Lecture 11/12- Cognitive Development Flashcards
What is cognitive development?
cognitive development is the process of intellectual growth and development
What did Jean Piaget do and believe?
Piaget was the father of cognitive development and observed children of all ages for many years
he proposed a sequence of development that all normal children follow, that they go through all at the same age
What is the sensorimotor stage and the components within it?
this stage is for infants from birth to 2 years old
in this stage children develop
- object permanence
- schema formation
- representational thought
What is object permance?
this is the idea that objects do not cease to exist when they are out of sight
What object permeance do infants have from birth to 3 months?
children between these ages look at visual stimuli and turn head to noise, but once the stimuli is out of view they do not think about it anymore
What age is a child is they are able to follow a moving object with their eyes, but will not search for an object if it has disappeared?
a child showing these traits are about 3 months of age
What object permeance does a 5 month tend to have?
a 5 month old child will grasp and manipulate objects and will anticipate the future position of an object
What object permeance does an 8 month old show?
at 8 months old, children will search from a hidden object with the “A to B” effect, which is where they will look for the object in the last place they found it, not the last place they saw it
most of the time children know where the object is hidden, but their arms override their brain due to motor habit
If a child search’s for a object in the last place they saw it, how old are they?
the child will be around 12 months old
What is schema?
a schema is a mental framework to help us to organise and interpret information
What is assimilation?
the process by which new information is modified to fit in with already existing schemas
If a child saw a cat and claimed that it was a ‘dog’, this is an example of?
What is accomodation?
the process by which an existing schema is modified or changed by new experiences or ideas
If a child saw a cat, and learnt that it is not the same as a dog, so therefore developed their schema to include “cats”, this is an example of?
What is representational thoughts?
this is the ability to form mental representations of others behaviours
Piaget –> Sensorimotor Stage
How does a child show that they have developed representational thoughts?
children show this ability through imitation, immediate and deferred, symbolic play and the use of words to represent objects
What is the preoperational stage, and what do children develop within it?
children in the preoperational stage are between the age of 2 to 7 years old. in this stage they start to think logically as well as symbolically, they also rapidly develop language ability and counting, as well as object manipulation
What is conversion? and how must children understand it graduate out of the preoperational stage?
conversion is the understanding that specific properties of objects remain the same despite apparent changes or arrangement of those objects
children must show an understanding, that even if the properties of the object (height, length, volume), the objects remain the same
What is ego centrism? and how would children no longer in the preoperational stage show this?
egocentrism is a child’s belief that others see the world in precisely the same way that he or she does
often the use of a diorama task is used to show a child’s development of this, if the child can predict and explain that from a different view, they would see something different, they are usually no longer in the preoperational stage
What is the concrete operational stage?
this stage is see in kids between the ages of 7 to 12
children in this stage develop the ability to perform logical analysis, empathies with the thoughts and feelings of others, and understand complex cause-effect relations
What is the formal operations stage?
often only contains children from the age of 12 and up
children in this stage have abstract reasoning and metacognition, which is the ability to think about thinking and thought process
also dependent on exposure to principles of scientific thinking
What is ‘The Effect of Occlusion’?
this is a habituation procedure, where infants prefer to pay attention to novel things
What do babies prefer to look at, even from newborn?
infants prefer to look a faces rather than scrambles faces
From what age will babies start to try imitate facial expressions?
from the age of 3 weeks
At what age do children usually start to follow their mother gaze?
from the age of 9 months