Lecture 10.1/10.2 More Deuterostomes Flashcards
What clades are considered Deuterostomes ?
- Hemichordata
- Echinodermata
- Chordata
What is the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates?
Invertebrates do not have a backbone
Characteristics of Vertebrates?
- Spinal Column
- skull with brain
- well-developed circulatory system w/ ventral heart
Agnathan clade?
- considered a vertebrate
- but split off before the evolution of jaws and mineralized skeleton
NO JAW or mineralized skeleton
- A- without*
- gnath-jaws*
- stome-mouth*
Has Jaw & Bones
stome- mouth
Examples of Agnathans?
Gnathostomes three major clades?
Chondrichthyes- sharks and rays
Actinopterygii- ray-finned fishes
Sarcopterygii- tetrapods like us, humans
Fact about the common ancestor of Actinoterygii & Sarcopterygii?
Evolved outgrowths of gut(sacs) that could be filled with air
- lungs evolved for sarcopterygii
swim bladders evolved for actinopterygii
- can be filled with air or water to help fish swim up or down
What fish was found in 1938?

Example of lobe-fins?
Lung fish (sarcopterygii)
Tetrapods meaning?
tetra- four
pod- foot
Who are the tetrapods?
- Amphibia
- Amphi = both kinds (two life stages)
- aquatic, amphibious, or terrestrial
- aquatic larvae
- Amphi = both kinds (two life stages)
- Reptilia
- Mammalia
What are the three clades of Amphibians?
- Caudata
- Salamander
- Anurans
- frogs & toads
- anura = no tail
- Caecilians
- Legless
- develop in soil and near water
What is the sister clade of Amniotes?
Reptiles and Mammals
Invertebrate Chordates?
Jawless Vertebrates?
includes the hagfish and lamprey

Jawed Vertebrates?
includes the

Synapamorphy was eggs and milk includes the :
- Raptilia
- Mammalia
Evolved key adaptations to live on land
Amniotes are within what clade?
Amnoitic egg has four extraembryonic memebranes
_____, ________,_________
- Amnion protects embryo from sudden movement
- Yolk sac encloses nutrient for developing embryo
- Chorion and Allantois enhance gas exchange & excretion of waste
What is another form of adabtation to dry habitats?
Tough, dry skin
What are the reptile synapomorphy?
Scales or feathers made of Kertain
Difference between oviparous and ovoviviparous
oviparous- amniotic eggs on land
ovoviviparous- female retaind egg, gives birth to juveniles
cannot regulate body tempature (echothermic)
Therefore they need to absorb heat from the enviornement
What are the three clades of extinct reptiles?
- Parareptiles
- Plesiosaurs
- Ichthyosaurs
What are the two clades of Lepidosaurus?
Squamates (Lizards & snakes)

What two groups are Archosaurs that are not extinct?
Crocodilians and Birds
What are the similarities in Crocodilians & birds?
- Gene sequence
- circulation & resppiration
- degree of parental care
What dinasour is not extinct?
Archaeopteryx: Therapod dinosaurs

What are the features in birds imporant for flight?
Hollow bones
Furcula (wishbone)
unidirectional lungs!
Flightless birds

Diverse in clades and its the rest of the living birds

What are the mammals synapomorphies?
Sweat glands
Mammary glands (ex: breast feeding)
What is a Synapsids?
One distinct opening in skull behind each eye
gave rise to mammmals
What are the mammals differentiated reproductive biology?
Monotremes (egg-laying)
Eutherians (young develops in the uterus)
lay eggs
lack a placenta
mammary glands (no nipples)
EX: platypus and 4 echidnas
Name a Marsupial?
Eutherians development fact?
Young development in uterus, while joined to the mother by a placenta

Synapmorphies of Primates?
Limbs with grasping hand a& fett
Flat face with foward facing eyes
HUMANS and Gorillas
What are the two types of Primates?
The Prosimians -lemurs
The Anthropoids - the monkeys, apes, and Humans!
Pro- Before
Simiams - monkeys
Live in “Old World” Africa
Anthropoids includes what worlds?
New and Old
New World monkeys have prehensile tails

What are the closest living relatives to humans?
Chimpanzees and bonobos