangible, make separate, market the moment, make homogeneous
The communication challenge:
The service is
intangible, inseparable, perishable and heterogeneous
Hence: difficult to understand bleieve and remember
Contractual or relational
Hence: high switching costs
The customer is:
INdifferent or
Uncertain and fearful
How do we take away the uncertainty?
Service communication instruments: explicit promises:
Quality marks:
Independent, acutal level, weak brands, no compensation, voice to agency
Service guarantees: dependent, desirable level, strong brands, copensation, voice to company
Advertising and personal selling: dependent, desirable level, all brands, no compensation, voice to community
Communication building blocks:
means end chain
Abstract + concrete
psychosocial + functional
Terminal + instrumental
This for communication is:
Support –> leverage point + customer benefit –> driving force
Advertising goals:
Goal: what is the goal of the proposed advertising and what aspect of service is to be advertised:
Do i want to create brand identity, brand positioning and demand creation
Inputs, processes and outputs
Brand identity
every service does have a certain part of tangible coponents
Physical representation
Distinct brand mark:
Intrinsic elements of physical devlivery system
Physical object extrinsic to the service product
Visual symbol (mcdonalds sign)
Brand positioning
Defining the brands place in the category, differentiating it form some or all competitors
Service inputs: physical represnetation (as cues or associations)
processes: performance documentation
Service performance episode
Outputs: serice consumption episode
Demand creation
Demand creating for the service category itself and demand for the specific service brand
Service consumption EP
Service performance EP
Service consumption documentation/performance documentation
Sixservice communication failures:
1) no unique important customer benefit
2) failure to make customer benefit understood
3) No prominent nad consistent use of brand symbols, linked to customer benefit
4) insufficiently motivating communication of customer benefit
5) insufficient benefit support through tangibles
6) insufficient targeting of new and existing customers and personnel
Quality marks (various forms)
certification: example: ISO9004
Third party that judges the process (process indicators), is the process done as written down, is it reliable, or acutal(sometimes minimum) performance
Quality marks:
Example: bovagkeur
Group industry body that evaluate input and output, also judges competence and other things, takes away uncertainty, has acceptable/minimum performance based on these
Unconditional service guarantees
e.g. BBBK (bugs burger bug killer)
they say, you dont pay until total solution, if youre dissatisfied 12 montsh later you get your money back and next years new exterminator.
If guest spots during meal or room, free now and in future + apology
restaurant Closed, then pay all fines + 5000 dollar extra
charge ten times more thann a competitor without guarantee
Relaly high market share because of service guarantee
120000 is what they had to pay on 33 million revenue
Unconditional service guarantees:
1) meaningful
important aspects = understand, customer
Substantial compensation = security
cost of service, seriousness of the failure, customer perception of what is fair
2) Unconditional = reliable
what can be controlled? (focus on components you can control)
if i guarantee 100% satisfaction
3) easy to understand and communicate
4) easy to invoke
5) easy to collect
Guaranteed satisfaction or else
we guarantee high quality coomodations, friendly and efficient service, and clean, comfortable surroundings
If youre not completely satisfied you get your money back
THis wont work in nl cause someone wont be completely satisfied… may work in us but not in the fucking nethlerands ofc
Unconditional service guarantees (advantages)
1) customer orientation = gap 1
2) service quality standards = gap 2
Creates clear standards
3) Analysis of service design = gap 3
4) feedback about delivery = gap 3
5) differentiate on USG = gap 4
Effect: N of customers * relation duration * profit contribution = attraction * retention * contribution
When do service guarantees fail?
1) when perceived risk/uncertainty is low
2) quality leader without istakes
Negative effect on image
3) when performance is not controllable
External variables
4) When customers misuse the USG
Conditions, financial effect
5) when implementation costs are too high
when is quality free