Lecture 10 - Social Anxiety, Shyness and Embarrassment Flashcards
What are the 3 things in the family of social anxieties
- Embarrassment
- Shyness
- Social Anxiety
Social anxiety contains elements of the first two, but embarrassment and shyness can
What has social anxiety told us about?
- Informed us about why people feel embarrassed and the impact this an have
- The extreme form = Social Anxiety Disorder - helps us understand effects of shyness and embarassment combining
Outline Mattick & Clarke’s (1997) distinctions between:
- Social ‘Interaction’ anxiety
- Social Phobia
- Social ‘Interaction’ anxiety
- Problems with interactions in social world
- Dealing with different, odd social situations
- Distress on meeting and talking to others
- Fear of being inarticulate, sounding stupid etc
- Anxiety about the situation in general - Social Phobia
- Anxiety/ fear at prospect of being observed by others
- What others will think of you, how they are perceivng you
- Fear of being structinised in that situation, not just the situation as a whole
- Eating, using public toilets etc
- Insecure in unseucre company
How is Socialy Interaction Anxiety measured?
Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS)
- Statements you have to agree/ disagree too
- E.g. i have difficulty making eye contact with others (important measure as it is frequent in social interactions)
- Tension vs relaxation is important too
How is Social Phobia measured?
Social Phobia scale
- Again statements you have to agree/ disagree to
- E.g. i worry i might do something to attract the attention of other people
- SPS looks more at experience of anxiety, and how it effects a performance on a task
- Comparing from when they do that task in a social situation vs on their own
Outline Social Anxiety Disorders
- Significant combination of embarrassment and shyness
- Problems with social interactions
- Fear of social situations due to being judged negatively
- Always anticipating what could happen and what could go wrong
- recognise anxiety levels are unreasonable/ excessive
- interferes with daily life
How can S.A.D impact life?
- Educational
- Occupational
- Interpersonal
Major impact on life:
- Education
- may not attend lectures if feeling too self-concious
- may not like doing group presentations - Occupational
- may not take a job if it involves giving presentations, or lots of group work
- May prefer to work alone - Interpersonal
- May not socialise very much/ prefer their own company
What did Heckelm & Schneier (1995) define Social Anxiety Disorder as?
- Central aspect is fear of performing or “showing oneself up” in social situation - as this was lead to embarrassment, humiliation and shame
- Anticipation is key - anticipating something will go wrong, so they avoid the situation. But may feel shame/ embarrassment that they have missed the social interactions - its a vicious circle
Who does SAD affect?
- Usually before age of 25, rare above then
- Children and teens
- Varies between individuals
- Shyness may increase with age, and increase with your knowledge of peer intreactions and social judgement
- Other cases may be linked to specific life events
What are the 3 manifestations of Social Anxiety Disorder?
- Generalised Social Anxiety Disorder
2, Non-generalised (performance) Social anxiety disorder - Avoidant Personality
Outline Generalised Social Anxiety Disorder
- Wide range of social situations
- Persistant shyness throughout life
- Not event specific - just their temperament
Outline Non-generalised (performance) Social anxiety disorder
Anxiety response to certain situations
- performing in front of others
- Much more specific
Outline Avoidant Personality
- Most severe form of social anxiety
- Detached personality pattern
- No close friends, avoid activities
- Detached from social envronment
- Avoid situations
What are Markway & Markway (2003) 3 categories of SAD symptoms?
- Cognitive SYmptoms (What they think)
- Phsyical Reactions (How their body feels)
- Behavioural Avoidance (What they do)
Need to meet all 3 to be categorised with a form of SAD
Outline Cognitive Symptoms according to Markway & Markway (2003)
- Negative thoughts and doubts about themselves (Will i sound stupid, do i look okay?)
- Search for affirmation from outside world - if they can see everything is going okay, it will calm their social anxiety symptoms
- If audience is giving indication that the do in fact look stupied, their symptoms may be manifested a bit more
Outline Physical reactions according to Markway & Markway (2003)
- Vicious cycle: cognitive symptoms may cause physical reactions and vice versa
- Panic attacks, dizziness, shaking, sweating, short breath, increased HR, tight chest, numb body nausea
Outline Behavioural Avoidance according to Markway & Markway (2003)
- It is in our nature to avoid disttress and pain
- Extent of avoidance determined by severity of anxiety
- Choices always based on fear: either of the situation, or their actions in the situation
- Avoidance reinforces anxiety - you avoid learning that you can cope and manage the situations
What are the 3 causes of Social Anxiety Disorder
- Genetic and Biological
- Developmental Theory
- Chemical Imbalances